
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Welcome To The Great Awakening Puzzle Switching Mash-Up

We are in the midst of massive transformation, also known as The Great Awakening. Great evolutionary charge is occurring in the outer world at the individual, national, and global levels. Great evolutionary change is happening within each individual at the mental, emotional, physical, energetic structural, vibrational, and spiritual levels. ALL levels, both in the outer world and each individual’s inner world, are interconnected and interdependent. Each small change ripples outwards effecting everything, whether we realize it or not. Any wonder why this feels like a lot to navigate through.

Our understanding of the nature of reality is shifting rapidly now. Our perceptions inform our thoughts, feelings and actions. As our perceptions change we respond differently, ideally in a more congruent manner.

Change is often a chaotic process. New replaces old, with rippling effects spreading outwards on beyond out view. Having these big evolutionary changes occurring at multiple levels simultaneously is more than Ginormous. Is there even an adjective word in our language that accurately describes it? 
So we use the term The Great Awakening. It’s all so much to wrap one’s mind around. In an effort to provide some clarity, here are some process frameworks and analogies that may help, both for understanding, and for navigating through your own Great Awakening. 
A Process for Framing
If we step back, identify, define and understand the process we are in, we can then locate where we are in the process, which provides us with a cognitive framework to figure out what’s the best option to focus on and do now. 
Let’s say this again in a new way:

A Four Step Process of Figuring Out What the Heck is Going On & What Shall I Do Now?
1. Step back to obtain a 40,000 foot view;
2. Observe, identify, define, and understand the process you/we are in;
3. Identify where you/we are in the process;
4. From this multi-level cognitive framework, decide out what’s the wisest things to focus on and do now.

This 4 step process can be used for understanding both outer world events and inner world transformation.

When things feel confusing or overwhelming, that’s a good time to stop, breath, and then if it fits for you, use the 4 Step Process outlined above. Check in first on where you are internally. This gives you grounding & stability in the present moment. It’s always best to find your center, be grounded and stable internally, before shifting your focus towards understanding what’s going on in the outer world. 

Jigsaw Puzzle Analogies
The analogy of putting together a jigsaw puzzle is a great one to use for understanding the process of changing perceptions & the path of spiritual discovery and growth.

As we find new concepts and pieces of information, we put these pieces together to reveal a picture (understanding) of our self and of the world. The puzzle picture is ever expanding as we add new pieces.

Sometimes, in the process of finding new pieces to add to your picture of reality, the new pieces don’t fit, yet you have solid basis to know they are true. Which means other pieces already incorporated in your puzzle picture are inaccurate. Fitting in the new pieces requires reordering your current picture to result in a revised picture of your reality. Most people find this process of re-ordering their picture of reality uncomfortable internally, either/or mentally and emotionally. We call this cognitive dissonance. Each person has a choice then whether to proceed through reordering their perceptions or back off and keep their current picture, thus rejecting/ignoring the new information. For each of us, this is a free-will choice we are entitled to.

The gap we see now between those who have chosen to re-order their reality and those who’ve chosen to hold on their time-worn reality is growing wider and wider. The former have gained confidence in their process of throwing out old, false pieces of information and incorporating new pieces. 

Their picture of reality now changes rapidly with each new piece of truth added. As they do this, the gap between those that have incorporated a new reality and those that have not continues to grow wider. The two groups are living in very different worlds, with very different puzzle pictures of reality, so to speak.

Jigsaw Puzzling in Action
For those who’ve been watching, or participating in the Qanon army of researchers, you’ve seen this process in vibrant action. Q drops contain bit of truth, clues that can be decoded, points of connection not previously seen. Anon researchers dig for open-sourced evidence (pieces of information). New theories are proffered as to how the new pieces might fit together. After a group process of validating, speculating and confirmation, new pictures of our reality emerge to be shared with others, thus spreading this collective process of arriving at new understanding of one’s reality.

Personally, after finding qresearch in late December 2017, I became a full-time, dedicated lurker. There were a number of times when major new pieces of info caused me to vastly re-order my understanding of a component of the world. Being a searcher for truth for many years, aka “Conspiracy Theorist”, I trusted the process and allowed the cognitive re-ordering to take place without any resistance. Doing so was actually quite thrilling and fun, with ripples radiating through me mentally, physically, and vibrationally. Having already released my emotional attachments to what occurs in the world a few years ago during the transition of consciousness, there was no emotional resistance to shifting my understanding of reality to incorporate the new understanding of how the world has been operating. It’s the emotional attachments or ego that create resistance to moving freely in the midst of change. 

The Flood of the New Pieces Come in
Here’s another puzzle analogy for where we are now in this Great Awakening process. Imagine rather then new pieces of truthful info coming in at manageable pace, that someone started pouring a great pile of new pieces onto your puzzle table at a rate that was a challenge to keep up with. Think Declas, unsealing of Epstein docs, IG Horowitz reports, disclosure, and more that will be a surprise for even the most adept Q autist Anons.

If things transpire as many of us reasonably believe they will, we are about to experience just such a flood of new, true puzzle pieces pouring out. It’ll be a lot to sort through. For the people who’ve been holding on to a rather false picture of reality they’re about to get slammed in the avalanche. Because their attachment to their understanding of reality is held strongly at the emotional, ego and self-identity levels, they’re in for a very rough go of it. 

This will be the time for those who’ve gained a sense of grounding in their new, truer picture of reality, to offer, in compassion and unconditional love, a hand to assist others in sorting the new pieces of info and re-ordering their cognitive picture of reality.

Multi-dimensional Jigsaw Puzzling in Action
Here’s where things really get mind-boggling. If we move our perception up a level, we discover that the process of re-ordering our internal understanding of reality is occurring simultaneously in multiple arenas at the same time. As I wrote at the beginning of this article:

Great evolutionary charge is occurring in the outer world at the individual, national, and global levels. Great evolutionary change is happening within each individual at the mental, emotional, physical, energetic structural, vibrational, and spiritual levels. ALL levels, both in the outer world and each individual’s inner world, are interconnected and interdependent.

So staying with this jigsaw puzzle analogy, each of us are now in the midst of sorting and incorporating in all the new pieces of truthful information on numerous jigsaw puzzles, both the outer world puzzles and the inner world puzzles. Ideally, this analogy can be used as a framework for identifying what the process of The Great Awakening is, where you are in the process, and allow you to make congruent decisions about where you focus your attention and energy.

Another way to view this is that simultaneously:

You’re shifting puzzle pictures in the (re)discovery of who you are.

You’re shifting puzzle pictures in the (re)discovery of what is really going on in the world & Universe.

You’re shifting puzzle pictures in the (re)discovery of the structure & operation of Universal Laws.

You’re shifting puzzle pictures in the re-ordering of how you interact in the world & Universe.

There are days when I look at what’s rolling out in the news, what’s scrolling by in social media posts, what’s being posted by Q and the qresearchers, and it all comes across as such a cacophony of chaos it’s a challenge to witness. These analogies, particularly the simultaneous, multi-dimensional puzzling, were what I arrived at when I looked inwards for a framework from which to view the enormous, interdependent swirls of change so it all make sense. It’s my intention that the readers might find these helpful too.

Godspeed on your journey!

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