Monday, April 1, 2019

The Great Awakening; Now Showing Everywhere - Part I

Expanding Consciousness….Darkness to Light…..The Great Awakening. 
These are each hallmark phrases repeatedly spoken within the Spiritual Community to describe what is occurring on the planet. So let’s take a look at what these three terms mean and check in on the Great Awakening that’s taking place across Humanity. It’s so much bigger than I previously imagined.

Expanding Consciousness
Working Definition:
  • Becoming cognitively aware of things you previously were unaware of, both within oneself and outside oneself.
  • Taking in and assimilating new or additional information.
  • Developing a higher level of cognitive awareness and understanding.
  • Developing new sensitivities and cognitive skills
As we begin, First a disclosure: I find the entire inquiry into our minds, our consciousness, and how they work to be fascinating beyond measure. How do we form our perceptions? How do we shift perspectives? How do we identify unconscious beliefs? What happens when we examine our underlying assumptions? How do we respond when we discover underlying assumptions and/or beliefs that are false? What does a person need in order to feel safe enough to let down internal barriers and expand their thinking? How do we use our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to create our reality? ………….

There are many ways in which we expand our consciousness. One can learn a new skill or learn about a new subject; learn to speak Italian, embark on a study of using crystals; take up knitting. One can learn more about a subject, thereby gaining wider knowledge and deepening one’s understanding, or add new skills to your existing skillset in a given area.

Sometimes as we further study a subject our increased knowledge and awareness begins to overlap with another area we’ve explored. We expand our awareness to incorporate this connection we’d not previously been aware of before. For example, in the late 80’s I began studying alternative health. I took classes in applied kinesiology, then Reiki. A few years later I began looking into whether my assumptions that vaccines were safe were accurate. At the same time I started learning about growing vegetables, then organic gardening, Monsanto’s GMO seeds, chemtrails, then Bilderberg. As I deepened and expanded my knowledge and base in these areas, they all started to connect. I saw similar patterns. I became aware and started to understand there are organized efforts to diminish our physical health.

If one continues to explore and learn, there are times when one encounters a body of new info, with solid documentation, that conflicts with our current assumptions, beliefs, and understanding. In order to incorporate this new info into our understanding of the world we have to re-organize our concept of reality to lesser or greater extent, and analyze the how this new piece fits in our frame of reference. I call this process a paradigm shift in thinking/understanding. 

I really, really like paradigm shifts in thinking/understanding.

People vary over the spectrum as to how they respond to new paradigm shifting information. Internally we all experience cognitive dissonance when we encounter new, or valid info that conflicts with our current understanding of “reality”. The spectrum of response spans from complete denial and refusal all the way to happily making the jump to a new level of understanding about the way of things. I bring this up because I have a feeling that cognitive dissonance may become a big issue in the coming months as the Great Awakening progresses. Maybe just tuck that away and we’ll come back to this issue at the appropriate time.

Within each of us is an unending universe for exploration and discovery. As above, so below. The more we learn about ourselves, the more we understand the people, relationships, organizations, and human systems in the world around us. We are each gold mines. We are each the one and only expert on ourself. After so many lifetimes hidden even to ourselves, what joy and wonder to be lifting the veil and expanding all that we are consciously aware of.

If you want to really expand your consciousness, you can always decide and work towards jumping up to 4th density consciousness.

This exploration of The Great Awakening continues in Part II