Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Great Awakening; Now Showing Everywhere - Part II

We continue in Part II with our exploration of The Great Awakening. You can read Part I here.

Darkness to Light
Working Definition:
  • The planet energetically shifting balance from low vibration to higher vibration energy.
  • What is unknown becoming known.
  • What is hidden seeing the light of truth.
  • Good overcoming evil.
The definitions are rather self exclamatory. We’ve each felt the transitions to higher vibrational energy, both within ourselves and around us. The chaotic clashes between Dark and Light, a result of this shift in the balance of prevalence and power, play out in our communities daily. There are a few of observations I want to put out for consideration.

Within the Spiritual and Metaphysical communities, this transition from Dark to Light is almost exclusively spoken about in abstract, glowing terms. We cheer Light overcoming Darkness, and very rightly so. I might suggest that readers also keep in mind that these energies are incarnate. Most of us readily recognize that we are Light incarnate, yet often forget that Dark energies are incarnate too, in human form. 
I often hear people express that they just want to work on this transition from an energetic level.  Working from an energetic level is wonderful and is their choice. It’s important to recognize as well that there are courageous people who are fighting the incarnate Dark energies on the physical plane, determined to halt their crimes against Humanity so that we may finally experience peace and prosperity on the planet. Even though much of this battle goes on in the background, by design so as not to cause fear or disruption in people’s lives, the battles rage on. (Light is winning) Consider sending your good thoughts and prayers to those working on the physical plane to expose and disable these incarnate Dark energies, visualize and cheer their successes. These warriors of Light are risking their lives for us all.

Another way to frame this is: those on the Service to Others path overcoming the planned planetary control by those on Service to Self path.  (See Law of One at this link ) People who have chosen the Service to Self path progress by using manipulation, coersion and threats to control others. Humanity came very close to becoming subservient to the Service to Self crowd, much closer than most people realize. The struggle is ongoing because the Service to Self individuals and organizations won’t go down easily or without a fight to the death. One can see it play out daily in the news if one knows what to look for.

The chaos created in the battle of Light against dark shows up in the massive amounts of disinformation, sophisticated psyops, and subversive maneuvering, and the huge divide between people's perceptions of "reality". It's heartening to witness more and more people waking up, beginning to recognize the psyops methodologies used to create false perceptions, and seeing through the disinfo and psyops operations used against us. Even when we see through the tactics used against us, it can still be difficult to parse through and determine what information is truthful and who in the public arena is speaking truthfully. The Dark energy incarnates play very devious games against those of the Light. This gives each of us the opportunity to hone our abilities to research, analyse and think for ourselves, further develop our discernment skills, and deepen our trust in ourselves.

Sometimes I’m criticized for shining Light on the Dark humans and their activities, yet if we don’t know what we are dealing with in the darkness, how is the Light to overcome the Dark. Knowledge gives us power. Turning a blind eye leaves us, in fact blind.

Amazing times we are living through here on Earth. I'm thrilled to witness and contribute in my small way to this Great Awakening. Check back for Part III of this three part series.
