Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Looking Back the Wise One Inside Always Knew

There are singular events that occur here and there in the span of our lifetimes that feel quite unusual at the time and completely unrelated to anything else.  Then one day we see a connection running between a series of these previously unrelated events which is startling in it's significance. 

Late summer 1971 - I'm two months shy of my 14th birthday.  It's early evening and I'm standing on the corner of a busy street a few blocks from my house waiting for the light to change so I can cross the street.  Suddenly I "Know" that I'm here to do something very important in my life.  I've no idea where this awareness has come from and more importantly, I've not the foggiest clue what it is I'm meant to do that's so important.

April 1989 - I've just returned from a weekend workshop with The Center for Study of Human Systems.  I'm a recently single mother of a 3 year old and am pursuing personal growth work while also attending college.  The workshop was full of expansive learning and wonderful epiphanies.  Somehow, shortly after returning from the workshop I enter into a state where I have access to immense wisdom about what ever I think about.  It's amazing and kind of scary because I've got no idea what is happening to me, only that I'm suddenly, maybe, kind of very psychic, although I don't really know much about psychic abilities.  This state of "Knowing" last for three days without interruption.  I barely sleep wandering around in all the information available to me inside my head.  Then it fades out.

Thanksgiving weekend 2005 - I read through the transcript of a very detailed reading I'd had the previous spring.  It's about the fifth time I've read through the reading transcript.  Suddenly the meaning of a passage jumps out at me as if I'd never seen it before, "You are clairsentient, also known as a feeler or empath."   I spend the next week recalling so many times I could not understand how someone could be so unkind, thoughtless, or callous towards another or towards me.  It all starts to make sense now.  They were operating with much less information than I had.  How did I manage to live for 49 years without realizing I had more awareness of what the people around me were feeling and thinking than others did?

July 2006 - I've had another reading from the same intuitive.  This one ends with a passage that says: "Don't you remember who you are?  You are one of the Keepers of Earth.  The Earth is not some inert lump of clay.  She is a sentient being carrying humanity through your galaxy like a loving protective mother craft."  In my head I'm thinking, "Frankly, No, I do not remember anything about who I am."  and "Who came up with this veil idea anyway??  They sure had a warped sense of humor thinking it would be some fun game to come to earth and live lifetime after lifetime with blindfolds on trying to figure out who we really are.  Whoever it was should be shot.  And while we're on the subject, How come I got stuck with the extra heavy-duty blackout model of a veil????"

Summer 2009 - I'm participating in the South Eastern Regional Permaculture gathering.  I've woken up to the banksters, Illuminati, Bilderberg corruption and am now a dedicated prepper expecting massive earth changes, financial collapse, and some sort of revolution.  I've been searching for my "mission".  At the gathering, I do a Tibetan Bells session.  I lie on the ground and the healer places Tibetan Bells all around me.  He begins ringing the bells and I drift into a memory from another lifetime of being inside a temple full of candlelight.  I'm filled with the Knowing that there is nothing I need to do.  I can sit in the back corner of a room saying nothing. My presence changes everything.  That is all I came to do, be present.

September 2015 - It's the month of the Fall Equinox, falling in the middle of a full lunar and full solar eclipse cycle.  One day I suddenly remember the uninterrupted and expansive Knowing I experienced back in the spring of 1989 and I'm full of longing to reconnect with it.  I set my intention to connect with, merge, and embody All That I AM, my Divine Self.  I've experienced immense growth the past few years, with many epiphanies and much greater awareness, yet I'm still unsure what the experience of Ascension feels like.  At least I don't remember what it feels like.

December 21, 2015 - The Winter Solstice.  After years of healing and releasing old hurts, doubts, fears, old false personas, limiting ideas and expectations, and outgrown ways of perceiving reality, I make the decision and set the intention to release and relinquish all that I've been in this lifetime.  I agree to transition out of this person I've been, as we do in "death", and resume being my All That I AM Self, while staying in this physical body alive on Earth.  I realize this process was activated back in September, though I'm unsure when or how the transition will take place.

December 25, 2015 - It's mid-morning.  I close my eyes, fill my body with light, start the flow of light cycling from Earth through my spinal column and up into the Universe.  I call in my connection with my Divine Self and my Guides.  Turn up my vibration and expand into it, turn up and expand.  As I focus on the quiet of my heart, I expand upwards and connect with the memory and intention of the creation of life on Earth.  It is a partnership of the Creator energies in the non-physical and their embodied expressions in incarnate form, the scientists, geneticists seeding and filling the Earth with plant life and crystals, then seeding animal life, then Human life.  The vision and intention is so pure, full of Grace and full of Love: That here on Earth, Consciousness could experience itself in abundant, interconnected material life forms, with freedom and free will to explore and experience itself, to ebb and flow, to evolve without restraint, to reach the highest expressions it could imagine.  The love and beauty in this intention is greater than I've ever felt and I'm filled with Awe.  I open up to receive as much of this love as I'm able.  Right then a powerful energy fills my body.  I've never felt anything like this before. It has a denseness, as if compressed, that fills me to maximum capacity.  I feel like an overstuffed chair. My body is instantly hot.  I breath and expand to contain it, breath and expand, breath and expand.  It takes all my concentration to contain, hold, and begin to integrate this huge energy.  It is now that I Know that Ascension is real.  It is happening.

Looking back the wise one inside always knew the purpose in this lifetime.  And every once in a while, even long before the process of awakening starts unfolding, our Soul, our Divine Self peeks through the veil and whispers in our ear.  Quiet gentile reminders.  Do you remember who you are?