
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Ask Me Anything #1: What happens during The Shift?

From an Anon on 8kun

I’ve received a number of questions from readers that I thought might also be of interest to others. So here’s the first in a series of AMA (Ask Me Anything) posts. The first question is:

What happens during The Shift?

My first, immediate response is to ask this question:

Well, what do you want to happen during The Shift? 
I ask this in response because we each contribute to what occurs both in our own lives and on the global scale. We contribute with our thoughts, beliefs, emotions (vibrations), and actions. This is one of the most valuable endeavors one can undertake, learning exactly how we create using our consciousness. I’ll ask this question in another way that opens many doors:

How do you want to experience yourself during The Shift?

The implications of asking how you want to experience yourself in regards to The Shift, or another situation or relationship are immensely profound. I really can’t overstate this. We each have the capacity to choose how we experience ourselves in any given situation or relationship. We can choose what specific attributes we want to embody. As an example, I usually choose, as a baseline, to embody honesty, integrity, compassion, unconditional love, gratitude, joy, and mutual respect & appreciation. I’ll add on other attributes as fitting a particular situation.

I’d encourage people to experiment with this approach as a tool. In my own life, I’ve found this to be by far the most powerful tool in my toolbox. I’m in the early stages of writing a book about this topic. It’s that big.

Going back to the question of What happens during The Shift?
It’s important to first identify how we’re defining “The Shift”. There are many commonly used terms - The Shift, Ascension, The Event, Expanding Consciousness, 5D, Enlightenment – for starters, that are discussed within the spiritual community. Yet if one pays attention one notes that none of these terms have universally agreed upon definitions. You might observe that each person arrives at their own definition. Kryon spoke to this issue recently (here), sharing the observation that many people take a misinterpretation, build a whole scenario in their mind around the misinterpretation, and then run with it. As a result, they miss what’s actually occurring all around them. 
If one looks back, the term The Shift first emerged back around 2009, referring to the transformation of human consciousness on the planet. Here’s link to the book in which I first became aware of The Great Shift in humanity. This Shift in consciousness on the planet involves a three to five generation process in which the consciousness of the human population transitions from 3rd density (level of information) to Enlightenment (4th density consciousness). 

Remember that density relates to the level of understanding/access to the Field of Consciousness, i.e. information, and is different than dimension, which pertains to location in space/time.

The transition to a new level of human consciousness on the planet, The Shift so to speak, takes place through:
  • Individuals who are ready & who choose to, transitioning their consciousness into Enlightenment while remaining incarnate on Earth. This is primarily the Lightworkers, Starseeds & Old Souls currently incarnated here.
  • Humans at 3rd density level completing their lifetime and transitioning out (aka dying) in order to continue their soul evolution somewhere other than Earth.
  • New children arriving that operate at Enlightened, 4th density consciousness. This has been occurring since 2012 plus additional front-runners.
There’s been a trend just in the past couple of years to interpret the term The Shift to mean a singular event. My observation is that people have, as Kryon pointed out, grabbed onto this idea and then create scenarios around how it’s supposed to happen. If people imagine that a single outside event will take place and magically transition everyone’s consciousness to the next level, it allows the people embracing this idea to ignore the role of inner work, clearing out what isn’t true to the Self, healing & forgiveness, which are all necessary for transitioning one’s Self into an Enlightened state of consciousness. The scenarios usually also include some version of no more challenges and never having to worry about much of anything again.

This is not to say that there are not challenging events facing us. There are. We’re experiencing and witnessing a few of these challenging events unfold right now. We have:
  • The ongoing unfolding of The Plan to take down the cabal & their deep state operators. The battle of Light exposing and eliminating darkness. The awakening of people to the truth.
  • The early stages of the solar minimum which is heading into an ice age to peak in about eight to ten years from now.
  • The fast eruption and spread of the COVID-19 corona virus pandemic.
  • Some version of solar flash, pole shift, earth changes coming in roughly four years from now. The planet has a lot of negative energy, a result of thousands of years of humans being in anger, fear, pain & despair, that she needs to release.
For each of these “events” you can refer back to my last post about navigating The Storm. Everything can be looked at from multiple perspectives. An event perceived from one perspective as a tragedy can also be perceived as beneficial from another. For instance, the corona virus may be the vehicle that wakes people up to the fallacy of our corrupt “health” care system and leads to it’s collapse. Or imagine if people, in the midst of this epidemic, learned that frequency from a Rife Machine could very quickly eliminate the virus? And this knowledge spread like wild fire.

It’s in the midst of big challenges that we often break free of limiting modes of operating and become willing to consider new alternatives. It’s from challenges that we learn and grow. It’s during challenges that we look inwards to find faith & hope, strength & resourcefulness, and reaffirm that Love & connection is what matters most of all.

I hope readers find this helpful. If you have follow up questions, on this or some other topic, please post a comment. Discussion & questions assists us all. 

In Light & Love, Helen


  1. Hi, Helen. Here's my question: do you think the deep state knows about reincarnation and are doing everything they can to cover it up, because they know that if humans don't fear death they won't fear them anymore? That's been my sense for a while.

  2. Hello!
    Here's one....
    I am a Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ as my savior and redeemer. Non-denominational, but rooted in a Christian worldview. I believe that the prophets and disciples lived and experienced life as described in the Bible, and that each chapter is a direct account of God's mercy, deliverance, authority, and His prophetic revelation to come.
    At first, I struggled to reconcile if this ascension/dimensional/cosmic consciousness awareness coming to me was contradictory, or complimentary to my beliefs. I've been looking at it from a wide lens and with an open mind. I read a lot about spiritual worldviews that don't always take a Biblical approach, but a more cosmic/astrological approach. I've read the Book of Enoch, and Hidden Hand discussions. I've fallen asleep to guided chakra-healing meditations, and have learned about opening the third eye to connect with my spirit guides. I see how the human race has been ravaged by fallen angels, and that even the purest of human souls can be deceived.
    To me, this all seems compatible with my Christian beliefs.
    What I'm wondering is, first of all, do YOU think it's logical to align my Biblical values with the rest of what I am learning, or will this open me up to deception more than it would lead me to truth?
    And do you have insight into how the two 'worldviews,' if you will, actually DO coexist on the same level? At some point, if I delve into - for example - Kundalini exercises or specific frequencies (hz) meditiation, am I putting myself at risk of letting in the wrong energy or spirits?
    I bet that's gonna take a whole nother blog post to answer lol!!
