
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Define Your Sovereignty; Upgrading Your Self-Identity

All your ideas, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings about who you combine into what we refer to as your Self-Identity. Our thoughts and ideas are like tennis balls we toss up in the air. Emotions connected to our thoughts and beliefs are the tennis racket we use to send the tennis ball out into the quantum field. The quantum field acts as a backboard sending back to us the circumstances that mirror the thoughts, beliefs and emotions we sent out. The stronger the emotion connected to a thought or belief, the more energy propelling those thoughts and beliefs against the quantum backboard. And then back into our lives.

We each have strong, deeply rooted emotions connected to the thoughts and beliefs we hold about who we are, don’t we? This is why editing, revising and clearing up your Self-Identity to remove/release the negative thoughts and emotions about who you are can have such a big and beneficial impact on your life. Editing out the negative, limiting beliefs and negative emotions clears the space so that the real You can shine through in all your glory!

When I began the actual ascending process, I saw that in fact, upgrading one’s Self-Identity plays a “key” role in activating for ascension to occur. For those choosing to pursue transitioning to the next level of consciousness (ascension), clearing out what is Not You from your Self-Identity serves as one of the keys to ascension, unlocking the door to ascending to the next level of consciousness.

These exercises and the mediation tools to follow (in subsequent posts) are ones I created for myself in the months just prior to ascending up to the next level of consciousness. At the time, I created these tools in order to feel better about myself and to free myself from the weight of all negative, belittling, judgemental labels I’d absorbed in childhood and adulthood. The exercises made a huge difference in how I felt about myself and I share now with the intention that they might assist others in their journey of growth, healing and wholeness.

So let’s pick up and continue on from where we left off in Part I of this series.
Gather up your lists from the previous exercises. There’s one more list to create. Well actually two.

The Positive Qualities You May or May Not Own
Make a list of the positive things others say about you. Examples: You’re so talented. You always know how to handle an emergency. You’re so creative. You’re one of the most non-judgemental people I’ve ever met.

Some of these positive statements about you may be strengths or attributes you own.  On the other hand, some might be ones you’ve resisted owning about yourself. If you have a lot of resistance about owning a positive quality that others often acknowledge, it might be an area to look into.

You Are The One & Only Expert On You
Each person is unique. You are the one and only expert on You. Thus you are the only one who can make the choices as to what you wish to include in your Self-Identity and what you want to edit out and release from your mental, emotional, physical and energetic fields.

Defining Your Revised Self-Identity
While it may seem counter-intuitive to start defining your revised Self-Identity before taking steps to release the parts you want to let go of, there’s a benefit to starting here first. When you define your Self-Identity in a new way, one that most accurately reflects who you are and how you choose to see yourself, you gain clarity, stability, strength, and become more grounded. This puts you in a solid & high vibrational space, one which facilitates the process of releasing the stuff that no longer, or never did, fit for you.

After reviewing all the lists you’ve made from this and the previous post, each giving you info on how you see yourself from different perspectives, it’s time to define your revised Self-Identity. On a clean sheet of paper, make a list of the qualities, attributes, and self-identifiers you choose for yourself. Taking the time to write out your Self-Identity is a first step in self-expression and bring your true sense of self into form.

This is a statement of your sovereignty. And it’s not my place to guide you this way or that. Yet I will share some options you might consider.

Options to consider:
  • Place the various roles you play - spouse, sibling, parent, grandparent, supervisor, employee, etc. - in a side column of “Hats” that you put on and take off as needed.

  • Consider including qualities and attributes that you want to embody. Example: courage, compassion, humour, confidence, flexibility, honesty, integrity….

  • Practice “trying on” qualities or attributes that you want to embody on a continuing or situational basis. Each of us knows what confidence feels like, for instance, even if we’ve not seen ourself as very confident in the past. Trying on an attribute on gets us re-acquainted with the feeling, one you may decide you want to embody frequently.

  • If you’re looking to make a career move, or change direction in another aspect of your life, consider including the qualities and attributes that fit you being successful in this new endeavor (however you define successful).
It’s important to recognize that, as a Sovereign being, you are in charge of how you choose to see and feel about yourself. You can choose how you want to experience yourself. Pretty neat, huh?

With your new sense of Self-Identity taking root and giving you stability, I’ll spend the next couple of posts sharing some meditation tools that can be effective in releasing old labels and false personae, reigning in your inner critic, and replacing limiting beliefs with positive ones.

You are the Light. Shine with the clarity of your true Self!