Friday, December 17, 2010

What the F???!!!!!!!

I'm so pissed....I've worked off and on the post three days on a post about choosing your response to the escalating oppressive forces. It wasn't coming together easily. Finally, I spent the past couple of hours rewriting and pulling it all together. Formatted the font, etc. When I pushed Publish, I landed at the log in page????? Logged in failed three times. Finally it took but instead of landing on my blogger dashboard, I received a page saying "You request can not be processed." Swearing loudly now. I linked through the google home page, landed on the blog and found that nothing I'd written today had been saved. As I was writing it told me it was autosaved!!!??? But the finished post is gone.

Mercury in retrograde? Censorship? Don't know.

I'm taking the dogs to the dog park. We all need to run off steam. Sheeeeshh!!!!

Need to compose myself, and compose another blog post.....we'll return after the station break. Not sure what station I'm on anyway at the moment.

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