Monday, October 7, 2019

Finding Your Way Through Misunderstandings, Misinformation & Disinformation about Ascension

As I’ve shared previously, after ascending, apart from rereading Kryon’s DNA book, the Law of One books & Seven Elohim Speak, I disengaged from the spiritual community for three years. In part because what I was experiencing in the post-ascension adjustment process, was not in the realm of discussion within the spiritual community. It still isn’t. There’s zip info on what happens after ascending. More importantly, it’s been of vital importance to me that what I share now comes through without distortions. As I learned with one of my wisest teachers at the start of my personal growth/spiritual path (in this lifetime), we each have to figure out where we are & what we’re experiencing, before we can communicate with others in mutually beneficial ways.

In December 2015, when I achieved ascension, I was aware of many others pursuing ascension and expected that many others would also be ascending around the same time. There were “All the waves of ascension energy coming in”, Right? I’m aware there are others who’ve ascended, however lots of people ascending turned out not to be the case. I’d not been consciously aware of having chosen to be a front-runner & wayshower about ascension. It’s been a slow realization for me as I progressed through the post-ascension process and now see that sharing my experience can be of assistance to others.

Being a front-runner is not an easy path to walk. One takes a lot of arrows in the back. All the Q Anon researchers know this experience from being front-runners in awakening about world events. Love for others, the planet & Humanity is the sustenance of the front-runners.

I’ve debated about writing this message for a number of months. Some readers aren’t going to like this post. Others may find a sense of relief. I share these observations with the intention of being of assistance. However this is received is up to you. The reality of what actually takes place in ascending to the next level of Conscious Awareness, is very different than many speculate, it’s simpler, more elegant, more Loving.

There are many misunderstandings in the spiritual community about what ascension is, what occurs during the process leading up to, during and after the moment of ascending. This is totally understandable because what occurs in the transition from one level of Conscious Awareness to the next can not be fully understood until it is experienced. It’s understood from the next level of Consciousness where awareness and understanding have increased exponentially. It’s analogous to becoming a parent. One can read lots of books about parenting, talk with others about how best to care for a baby/child, plan for the arrival, yet nothing can fully prepare you for the reality of having a child. One has to experience the transition into parenthood to understand. So too with ascension.

Some misunderstandings about ascension arise out of misinterpretations of information provided. For instance a chaneller who innocently misinterprets the information chanelled through them, or who is channelling an entity that is not that highly evolved. We process new information through our current frames of reference. As we progress and develop deeper understanding and wisdom, we interpret new information differently. We each see this when we reread something encountered previously and take away a different meaning than the first time we read it.

Unfortunately, there other misunderstandings coming from disinformation planted within the spiritual community. It’s naive to think this is sacred ground, protected from interference.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’re now very aware of the decades long operations to hide the truth and purposely confuse, manipulate & delude the public through false narrative reporting dressed as “news”, altered history in text books, indoctrination in the education system, fraudulent & manipulated scientific research studies, toxic chemicals & modified genetic material ingested through foods, the air, water, land, and medicines & vaccines, etc. etc. etc. Do you think those who work so diligently, so pervasively to keep the public from awakening have ignored the spiritual community as a venue for planting disinformation to lead people astray? [They] do not want humans to awaken to who they really are. And [They] really do not want humans transitioning to the next level of Conscious Awareness where they operate in a higher frequency band.

These misunderstandings being spread and reinforced hold people back in their growth and divert their attention away from the Self-preparation inner work necessary to achieving ascension. In other words, misunderstandings that one has incorporated into their frame of reference, which give control for your growth & transition over to outside events, lead a person to give over their power and divert off the path. In the journey through these times of immense changes, discernment, as always, is strongly advised. Any ideology that takes one away from focusing on their own inner work and espouses that inner peace, freedom from duality & a big awakening will occur as a result of some outer world event is directing the adherents off course. The path and transformation takes place within. You all know this in your hearts.

There are a number of themes to the misinformation narratives. One version is cosmic events – a solar flash or “The Event” that initiates planetary wide ascension. Then there’s the “Splitting Off” version in which those ascending will be transported to another dimension or another planet (“New Earth”), leaving others who are not ascending behind. Still another version targets those interested in Disclosure and tells them that ascension occurs when the ET craft come down and transport them to another planet/reality where there’s no duality, or not to worry, the Galactic Forces will be coming in soon and stopping all the bad stuff happening now. Yet another tells you that you’ve already ascended with Earth as she’s making her transition, so you don’t have to do anything yourself.

All of these misinformation narratives create confusion, divert attention towards outside events & away from the inner work of healing & Self dis-cover-y. They disempower people by making them perceive their inner transformation as contingent on external events. The “splitting off” narrative promotes fear of ascension & leaving one’s loved ones behind. I’ve come across a fair number of people, very progressed along their path, who express fear of ascending, or that they’ve chosen Not to ascend, because they believe that ascending will take them to some other dimension and they don’t want to leave their spouse, children, family behind.

A number of years before ascending, I came across the “splitting off” misinfo and considered it for some time, trying to work it into my understanding of what occurred in ascension. To be honest, it still remained a possibility in my mind even as I made the full choice and announced I was ready for ascension to occur (“Bring it on!!”) The “We’re all going to 5D” ideology started very shortly before I went through ascending. When I first encountered the 5D ideology, it felt very off, yet I tried it on for a bit as a term to describe the set of new skills available to us as the Earth’s frequencies rise. The “Going to 5D” ideology conflicts in many ways with the Law of One which governs the evolution of souls. A little research into the Law of One and basic physics definitions of each dimension adds further clarity, and is recommended. If one steps back and observes, there’s lots of chatter about going to 5D and creating New Earth, yet I've never come across any clear definition of what “going to 5D” really entails.

Now in recent months as I’ve reconnected with others in the spiritual community, many are talking about “The Event”, some describe as a cosmic solar flash that unleashes ascension across the planet. In my experience, it’s accurate to describe the moment of actual ascending as an “Event”, however, the event takes place within. An inner “flash” or “spark” takes place in the moment one connects to the immense stream of pure, unconditional Love pouring forth to you. A Love so powerful & beautiful it brings tears of joy.

When you ascend while incarnate, you remain in your body, with your same home, family, pets, neighbors, world events, yet you are forever changed within. It’s AWEsome. Which, on some level, you remember, and that’s why you’re on the path. Ultimately, all paths lead back to Source.

Godspeed on your journey!


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

A Look at These Times Here on Earth from 3 Time Windows.

There are always many ways to perceive and understand what is happening within us and in our outer world. It always an interesting endeavor to shift from one perspective to another and another to enrich our understanding & awareness Here's a look at what's occurring now on Earth and Humanity from three time windows.

Time Window 1: Narrow

For the past few years we’ve been opening our minds & hearts. Digging for facts & evidence. Searching for the truth. In this relentless search for broader awareness & truth about the world, uncovering ugly truths of corruption, deception, abuse of power & horrific evil operating, often in plain sight, throughout the world.

At the same time, we’ve been looking within. Searching for who we truly are. Intuitively knowing we are more than we’ve been told. Healing old emotional wounds that hold us back. Cultivating compassion & gratitude. Intuitively reaching inwards to the unceasing Peace, Love & Joy that we know is our true nature. Connecting to the Presence of the Creative Source/God/Creator that permeates our being & All That Is.

In this Narrow Window of time, we watch another treasonous hoax unfold, dig for more truth & wait for unsealing indictments, the next IG Report, arrests, the fall of Fake News, the return of qresearch & Q….

You all know the many other details playing out in this Narrow Window of time. It’s in your Twit feed, playing out in your day to day life, unfolding as you walk your spiritual path. 

Time Window 2: A Few Decades Past & Future

We begin in 2007. For many, 2007 was a year when their societal &/or spiritual awakenings began. In 2007 I became a “Conspiracy Theorist” & my spiritual path shifted to the forefront. You may report the same.

Despite having little or no understanding of ascension, awakening, or expanding consciousness, I was beset with massive ascension symptoms. I heard that people have “vibration” & was trying to make sense of this seemingly odd idea. There was one thing I saw very clearly about the period we were just entering in 2007. Over the past 12 years of observing world events & digging for the truth, everything we’ve discovered only confirmed my 2007 perception of these times.

Our societal systems – health care, education, agriculture, technology & communications, banking/finance, transportation, entertainment, research etc. no longer serve the needs of society.

Our systems operate based on greed, corruption & abuse of power. Many were created with greed, corruption & abuse of power as their foundation. Others were infiltrated & corrupted by those whose motivations are greed, corruption & abuse of power.  Our health care system does not foster our health (It is however very good at trauma care). Our economic system is usury, making us poorer. Our education system indoctrinates, rather than developing thinking, logic & intuitive skills. Etc. Etc.

Our digging for truth has uncovered the greed, corruption & abuse of power in each of our societal systems. The lack of fulfillment that so many feel in their lives is a sign of their basic needs not being met by our systems. That which no longer serves a need in the larger society will, over time, crumble, fail & be replaced. We are in this process now. We know our needs are not being met. You can see the cracks in each of our systems if you look. 14/

Our activities now of exposing, arresting & prosecuting those who’ve operated our societal systems out of greed, corruption & abuse of power is a just piece of the larger process of replacing the societal systems that no longer meet our needs.

This process of dismantling & replacing failed societal systems with ones which do & will meet our needs in the future is a decades long process. It is & will happen in multiple phases, as all complex change occurs. Do Not be alarmed. We collectively, at the level of collective consciousness, are orchestrating this multi-system overhaul. While there is expected tumult inherent in every change process, we are managing this process of change ourselves.

We, Humanity on Earth, are about to unleash a New Golden Age. To do so, we first need to clear out all that no longer supports us. Piece by piece we take out the bad parts as we simultaneously open to inspiration, resourcefulness & creativity. 

Time Window 3: A Very Long Term View (very, very simplified)

Long, long ago, the Earth was created & prepared by the Seven Elohim, God’s Master Creators, to be a home for Humans. The Earth is not simply a ball of rock. Far from it. Earth has a Consciousness, Gaia, which the Indigenous Peoples on Earth remember, even if others have forgotten. At her creation, Earth was promised the opportunity to ascend to the next level of Consciousness as Humanity evolved.

Levels of Conscious Awareness are denoted as “Densities”. At each successive density, a soul becomes Aware of, understands & has access to more within the Field of Consciousness. Energetic vibration increases greatly at successive densities.

Densities of Consciousness are not to be confused with Dimensions, which are geographic references within matter, space & time. They are two distinct things. Humans on Earth are multi-dimensional beings, most are at 3rddensity consciousness level.

Gaia has been at 3rd density consciousness & is in the process of ascending to 4th density consciousness. Humanity on Earth is also transitioning to the next density level, mostly through attrition in a 3 to 5 generation process.

Gaia’s consciousness is interdependent with the Humanity that call Earth their home. Gaia’s ascension will be complete once all of Humanity on Earth are at the 4th density level of consciousness.

At each density level there’s a course of learning & mastery required for a soul to ascend to the next level. In the process of Earth ascending there’s a unique opportunity for humans who have met the requirements to ascend while staying in their bodies.

We are in the midst of many humans awakening & moving towards ascension while incarnate. The new children born after 12-21-12 have 4th density consciousness. Collectively humans are shifting to this higher level of Awareness or state of being. 

While our old systems functioned in keeping with humans’ lower level of Conscious Awareness, these systems do not fit for humans operating at a higher level of Awareness. We are becoming aware of the low frequency attributes of our systems. 

Greed, corruption, abuse of power, cruelty, fear, are lower vibrational states of being, which are highly objectionable to people living in higher vibrational states of honesty, integrity, courage, compassion, gratitude, joy & Love.

At our higher collective level of Consciousness that which no longer resonates at our frequency begin to crumble & fall, giving us the opportunity to replace, restructure&create new systems that serve our needs commensurate w/ our new vibe state.

When we understand a process we’re experiencing, we can identify where we are within that process. We gain clarity, even in the chaotic process of change. We can navigate through pro-actively towards a outcomes good for all concerned.

We have immense opportunities before us right now. Opportunities to create in ways we’ve never had before. We’re taking the opportunity to jump out of prior cycles where history repeats itself. The old ways are fading in the past.

New systems are already emerging – gifting economies, sustainable agriculture, alternative medicine focused on foods & herbs that promote the body restoring it’s health, home schooling movement…

As we uncover the once hidden horrors in our old systems, think also of what wonderful & benevolent new ways, organizational structures, inventions & methods could serve in their stead. Let go of limiting beliefs about how things can be.

Humans are truly magnificent beings. Beings made in God’s image w/ the God spark within. This is our time for Humanity on Earth to discover this Truth and to live it. The new Golden Age is unfolding & You, Dear One, are here unleashing it.

