Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Welcome To The Great Awakening Puzzle Switching Mash-Up

We are in the midst of massive transformation, also known as The Great Awakening. Great evolutionary charge is occurring in the outer world at the individual, national, and global levels. Great evolutionary change is happening within each individual at the mental, emotional, physical, energetic structural, vibrational, and spiritual levels. ALL levels, both in the outer world and each individual’s inner world, are interconnected and interdependent. Each small change ripples outwards effecting everything, whether we realize it or not. Any wonder why this feels like a lot to navigate through.

Our understanding of the nature of reality is shifting rapidly now. Our perceptions inform our thoughts, feelings and actions. As our perceptions change we respond differently, ideally in a more congruent manner.

Change is often a chaotic process. New replaces old, with rippling effects spreading outwards on beyond out view. Having these big evolutionary changes occurring at multiple levels simultaneously is more than Ginormous. Is there even an adjective word in our language that accurately describes it? 
So we use the term The Great Awakening. It’s all so much to wrap one’s mind around. In an effort to provide some clarity, here are some process frameworks and analogies that may help, both for understanding, and for navigating through your own Great Awakening. 
A Process for Framing
If we step back, identify, define and understand the process we are in, we can then locate where we are in the process, which provides us with a cognitive framework to figure out what’s the best option to focus on and do now. 
Let’s say this again in a new way:

A Four Step Process of Figuring Out What the Heck is Going On & What Shall I Do Now?
1. Step back to obtain a 40,000 foot view;
2. Observe, identify, define, and understand the process you/we are in;
3. Identify where you/we are in the process;
4. From this multi-level cognitive framework, decide out what’s the wisest things to focus on and do now.

This 4 step process can be used for understanding both outer world events and inner world transformation.

When things feel confusing or overwhelming, that’s a good time to stop, breath, and then if it fits for you, use the 4 Step Process outlined above. Check in first on where you are internally. This gives you grounding & stability in the present moment. It’s always best to find your center, be grounded and stable internally, before shifting your focus towards understanding what’s going on in the outer world. 

Jigsaw Puzzle Analogies
The analogy of putting together a jigsaw puzzle is a great one to use for understanding the process of changing perceptions & the path of spiritual discovery and growth.

As we find new concepts and pieces of information, we put these pieces together to reveal a picture (understanding) of our self and of the world. The puzzle picture is ever expanding as we add new pieces.

Sometimes, in the process of finding new pieces to add to your picture of reality, the new pieces don’t fit, yet you have solid basis to know they are true. Which means other pieces already incorporated in your puzzle picture are inaccurate. Fitting in the new pieces requires reordering your current picture to result in a revised picture of your reality. Most people find this process of re-ordering their picture of reality uncomfortable internally, either/or mentally and emotionally. We call this cognitive dissonance. Each person has a choice then whether to proceed through reordering their perceptions or back off and keep their current picture, thus rejecting/ignoring the new information. For each of us, this is a free-will choice we are entitled to.

The gap we see now between those who have chosen to re-order their reality and those who’ve chosen to hold on their time-worn reality is growing wider and wider. The former have gained confidence in their process of throwing out old, false pieces of information and incorporating new pieces. 

Their picture of reality now changes rapidly with each new piece of truth added. As they do this, the gap between those that have incorporated a new reality and those that have not continues to grow wider. The two groups are living in very different worlds, with very different puzzle pictures of reality, so to speak.

Jigsaw Puzzling in Action
For those who’ve been watching, or participating in the Qanon army of researchers, you’ve seen this process in vibrant action. Q drops contain bit of truth, clues that can be decoded, points of connection not previously seen. Anon researchers dig for open-sourced evidence (pieces of information). New theories are proffered as to how the new pieces might fit together. After a group process of validating, speculating and confirmation, new pictures of our reality emerge to be shared with others, thus spreading this collective process of arriving at new understanding of one’s reality.

Personally, after finding qresearch in late December 2017, I became a full-time, dedicated lurker. There were a number of times when major new pieces of info caused me to vastly re-order my understanding of a component of the world. Being a searcher for truth for many years, aka “Conspiracy Theorist”, I trusted the process and allowed the cognitive re-ordering to take place without any resistance. Doing so was actually quite thrilling and fun, with ripples radiating through me mentally, physically, and vibrationally. Having already released my emotional attachments to what occurs in the world a few years ago during the transition of consciousness, there was no emotional resistance to shifting my understanding of reality to incorporate the new understanding of how the world has been operating. It’s the emotional attachments or ego that create resistance to moving freely in the midst of change. 

The Flood of the New Pieces Come in
Here’s another puzzle analogy for where we are now in this Great Awakening process. Imagine rather then new pieces of truthful info coming in at manageable pace, that someone started pouring a great pile of new pieces onto your puzzle table at a rate that was a challenge to keep up with. Think Declas, unsealing of Epstein docs, IG Horowitz reports, disclosure, and more that will be a surprise for even the most adept Q autist Anons.

If things transpire as many of us reasonably believe they will, we are about to experience just such a flood of new, true puzzle pieces pouring out. It’ll be a lot to sort through. For the people who’ve been holding on to a rather false picture of reality they’re about to get slammed in the avalanche. Because their attachment to their understanding of reality is held strongly at the emotional, ego and self-identity levels, they’re in for a very rough go of it. 

This will be the time for those who’ve gained a sense of grounding in their new, truer picture of reality, to offer, in compassion and unconditional love, a hand to assist others in sorting the new pieces of info and re-ordering their cognitive picture of reality.

Multi-dimensional Jigsaw Puzzling in Action
Here’s where things really get mind-boggling. If we move our perception up a level, we discover that the process of re-ordering our internal understanding of reality is occurring simultaneously in multiple arenas at the same time. As I wrote at the beginning of this article:

Great evolutionary charge is occurring in the outer world at the individual, national, and global levels. Great evolutionary change is happening within each individual at the mental, emotional, physical, energetic structural, vibrational, and spiritual levels. ALL levels, both in the outer world and each individual’s inner world, are interconnected and interdependent.

So staying with this jigsaw puzzle analogy, each of us are now in the midst of sorting and incorporating in all the new pieces of truthful information on numerous jigsaw puzzles, both the outer world puzzles and the inner world puzzles. Ideally, this analogy can be used as a framework for identifying what the process of The Great Awakening is, where you are in the process, and allow you to make congruent decisions about where you focus your attention and energy.

Another way to view this is that simultaneously:

You’re shifting puzzle pictures in the (re)discovery of who you are.

You’re shifting puzzle pictures in the (re)discovery of what is really going on in the world & Universe.

You’re shifting puzzle pictures in the (re)discovery of the structure & operation of Universal Laws.

You’re shifting puzzle pictures in the re-ordering of how you interact in the world & Universe.

There are days when I look at what’s rolling out in the news, what’s scrolling by in social media posts, what’s being posted by Q and the qresearchers, and it all comes across as such a cacophony of chaos it’s a challenge to witness. These analogies, particularly the simultaneous, multi-dimensional puzzling, were what I arrived at when I looked inwards for a framework from which to view the enormous, interdependent swirls of change so it all make sense. It’s my intention that the readers might find these helpful too.

Godspeed on your journey!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Looking Back in the Rear View Mirror After Passing Through the Veil; The State of Being & 5 Steps Taken

Photo by MDARIFLIMATby Pixabay

There are about 3,000 Ascension front runners on the planet, of which I am one. There are multiple purposes served by the Ascension front runners, one of which is to offer information, dispel mis-perceptions, and provide guidance to the Lightworkers and StarSeeds as they draw closer to opening the veil and stepping through.

Recently, I was asked to describe the last steps I took in order to pass through the veil. It’s very good question, and much welcomed. I’m happy to answer this request. Here’s a looking back view of what opened the veil and led me through.

A few preliminary notes….

First, those of you reading here are Lightworkers and Starseeds, advanced spiritual beings who’ve come into incarnation at this time to assist in the ascension of Earth and The Great Awakening of humanity. As such, I share with the intent of assisting you in your process of remembering who you are and remembering what steps to take towards transitioning to the next level of consciousness while you remain in your bodies here on the planet. 
Whether to ascend to the next level while remaining here incarnated, or wait to transition back to your true level of consciousness after leaving your body, is 100% your choice. There is no wrong choice here. Ascending while remaining incarnate is, however, offered to us as a reward for all our work here up to this time. Ascending while incarnate is a glorious, mind-blowing, pure bliss experience. Arriving at the next level where so much more is apparent and understood is a wonderful after such struggles during this incarnation. I seriously doubt anyone could ever regret it. And it serves the Mission we each signed up for exponentially.

Second, in reading about the steps I took, please apply all the usual guidance to trust yourself & your inner promptings. If something doesn’t resonate with you, ignore and move along. If something really bothers you, there might be something there for you to explore as to why and resolve. If something doesn’t make sense, perhaps set it aside and revisit it later, or leave a question in the comments. If you’re prompted to approach a step in a different way, a variation of the theme so to speak, just go for it. Trust yourself.

You’ve each ascended to new levels of consciousness many times before. Transitioned from 3rd density to 4th density, from 4th density to 5th density, and for some of you, from 5th density on to higher levels. You’ve done the transition between 3rd density to 4th density many times while assisting other planets to ascend. So this is all just about remembering who you are and what the process is.

Third, timing. Timing is coordinated with your Higher Self and your Over Self and the circumstances of your life. Let these non-incarnate aspects of yourself handle the timing. It will be perfect.

Forth, from my observation there are three ways one can transition to the next level of consciousness; Near Death Experience (NDE), during an emotionally traumatic experience, often referred to as a Kundulini experience, and by purposeful choice. What I describe here is about ascending by purposeful choice.

I elected to go through the veil by purposeful choice. I also elected to go through the experience of ascending with my awareness very focused on the mechanics, so to speak, of what takes place cognitively and energetically during the process, as well as the stages of adjustment that follow. I chose this so I could provide guidance such as this to you.

The Process of Opening the Veil
Looking back at what led to my transition through the veil, it’s perhaps most easily understood in terms of two things, the State of Being arrived at and the steps taken in that State of Being.

The State of Being
Looking back, I would describe the state of being as one arrived at after many years of inner work as well as study/remembering the Universal system by which a soul travels up the spiral staircase of evolution from 3rd density to 12th density. The inner work involves examining the events, situations, & feelings one’s lived through, discovering and applying the meaning and learning of one’s life experiences within the framework of Universal soul evolution, then healing & release of attachments. The inner work also involves a clearing away from Self Identity all that is false yet has been absorbed through childhood and life experiences. 
When the inner clearing, integrating the learning, forgiving and releasing is done from the perspective of why one comes into incarnation over many lifetimes and why one has chosen the experiences of this lifetime, the veil thins and one’s soul wisdom begins to seep through. Inner growth work done within a conceptual framework and understanding of a souls evolutionary path, the progression of densities, the roles played by Lightworkers and Starseeds in the Ascension of the planet opens the way for to much greater understanding of the Self. 
The state of being also relates to clearing & releasing within the physical body. Old emotions attach in the physical body. You may note that after doing immense work to clear old emotional attachments from the mental and emotional body, they still pop up after you thought you were done with them. This can indicate that the emotions are still attached within the physical body.

One technique for releasing old emotions from the physical body is to concentrate on feeling a single lower frequency emotion, such as anger, or disappointment. Call up the feeling WITHOUT thought or reference to any specific situation or person. If someone or some specific situation related with the emotion comes up in your mind, Stop and then start over again. Focus on feeling that single emotion with as much intensity as you can. After a while it will lessen until you can’t bring the emotion up anymore. As you do this you are releasing that emotion from your physical body. You may need to do multiple session to fully clear out an emotion. Do separate sessions for each emotion you wish to clear. Doing this exercise while immersed in the tub with Epsom or sea salts, or while in the shower, assists in washing away the unwanted emotions.

Also, clearing the physical body of heavy metals, toxic chemicals and pathogens is also part of clearing at the physical level. Toxins in the physical body lower vibration as well as diminish functioning and well-being. Looking back on the path I followed, cleaning up my body and my diet was a gradual process over many years. For instance I ever made a decision that from now on I’m only eating organic, non-GMO foods. Instead, as I learned more I made incremental choices until one day I had the sudden realization that I never even looked at the produce, foods or cleaning supplies in the no-organic sections of the grocery store. You may find on reflection, that you’ve been traveling a similar path. 
The Final Steps Taken to Pass Through the Veil
These are the five definitive steps I took in the last three months that, in hindsight, enabled me to step through the veil and transition to the next level of conscious awareness. Is this the only way? No, others who transition the veil by affirmative choice may describe and identify key step in a different way. The accounts I’ve come across from others who have transitioned levels of conscious awareness have done so either through near death experience (NDE) or in connection to a traumatic emotional experience, rather than by conscious choice and purposeful actions. I keep an eye out for recent accounts by others who’ve transitioned by purposeful choice, yet haven’t come across any yet. Each person takes their steps, in the manner of their choosing, at their predetermined time to step through the veil and transition to the next level of conscious awareness.

These are the five steps I took as a fore-runner:

State Intention to Pass Through the Veil & Transition Consciousness
About three months before ascending, I made an affirmative statement that I was ready to ascend. I did this despite not really being sure what the transition would be like. Around this time, there were various reports in the spiritual community about two waves of ascension energy coming in. In response I said out loud, and with 100% complete conviction, “Bring it on, I am ready to ascend!”

Bring Your Self & Your Actions Fully into Alignment with the Qualities of Honesty, Integrity, Compassion, Joy, Creativity, Unconditional Love
In the last few months prior to stepping through the veil, I centered my Self Identity not on outer connections or relationships, but on core qualities and attributes, such as honesty, integrity, compassion, unconditional love, creativity, mutual respect, joy. I was unaware at the time that I was doing this. In hindsight a few days after ascending had begun, I saw clearly that from a vibrational aspect this had been a key to initiating ascension. 

Understanding the full implications of the vibrational aspects of these core qualities and attributes is not available from 3rd density consciousness. It becomes clear after one transitions to the next level of consciousness. In the final stages before ascending, it’s enough to focus one’s attention on acting with honesty, integrity, compassion, creativity, joy and whatever you choose to embody/express as your core Self.

Assess the Meaning & Your Willingness to Release All That You Are & All That You’ve Ever Been
Around the same time I made the affirmative statement of my readiness to ascend, I received very clear guidance of a step to take. The guidance came through while I was listening to a group channelling session. I heard it very clearly. However, upon later discussion and re-listening to the recording of the session, no one else in the group heard the guidance and it was not on the tape recording. Just shows you that when guidance from your Over Soul is trying to reach you, it will find a way.

The guidance I received was this: “You must be willing to release All that you are and All that you have ever been.”

Now releasing All that you are and All that you’ve ever been is quite a big step to take. The enormity of this was mind boggling as I considered what it really meant to me. I spent a number of weeks in contemplation about what this declaration and action would mean to me, and what doing so entailed. To take this step is a true leap into the void. I leave it to each reader to interpret and understand the meaning of this step in their own way. 

Make The Affirmative Statement that You Release All That You Are & All That You’ve Ever Been
After contemplation, I arrived at the point where I was fully ready to release All that I was and All that I had ever been. Three days before Christmas, 2015, I went outside, stood with my feet spread slightly apart, my arms at my sides slightly away from my body, my chest and head lifted upwards. I spoke out loud, with full conviction in every part of my being, “I release ALL that I AM and ALL that I have ever been.” I stood for about five minutes this way. As I turned then to walk back inside, I felt freer than I’d ever felt before.

Connect to the Immense Love Streaming Towards You from the Higher Realms
Daily meditation, even if only for ten minutes, is vital to opening the veil. Making meditation part of your regular, daily practice, is more important than the length of time spent in meditation. In the months leading up to ascending, I spent 30 to 40 minutes a day in meditation. I discovered that during meditation I could drop my awareness down into and out through my heart chakra, and out into the void. After this discovery, I spent part of my time during each day’s meditation out in the void.

As we are in the process of The Great Awakening and The Shift in conscious awareness, your Over Soul, to which you are continuously connected through your crown chakra, is streaming immense Love to you. I did not know this at the time I was taking the last steps towards opening the veil.

On Christmas morning, 2015, three days after I had fully released All that I was and All that I had ever been, during meditation I connected to my Over Soul. The love was so immense my eyes filled with tears. I (re)experienced the Love of the Elohim in their creation of this planet, Earth.
Immediately after connecting with this immense Divine Love, there was a sustained explosion of energy from within, filling every inch of my body (DNA awakening). I focused my breathing to contain the energy. My mind searched to understand what I was experiencing, which was like nothing ever experienced before. My Over Soul answered me, “Ascension is real.”

A few days after ascension initiated, I looked back and understand very clearly that after releasing everything I was and had been, what was left were the core qualities and attributes I had been embodying - honesty, integrity, compassion, unconditional love, creativity, joy. Each quality or attribute one embodies holds it’s own unique vibration. When one embodies multiple qualities/attributes with great clarity, they ring forth in the Universe as a harmonic of immense beauty and power. One could consider this harmonic your core vibrational signature, your symphony.

And so, in summary, the way to open and step through the veil: Let the symphony of your core being ring out across the Universe and touch the Divine Love reaching out to you.

Godspeed on your journey.
In Love & Light,

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Law of One & the Ascension of Earth 101

The Law of One governs throughout the universes. The Law of One is and is governed by physics. The Law of One governs the levels of density and the evolution of souls as they progress through the density levels in a process of learning, growth & expansion. Each soul evolves by learning the “curriculum”, so to speak, of each density, before the soul may transition to the next density level. No soul can transition up to the next density without having completed the curriculum required at their current density level. The progression of souls travelling up the evolutionary staircase is always in conformance with the Law of One. None can bypass or circumvent the Law of One. You can learn more about the Law of One HERE.

Dimensions refer to geographic locations. The first four Dimensions are length, height, depth and time. You can read about the 10 Dimensions (as currently conceived of) HERE
Densities are levels of conscious awareness. At each density level there is a range of what a soul can become aware of and understand. When a soul enters 3rd density incarnation for the first time, they don’t grasp much and their lives don’t work out very well. They’re pretty much a mess until after a three or four incarnations they begin to figure out how things work. Contestants on the Jerry Springer or Dr. Phil shows are a good examples of new 3rd density humans.
A 3rd density soul who has, through many lifetimes, learned & grown, functions in human incarnation with high levels of honesty, integrity, courage, creativity, compassion and reason. You know, or have come in contact with people across the spectrum of development (curriculum) at the 3rd density level. A soul has to complete the curriculum at each density level before transitioning (ascending) to the next density level. Readiness to transition from one density to the next is based on vibration. It is based on physics and the Law of One.

What occurs when one transitions from one level of consciousness to the next cannot be understood from the 3rd density level of conscious awareness, it can only be understood by experiencing the transition. 3rd density is the first level of a new soul starting out on the evolutionary spiral staircase travelling up to 12th density level of conscious awareness. As such, there is no prior experience or awareness of ascending to a higher level.

Many say they’ve already transitioned to 4th density. You can determine if this is true for you by asking yourself, “What date did I transition?” Transitioning to the next level of conscious awareness is an experience of such immensity it won’t go by you unnoticed. The date it occurred is akin to a new birth date, both figuratively and literally. If you’ve made the transition, you’ll remember and know the exact date. So enormous is the transition from one density to another.

That said, the Earth is in the midst of transitioning from 3rd density to 4th density, Earth’s Ascension began on December 21, 2012. Earth’s Ascension involves both a transition energetically within the planet and her field, and a 3 – 5 generation process of 4th density humans being born on Earth until all humans living on Earth operate at 4th density level of conscious awareness. The Earth & humanity are connected and interdependent. Earth’s ascension is not complete until all of humanity living upon her are at the same 4th density level. Neither Earth nor energetic souls can skip a “grade” and transition up two levels at one time. 
A majority of the souls incarnate on Earth at this time have not completed the 3rd density curriculum, and as such, they are not ready or able to transition to the next density level. Look around you and you will see that this is true. After completing this incarnation, these 3rd density souls will continue on in the learning and growth at the 3rd density level with incarnations on some other 3rd density planet. The new children, born following December 21, 2012, plus some fore-runners, are anchoring in Earth’s ascension to 4th density. As more and more children enter in at the 4th density level of consciousness, and 3rd density souls pass on out of incarnation, gradually Earth’s ascends to 4th density. Earth Ascension is complete when all of humanity residing on the planet are 4th density souls.

Under the Law of One, the 3rd and 4th density levels of consciousness can embody or incarnate into the 3rd Dimensional (4th Dimensional with Time included), material planes. Souls who have attained 5th density or above have developed vibrational energy beyond what a human body in the 3rd/4th Dimensional, material plane can contain. If a 5th, 6th density or above soul were to enter straight into a human body it would destroy (explode) the physical body. Similarly, a planet transitioning from 4th density to 5th density undergoes a transition out of the 3rd/4th Dimensional, material plane into a higher Dimensional quasi material plane. 
Lightworkers and Starseeds are 5th, 6th, some 7th, and a few 12th density souls that have entered into incarnation here on Earth to ensure (Lightworkers) and assist (Lightworkers & Starseeds) in Earth’s ascension to 4th density by raising the collective vibrational frequency of humanity upon the planet. In order to incarnate into 3rd Dimensional, material human bodies, the Lightworkers and Starseeds vibrational energy had to be stepped down and softened prior to incarnating to prevent destruction of their bodies. Think of a transformer on a laptop power cable that reduces the electricity down to the level compatible for functioning of the laptop. This is analogous to the process undertaken by 5th density and above Lightworkers & Starseeds prior to entering their 3rd Dimensional human body here in this lifetime.

At this time on Earth, Lightworkers & Starseeds are remembering who they are as 5th, 6th, 7th or 12th density beings. In this remembering there is often a longing to return “Home” to their true density level. At the 5th density level, incarnation occurs into “Lightbodies”, energetic bodies with some minimal form. Many 5th,, 6th, 7th and above density souls chose to hang out in Lightbody incarnations on 5th density planets between missions of assistance.

Ascension from one density level to another most often occurs when a soul is in the non-physical realm. Fortunately, in this time of Earth’s ascending to 4th density consciousness, there is a unique opportunity for Lightworkers, Starseeds and 3rd density souls level who have completed the 3rd density level curriculum to experience transitioning/ascending to the next level of consciousness (4th density) while remaining incarnate in their human bodies. It is each Lightworker’s, Starseed’s, and ready 3rd density soul’s choice whether to transition while incarnate or transition after they leave their human body (through “death”). There I no right or wrong choice. it is up to each of these souls to decide whether they wish to transition while incarnate or after leaving their human body.

One factor to consider in making this choice is that transitioning to 4th density conscious awareness while remaining incarnate here on Earth, contributes exponentially to both Earth’s ascension and to the evolution of humanity at this time of re-balancing the dark & Light frequencies on Earth. Transitioning while incarnate assists immensely, at the vibrational level in freeing humanity from the enslavement they have endured. It is also one of the most glorious experiences one can have while incarnate.

Lightworkers & Starseeds might consider that they chose to incarnate on Earth during this time in order to assist her in her ascension. Just friendly reminder.

Go in Love & Light!