Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Emotions, Expansion, Reconnecting; Growth Continues


The mind can not comprehend what occurs when one steps through the veil until it is experienced.

Through experiencing we learn at the mental, emotional, physical & spiritual/energetic levels simultaneously. When we share about our experiences we spark new awareness and learn from each other.

It’s been some time since I’ve written about my recent inner experiences. Consider this a diary entry in the record of this experiential journey of ascending while incarnate. For those curious about what life after ascending is like, here are a few of my experiences and observations.

Like many reading here, most of my earlier life was filled with immense emotional trauma and pain. Spiritual warriors choose, not the easy path, rather the challenging one. And it is most often the quest for respite from emotional pain and suffering that launches us on the spiritual path of self discovery, healing and growth. We know this at the higher level and knowingly choose the path that will reconnect us to our strength, our wisdom, and launch us into healing and peeling back the falsehoods to reveal our true Self.

As I’ve shared before, our DNA are coded for dormant sections to awaken automatically, once we’ve healed and forgiven at least 51% of our past emotional wounds. During ascension and in the phase after you come back online, so to speak, the rest of the healing occurs with minimal effort. Like picking a bit of lint off your sweater.

My emotional state now is like night and day compared to what I experienced earlier before ascending. It’s a glorious experience to be emotionally free!

At this point, all of the past trauma has as much emotional pull as some advertisement I glanced at in a magazine while waiting to get my hair cut. Meaning none. The memories are still there if I search for them, yet they feel like from some other life time. Kind of like remembering a novel I read 15 years ago.

I’m deeply grateful for ALL the experiences that brought me here to where I am. Those painful experiences that gave me opportunity to develop my intuitive, my awareness and empathy that enable me to connect to others. I learned what I child needs by what I didn’t have. I learned what a gift it is to believe in someone. I learned so many, many, many things from the experiences of my life.

Now a calm peace pervades everything. A joy at being alive. No worries about the past or the future. I understand the connectedness of all and see the perfection as ALL serves the evolution of Humanity. Everything we see, touch, hear, sense and feel is God experiencing itself and expanding.

Each day I am so excited about the Awakening occurring on so many levels on the planet. I’m humbled to be here, assisting as I can, along with so many other Dear Ones. I’m humbled to receive Gaia’s deep love each day through the soles of my feet.

Four months ago I stepped out of the relative seclusion necessary to adjusting and acclimating following ascending. One step taken was creating an online presence through Twitter (and ditching Facebook). It’s a joy to connect/reconnect with other energetically resonant people, both Q Anons and Spiritual journeyers. The connections & conversations provide a rich opportunity for observation, reflection and growth.

In communicating with others, I notice over time that my capacities for interpreting and understanding are steadily deepening and expanding. Ideally, this is the case for all of us as we progress. Yet I’m aware that what I’m experiencing is derived from gradually increasing access to the DNA stored spiritual knowledge acquired over many, many past lifetimes, rather than growth from current experiences. It’s a subtle integration process and not observed in action, so to speak. I can only observe the difference by comparison to what I understood or was aware of a few months ago.

Remember that each person’s DNA hold the records of ALL spiritual wisdom a person (Spiritual Being) has acquired over all their lifetimes on Earth. During ascension, this previously unavailable spiritual wisdom is awakened and becomes accessible at a Conscious level. Initially and immediately during ascending, there was a huge increase in awareness and understanding. What I’m experiencing now is that the awakening of previously acquired spiritual wisdom continues to expand and gradually integrate into Conscious awareness. The process is incredibly subtle and only recognized in retrospect, rather than something I feel happening in real time because at each moment I feel as though this is how I have always been.

I would contrast this expansion with my experience of connecting directly with the stream of knowingness in the quantum field of information. As I’ve previously shared, I’ve connected directly with the stream of knowingness in different ways. Once in 1987 I connected for 3 days with full access. Then again during the three months of ascending I was fully connected to the stream of knowingness where I can find facts, information & answers to anything I desire.

During the boot-down phase just after ascending, there is zero connection to any higher knowing or intuition. It was a very unpleasant phase to go through, yet since past, it holds no emotional resonance. Still, I yearned to reconnect fully to the stream of knowingness. For a time I saw Conscious reconnection to the stream as a measure of integrating at the new level, 4th density level of Conscious awareness.

Yet as my DNA held wisdom integrated in, I recognized that full, continuous connection to the stream of knowingness does not serve my interests at this time. I am able to obtain specific information when I need it on an “as needed” basis. Kind of a place an order and the info pops into my mind shortly thereafter type of system. Full connection to the stream of knowingness is totally engrossing. It’s really not possible to accomplish anything while connected. Even getting out of a sitting position and preparing a meal is a challenge when one is fully connected to the stream of knowingness. And there is much to accomplish now at this time of The Great Awakening.

In communicating with others over the past couple of months I discovered that there is immense difference in comprehension and understanding between 3rd density and the next higher density level. Observations & insights, for instance about using energy or describing what occurs in the process of ascending, that seem very matter of fact to me, were at first responded to with confusion, total disbelief, and sometimes anger. Most often responses indicated that the other person lacked comprehension of what I was intending to convey. I’d not expected this.

I’ve had to work at identifying where the step in comprehension is and relearn where people are in their understanding of how the world/universe works because it’s not readily apparent to me anymore. My inner awareness & understanding of how everything is interconnected feels so normal to me that it seems it must be apparent to everyone else. It’s all a funny situation to be in.

On reflection, I see that one has the capacity to understand what occurs at their current level and at levels below them. No one has the capacity to understand fully what is understood at levels above where they are. This is a factual aspect of Universal Law and the evolutionary steps of Consciousness, not a judgment. I really could not comprehend what occurs in ascending until I experienced it. Now it makes perfect sense.

All of this poses a challenge in communicating. As an analogy, it is similar to communicating across the divide between Qanons and normies. Different levels of information with different perceptions of reality as a result. There are mis-perceptions about what happens during ascension that people hold onto very tightly.

My intention and purpose in this lifetime is to assist with the Awakening, and so I’ve worked to learn new ways of communicating. I pay closer attention and discern where people are and chose topics or wording that they can stretch to. In the process we all learn from each other and inspire each other. It’s a beautiful thing to witness and be a part of.

Godspeed on your journey!