Sunday, March 6, 2016

Letting Go of Your Grip on "Reality"

Have you ever considered loosening your grip on reality?  When the veil lifts and you jump to a more expanded level of conscious awareness, your sensing and understanding of what "reality" is will shift radically.  From a more expanded, multidimensional perspective, your view of reality becomes flexible and ever expanding, and you'll recognize that truth is not absolute.  There will always be more information to integrate into your understanding of who you are and what occurs in your life and the world around you.

Humans in 3D have such a strong tendency to cling very tightly to their version of reality.  We hold on tenaciously to what we believe to be true.  In a way, we need to grasp our sense of reality in order to maintain our bearings.  However, we often approach the creation of our reality by gathering up just enough information about each new situation, event or person to mould a story.  And then we stop there and hold on to the first story we come up with.

Yet there is a huge difference in what we experience if we are maintaining our sense of reality from a flexible, open state, or from a closed state.  Openness involves looking at reality with an open mind and open heart.  When we clings to our reality with a closed mind and closed heart we shut out the possibility of something new and different and limit our growth of discovery and understanding.  New information that expands your awareness is blocked out, dismissed, or negated.  The closed minds and closed hearts, which predominate in 3D humanity can be seen as the source of the pain and suffering we've experienced in our relationships and in the world events happening around us.  Humans living in the limited closed state of 3D are immensely unkind to each other.  This creates the repeating cycles of unkindness that we long to escape.  And you are here to break up these repeating cycles and usher in a golden age where open mind and open heart predominate here on Earth.

Our vibration sets the tone for our perspectives and the stories we craft to make up our reality.  If we are in lower vibration, we're feeling down or fearful, or frustrated and angry.  From these lower survival emotions our thoughts trend in the negative and we then create stories that lean towards being judgmental of others and our own life situations.  When we raise our vibration, our mood lifts, we feel better about ourselves and the world around us, and the stories we create about our reality are more uplifting, optimistic, and compassionate.  When we raise our vibrations we shift into a state of open mind and open heart.

There are different levels of the truth in every situation.  We have all had many experiences when we held an opinion or belief about another person, either who they are, why they acted in a certain way, or what their situation is.  And then we learned something new that completely changed our view point.  We often refer to these shifts in perception as "Oh, I misunderstood." or, "I jumped to the wrong conclusion."  What is the truth about any given situation or person is totally dependent upon what is known and understood, and what is not.

The same is true in regards to our opinions and beliefs about ourselves.  Although we tend to hold on to our existing perceptions and stories about ourselves even more tenaciously than we do in regards to the stories we create about others.  Perception in 3D is limited, thus the perceptions of ourselves and who we are is limited.

As you're now proceeding quickly through the preparation phase of ascending, you're opening up to more expanded perceptions of your reality and more expanded perceptions of yourself.  To assist you in further expansion, here are a few ideas you might try on, if you choose, and see what happens:

1.  Consider in each situation that there is possibly more going on that you do not yet understand.  Fill yourself with wonder at the ever unfolding journey of discovery.

2.  Cultivate open curiosity.

3.  Allow yourself to be who you are, recognizing that you are so much more than you may currently perceive.  The joyous voyage of self discovery never ends.

4.  Allow others to be who they are without judging or labelling them, recognizing that they are so much more then you may currently perceive.

5.  Treat yourself and all others with kindness and compassion no matter what.

6.  Recognize that your perception of any person or situation is nothing more than a story you've made up.  Leave ample room for discovering that your stories may be jumping to conclusions after all.  Allow your stories to continue changing and evolving as your own conscious awareness increases.

7.  When/If a particular situation in your life is really getting to you, try grabbing your journal and see how many different stories you could make up about that situation.

8.  Let go of your grip on "reality"!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Demystifying the Process of Ascension

Over the past weeks I've been speaking with people and doing some informal survey research of what information is out there, both online and in books, about the process of Ascension.  I've looked for recent personal accounts of having ascended while incarnate but, as of to date, have not found any new ones. Most of what is written about the process of ascension is by people who have not yet ascended.  The information available comes in the form of channelled messages of guidance from our colleagues in the non-physical and insights from people's recent personal experiences.  Understandably there is a lot of confusion because Ascending while incarnate has not been on option available to many, until now.  We are the fore-runners, the leading edge, in graduating to the next level of consciousness while staying alive in our physical bodies.  We've been given this rare opportunity to graduate and make the leap to the next level of conscious awareness while remaining in our current incarnate lifetimes.  This is an enormous gift, and one which is immensely humbling.  This opportunity to experience Ascension while incarnate is a very deep honour we are receiving in recognition of the hardships and struggles we've endured and the contributions we're making to Earth's Ascension process and Humanity's great shift.  I, for one, am deeply grateful for this honour.

My experience is that it's always helpful while going through a process of change to understand what that process is.  Knowing what the process is that we are going through allows us to identify where we are along that process, gives us land marks, and removes the uncertainty of going through the unknown.  From my observations, there are a fair amount of misunderstandings about what Ascension is and how it takes place. I'd want to provide some definition and clarifications that can assist you as you move through the process of Ascension.

The process of Ascension is a three stage process. 

Stage 1. Preparation  The first stage is a lengthy period, usually years long (always years long is probably more accurate), spent in preparation for the moment of Ascending.  Most of the information available about what is generally termed the "Ascension Process", concerns the first preparation stage.  Which makes sense because that is the stage where everyone is right now.  Many people are not consciously aware that they are preparing to Ascend, although their Soul knows and is guiding them.  However, at this point, being consciously aware of the process of Ascension and the preparations involved will assist you on your path.  It's easier to get some place when you know that's where you're actually headed.  Trust that your Higher Soul Self is connected to you in every cell of your body and is guiding you perfectly on your path.

There are four tasks that are undertaken during the preparation stage and they occur in an interrelated manner. 

        a. Personal Growth  The period of preparation is one of significant, steady personal growth and self discovery.  This most often begins in an effort to feel better about oneself and have one's life work better.  One might characterize it as a period of pulling together and applying the wisdom gained through many lifetimes to arrive at a deeper, more expanded understanding of who you are and what you have experienced in this lifetime. We examine the events and experiences in our life, learn to reframe our stories, and seek new understandings about what we have and are experiencing.  We mine our experiences for the learning.  We strive to learn new and better ways of communicating and interrelating with others in our life.  We work to understand who we really are and why we are here.

       b. Clearing, Releasing, and Refining Your Self  Closely related to the task of personal growth, there is the process of bringing up, examining, clearing, and releasing old, outgrown patterns, ideas and beliefs, and emotions.  The clearing and releasing takes place at the mental, emotional, physical, and sometimes spiritual level.  We clear out and replace old patterns of behavior and communicating.  We identify limiting ideas and beliefs that no longer fit and that  get in our way.  We release false personnas and labels that others gave us that do reflect who we really are.  We run out the doubt.  We develop trust in our selves and in our process.  We steadily release fears and self-doubt.  In the process of clearing and releasing, we steadily refine who we really are and move towards consciously being our true Self.

     c. Raising Vibration As we progress in our personal growth, and clear, release, and refine who we truly are, we raise our vibration.  Our emotions lift, moving out of depression, anger, and fear. We develop courage.  We steadily transition to living more and more of each day in optimism, hope, joy, love, and unconditional acceptance.  As our emotions lift, we learn to maintain more uplifted, positive thoughts.  We learn to raise and control our vibration at will, and may begin developing a physical awareness of our vibration.

     d. Stretching and Expanding Towards the Next Higher Level of Conscious Awareness  As we grow and release old patterns of behavior, limiting ideas, expectations, and beliefs, and raise our vibration, we begin stretch and expanding our conscious awareness towards that of the next level.  We practice maintaining our awareness in the present.  We tune inwards to listen to our inner knowing, to our intuition, and begin receiving direct communication and answers from our Higher Self.  We learn to expand and shift our perspective so that we gain deeper understanding about our reality. We discover new tools and begin practicing new approaches to creating our lives. We learn and strive to adopt the steps of manifesting what we want to create and experience.  We have epiphanies and wondrous Ah Ha moments.  You learn to love yourself.

Stage 2. The Moment of Ascending  After completing the preparations necessary, comes the actual moment of Ascending.  The moment of Ascending occurs when we emit a vibrational harmonic chord, our pure signature vibration, which acts like a key opening a locked door to the next level of conscious awareness.  You do not need to do anything to strike your vibrational signature chord.  You arrive there, guided by your Higher Soul Self, through the preparation process and it will happen automatically.  At the moment of Ascending the dormant layers of DNA in every cell of the body activate, a door between the subconscious and conscious mind opens up, and the veil of forgetfulness dissolves. This is a profound, intense experience.  There is nothing subtle about it.  It is mind blowing in every sense of the word.  The moment of Ascending is not gradual, rather it takes place like a major switch is thrown on your entire being.  Ascension will not occur without you noticing it.  You will know without a doubt that something significant just happened, even if you're unsure at first what exactly you've just experienced because you've never experienced anything like it before.  A majority of people will black out for a while when it occurs, while a smaller percentage will remain conscious.  (Muscle testing, I get that 75 - 80% will experience a brief period of blacking out, and 20 - 25% will remain conscious when they Ascend to the next level of consciousness.)  The moment of Ascending will take place during mediation or introspection when you have moved your conscious awareness out into the void. 

Stage 3. Recalibration, Integration, and Discovery  Once you've Ascended to the next level of conscious awareness, nothing will be experienced in the same way again.  You are now consciously connected to the much larger data base of your Soul Self.  You will begin a process of recalibration, integration, and discovery which will take a number of weeks or months.  This stage is mind blowing, exhilarating, and euphoric beyond anything you can imagine.  At the physical level, your brain and mind will be rewiring to connect up your awareness to your Soul Self.  Everything is different and you'll embark on a process of discovering what those differences are.  You'll perceive the interconnectedness of all things at a level never experienced before.  You'll realise that the last vestiges of fear, doubt, struggle, and so perceived obstacles have vanished from your entire field.  You'll perceive that everything is of benefit, and understand the true purpose of all that you've experienced in this lifetime.  You'll discover that you have access to a vast treasure trove of information within your Soul Self and begin exploring the vast amount of inner Knowing now available to you.  What you can sense, feel, and perceive expands exponentially.  You vibrational awareness is enormous and your will soar.  It is freedom beyond what you ever imagined possible.  You will fall in love with being alive.  It's pure bliss.  Gradually as you recalibrate and integrate you'll arrive at a place of feeling a new normal where you can function in your daily life with ease and grace.  The discovery of what you can now perceive consciously will continue to unfold. 

One thing that is very important to point out is that Ascending is not the end of the process of evolution of the soul.  You will not arrive at some totally blissed out state and then be done forever after.  In Ascending, you graduate to the next level of conscious awareness and then once there, you'll begin the continuing process of learning and mastering the lessons of this new level.  The evolution of the Soul continues on.  It is an ever spiralling journey back to Source.

I hope this provides some clarity about the process of Ascension.  Please feel free to post comments or ask questions.  I'm here to assist.  So many of you are ready and the moment of Ascending is imminent. I am excited beyond words for you!  And I'm so looking forward to greeting you as you arrive at this next level of conscious awareness, so please announce when you arrive.

Blessings and much love to each of you!

Notes on Where People Are and Where They Are Going

The three week break since my last post, was never intended.  What's gotten in my way has been simple exhaustion.  My physical energy the past three weeks has been at a very low ebb.  I've just been too drained to do much of anything.  Considering the absolutely incredible amount of energy I processed and the physical changes I went through over the first six weeks or so of this ascension transition, it makes complete sense that I'd go through a period of recouping my energy.  I've been taking things easy, eating well, doing MAP calibration sessions (see Perelandra with Michaelle Small Wright's info on the Medical Assistance Program), and generally cutting myself a lot of slack and resorting to caffeine when I really need to show up somewhere.

As I've shared before, the leap of ascending involves enormous changes in the brain's wiring and activation of dormant aspects of the DNA, often referred to as the layers of DNA, in each cell in the body.  It takes a lot of energy to shift through these changes and reach a new equilibrium.  The changes in my chakras, have been significant too.  My crown chakra is still open to span the entire top of my head with energy flowing in and out steadily.  My heart chakra has opened enormously and now feels like there is a salad plate sized opening straight through my body, open enough that you could just pass your hand through my chest.  Let me tell you, it's an odd feeling that takes a bit of getting used to.  And just as before, when I'm really tired, I'm not as quick mentally as when I'm rested and my energy is flowing easily. 

Generally I feel very normal now, although my new normal is immensely different than before.  Considering how long a quest and struggle we go through to move out of fear, doubt, and pain, it really doesn't take long to get used to feeling their absence.  Rather nice this.  Although I do kind of miss the awesome feeling of being in the continuous altered state full of immense euphoria that I felt each day as the brain/mind and DNA changes were taking place following the moment of ascending.  That phase was so much fun, actually the most fun I think I've ever had.  Right now, I'm really looking forward to having this period of exhaustion behind me.  It is getting better gradually each day.

Even in exhaustion I've been making an effort to get out more and meet a bunch of new people.  I recognized that aside from the various blog posts and sites with channelled messages from the energies in the non-physical, I've not had a good sense of where others are in their journey.  Well, that's not totally true, I do know they all somewhere on the spectrum of growth along the path.  My desire and commitment is to offer assistance to those who are on the path of ascension in the physical in this lifetime.  In an effort to connect with others in friendship and hear where they are, I've spent some time the past few weeks taking part in a couple of spiritually focused groups within my community.  The groups are filled with some nice, upbeat people. One group is studying Abraham Hick's Law of Attraction and the other is focused generally on spiritual experiences, though it's run by someone who is a follower of the Ekankar religion, so this is the perspective from which she leads the group.  There are a number of people who take part in both groups.

One thing I realized while attending these groups is that my clairsentient abilities have increased exponentially.  Everyone is very transparent to me now.  I immediately read their emotions, their motivations, their minds to a level far beyond what I did before.  This is taking some getting used to because my empathic self is picking up a louder message than the words being spoken.  In a group setting, it's a lot to keep track of as it's taking place with so many different reactions coming to me at the same time.  It also provides an opportunity for me to develop and hone my abilities to consciously assimilate reading multiple people at the same time.  And to make conscious choices as to how I respond to the words spoken and the unspoken mental/emotional state of where people are.  What's been so striking is the amount of fear and judgment I pick up on.  It's the predominant reaction I pick up on as I listen to, observe, and interact with the people I come in contact with.  The majority of humans operate from survival mode in which new ideas or ideas that differ are perceived as threatening.  Seeing the pervasiveness of fear and judgment has been very sobering for me.  It is a sad aspect of humans in 3D limitation for which I hold much compassion.

Another thing I found curious is that none of the people who've attended these sessions are familiar with the concept of ascension.  Many said they've been consciously on their spiritual path for many years, some for decades, so this is a real surprise to me.  I found myself wondering how it's possible that they could not have come across the idea of living in Heaven on Earth, finding Nirvana, or attaining a state of Enlightenment before.  Is it that the possibility of actually living in immense joy all the time seems so far fetched that it never occurred to them that it could actually happen?

Everyone in the spiritual community is always searching for their purpose in this great shift in human consciousness.  I leave you with a few questions that you might ponder, if you choose:

What are you really searching for?

Where does the path of spiritual growth and evolution lead?

What is our purpose in playing the reincarnation game over and over and over again?

What is this great shift in consciousness on Earth all about and why is it occurring now?

What is the Divine Plan for Earth and humanity?

Much Love & Light!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Using Imaginary Tools to Raise Vibration and Effect Change

Preface Note:  This article originally appeared here on December 26, 2015, under the title Turning Up Your Vibration Made Easy.  It has been substantially revised and expanded to include greater detail, information, specific dates, and source references, and has been retitled.

Over the past weeks, months, and years my inner knowing and guidance has led and opened me into ever deeper awareness and understanding about energy and vibration.

In our core we intuitively know about vibration and this knowing is reflected in the language of our cultures.  We have an abundance of colloquial phrases and figures of speech that we use for both higher vibrational states and lower.  Lift ones spirits, flying high, soaring, on cloud nine, riding high, over the moon, or, feeling low, down in the dumps, depressed, sinking feeling, down and out, head under the covers.

When I first heard references to "raising our vibration" sometime back around 2007, my reaction was "My vibration? What are they talking about?  What does raising my vibration really mean?"  Gradually I got that emotions like fear, anger, and greed were lower vibrations and that love, gratitude, compassion, and joy were higher vibrations.  Kind of a good emotions/bad emotions classification.

But that wasn't enough of an answer for me.  At the most basic level, vibration is energy moving.  It is the science of physics. I just knew there was a more concrete basis for understanding the concept of our vibration and reasons for it's importance in spiritual growth.  Quite synchronisticly at that time, I'd ordered a book containing channelled information published back in the early 1950's.  If I remember correctly, it was channellings of St. Germaine about the Violet Flame.  (Sorry, all my books are packed and in storage, or I'd locate it and give you the exact title of the book, which is no longer in print.)  One very short passage in the book explained that our vibration is the rate at which the electrons move around the nucleus in each atom in our bodies.  As we raise our vibration, the electrons spin faster.

Think about this for a moment.  When we raise our vibration, every atom, in every molecule, in every cell of our bodies moves with more life force energy.  You see, this whole process of ascension, of raising our vibration and radiating more light, is far from fluffy spiritual imaginings.  It's science and physics based.

In the absence of scientific instruments that are sensitive enough to measure our vibrations, we have our own, highly sensitive, internal measuring methodology.  Our built in vibration meter is our thoughts and emotions.

Thinking back on a reading I had after the passing of a very close friend early in my awakening. I was deep in grief at the time and struggling to keep basic things like my work going forward.  In the reading it was suggested to me that I could choose whether to be sad and grieve or whether to live in joy.  What a striking revelation it was at the time because I'd never grasped that I could actually choose how I felt.  It took quite a bit of time to absorb the idea that I had a choice.  Shortly after I came across the concept that I could choose my thoughts as well.

In 2010 and continuing over the next few years, I began studying Matrix Energetics with Richard Bartlett. (  Richard teaches a system of transformation based on quantum and scalar physics. Richard is brilliant and amazing, and certainly the most fun teacher I've ever encountered.  I described my first Matrix Energetics seminar as a cross between quantum physics lectures and being in the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

There are two things I learned in studying Matrix Energetics that are relevant here.  First, I learned that the rules governing our reality are just made up anyway, so if you want to change the reality you're experiencing, just make up some new rules that work better for you.  And second, I learned that what we experience is a dance of creation between our consciousness and the quantum field. In the seminars, I learned to use my imagination to create whatever control panel, tool, or pretend gadget I wanted in order to both receive information from my Higher Self, Source, the field, or whatever you want to call it, and to shift, transform, heal, or manifest using the quantum field, vibration and oscillation between wave and particle states in the material world.  The quantum field works with our consciousness and imagination, so it doesn't matter whether you have a real frequency healing machine or an imaginary one.  When you turn the control knobs, the frequencies emitted by both the real and the imaginary machine will have the same impact, such as on the human body.

Since attending my first Matrix Energetics seminar, I have set up frequency showers that bathe me in nurturing, healing, and invigorating frequencies every time I take a shower; a button on my car's dash board that cuts gas consumption in half for those times I realize I'm almost out of gas and the nearest gas station is not very near; a bell that dings in my head to alert me to something (which I no longer remember).  To name but a small few.

Another very fun system of techniques that uses imagination to shift and transform your experience of material reality is presented by Vladimir Dolokhov and Vadim Gurangov in their book The Art of Soaring, which I discovered around the same time I was first learning Matrix Energetics.  The Art of Soaring techniques use playful and intuitive renaming of yourself, some play acting out your new name, and giving a gift to Vanya, the Goddess of all things.  Even my very scientific minded, left brain sister experienced some big shifts during a very stressful time in her life when I renamed her as: Barbara is the one who dances the cha-cha-cha with the salmon round her kitchen island. With a little nudging on my part, she would repeat her new name to herself throughout the day.  She usually listens to music while she cooks and would take a turn or two around her kitchen imagining a line of salmon, all hold the waist of the one in front, dancing the cha-cha-cha with her in the lead.  A week after I'd presented this tool to her, she called me to share the good news about changes in each area of her life she'd been so stressed out about.  What I understand now is that this technique raises your vibration by adding playfulness to whatever situation you want to shift in your life.

In December of 2014, while participating in an Expect Wonderful program of channelled messages, a message spoke of choosing our vibration and that we can raise our frequency any time we want to just by tuning it up. I was able to do this easily right from the start and found the effects amazing.  Within a few days, using the tools I learned in Matrix Energetics, I had designed an imaginary vibrational control panel and installed it from rib to rib running across the space between my heart and third, power center chakras.  My control panel had a vibration control knob that turned up my vibration, an abundance flow meter, a vibration reset button for rebooting when I discovered my thoughts/emotions/vibration had dropped into fussiness, and a gas pump perpetually broken in the on position that pumped gold and silver coins into my bank account while the dollar number display flashed ever higher.  At some point a few months later when I was working on learning to physically identify my body feelings of being in flow or in resistance, I switched out the abundance flow meter for a resistance/flow meter.  Interestingly, a year after I incorporated use of my control panel into my daily practice, one of the Expect Wonderful channelled messages spoke of using an imaginary control knob.  Then again, all information is available to each of us through the Source field.

We come in as children knowing the concept of using imaginary tools, gadgets, steering wheels, gear shifts, temperature and volume control knobs, switches, levers, and stethoscopes to listen to our hearts, etc. etc, to create.  As children we "know" the power of these tools to create in our material reality.  But then most adults dismiss this as true and tell their children (us) it's just make believe.  Wow, I just saw this while writing the last sentence.  Look at the phrase we use in the English language!  Make Believe.  Believe Making.  Very cool.  Even the words used by adults to dismiss the power of imagination, actually acknowledge that very power.

I would encourage you to play and use the power of your imagination and make believing to create in the quantum field, shift your reality, and raise your vibration.  Use a knob, a slide bar like the volume control on your computer monitor, some up and down buttons with LED read out, whatever type of control you fancy.  You could even have a talking giraffe standing on your shoulder that calls out, like an old fashion elevator operator, "Going up!"  Your body/mind/emotional fields will respond regardless of the control mechanism you choose.

One other tip worth passing on, I've discovered that on nights where I'm having trouble winding down and falling asleep, turning my vibration down a bit allows me to settle and drift into sleep.

Tune yourself up and shine On!!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Integration and Grounding of the Soul Self

Yesterday marked six weeks since I began the transition into conscious connection and merger with my Soul Self.  I've come out of the intense mind transformation period that had me in a very continuous altered state, and this past week I've settled into a very grounded, fully present and integrated way of being.  In many ways I am back to the normal me as I experienced myself prior to ascending, yet I am completely different.  That's probably as clear as mud, as they say.  So I'll share some more observations about the transitions of Self as I've been experiencing this process of transcending out of 3D self now that I have yet another new level of clarity.  Everything is always in the process of evolving, whether we recognize it or not.

Last weekend, it felt like the last lens of limitation lifted.  The process of coming out of limitation might be described in this way.  If you've ever had your eyes checked for corrective lenses, the eye doctor uses an apparatus with multiple lenses that he/she tests your vision through by flipping one or a combination of lenses in sequence while asking, "which is better, one or two." (I could look up the actual name of this device, but you know what I mean so I skip that endeavour).  Anyway, the process of coming out of limitation happened as if over the course of five weeks, every couple of days another lens of distortion lifted away.  It could also be understood as the veil evaporating gradually like fog dispersing.  To the best of my present awareness, the last lens of limitation has lift away.

As I said, the past few days I've been feeling more and more integrated.  I no longer need to switch different modes, from looking within for knowing and insight mode to task/action mode.  My knowing is simply there and present as I go about my day.  I flow smoothly, without questioning myself, from one activity to another.  What to do now? and what to do next? aren't questions I need to ask.  I just know and go with it.  Intuition is no longer a separate message system for me to listen to or ignore.  It's integrated and incorporated, and taking action feels completely spontaneous and easy.

My trust in the process and in timing feels unshakable and complete.  I find I no longer take separate steps too question what's occurring, nor do I need to remind myself to trust the process or the timing.  I just trust without questioning.  My trust feels innate. 

As happens for all of us in the course of a week, a number of events transpired for me to respond to.  Chatting about what I've been up to with a close friend the other day, there were a couple of times she asked. "Why did you do that?" and "Why did you respond that way if you're coming from you higher knowing?" In both cases my response to her was that I just did what I did, which sounded and felt like rather clueless responses at the time.  As events unfolded over the week, I received the results I aimed for, even in one situation where my friend had said, "You know that's not going to happen." Thinking about all this is what led me to understand clearly how I've integrated intuition and action, and eliminated internal debate about how to respond or what steps to take. 

It's been many years since I read Eckhart Tolle's book The Power of Now.  As I've been writing these paragraphs, I find myself curious to revisit it because I have a hunch this is just the phenomenon he describes in the book. 

Over these days and weeks, my awareness, comprehension, and understanding of how everything works and what's taking place in each arena I focus on, myself, my family, my projects, global events, continues to deepen and expand.  It's quite magical and lovely how this takes place.  My knowing just gets deeper with each passing day.

I'll give you a couple of examples of what I perceived before and what I understand now after merging with my Soul Self:

Before Ascending:  I started construction of a custom house four years ago, with very pure intentions that it be built incorporating the quality of honesty, integrity, creativity, and heart, reflecting the elemental themes of wood, stone, and metal.  Three years later I found myself with an unfinished house and some very significant and costly to repair defects, and a builder and responsible subcontractors who refused to do anything about it, despite being contractually liable.  Emotionally I was devastated, disappointed, and very, very angry.  I had a mess of a situation to get myself out of and had already spent twice what was budgeted for the house construction.  I felt like a failure.  And the big question I kept asking was: How did I create this situation?  The outside reflects what is within.  I was pretty skilled at manifesting before I started this project, so what did I do "wrong".  I spent a year in a very dark place trying to subsist, identify another and another defect in construction, and face work my way out of completely debilitating emotions. Then another year working step by step to feel better about myself and starting to ponder a way to remedy the situation.

Now:  My Soul has been, through every moment of my life, fully connected to me at every level of my being, though I was not consciously aware of it.  My Soul created this fiasco of a creative construction project as the absolutely perfect scenario for me to prepare to ascend.  A scenario so perfect that it allowed me to very quickly over a 13 months period, clear away all the discordant emotions in my field, release limiting thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that never served me, all the while raising my vibration, and aligning within myself all the qualities and attributes that make up my true Self.  As for finishing the house, or any other creative project I want to manifest, there is not a single obstacle in my way to bringing it into the material.  I am a Creator God, as are you.  And now I know just how powerful I am.

Before:  For the past eight to ten years there have been quite a number of endeavours I've wanted to undertake, such as writing about my process of spiritual growth and discovery, industrial art projects for my house (I'm making most of the light fixtures and tile mosaic trim for my house), and pursuing legal claims and insurance settlements for construction defects.  However, I just could not get myself to really take action on them.  I'd analyse over and over why I wasn't doing what needed to be done.  Feel bad about myself for avoiding, making excuses, and basically being a slug about it all.  Always with the underlying sense that there was something wrong with me.

Now:  My larger Soul Self knew that it was not the right time to complete these projects.  The industrial art projects would have needed to be scrapped and redone.  If it had been installed, my glass tile mosaic in the shower would have been destroyed when the walls are cut open and the plumbing redone.  Had I pursued the lawsuits and insurance settlements before ascension, when I perceived many obstacles and did not fully know how deserving and worthy I am (we all are), I would not have received the compensation I'm entitled to that I will easily obtain now.  I would have been going against the grain, and now it will all flow in synchronicity.  As for writing, now is the time and I started this blog back up exactly when this information needs to come out in the world.

As always there is more to share, though I will wrap up for now with one last observation.  I've discovered there is one obstacle I bump into daily.  It's my two awesome, rescued Goldendoodles, Rohan and Simone.  Goldendooldles are a very intelligent and very people oriented breed.  They like being petted, getting butt scratches, and doggie massages.  Yet since I began this process, they have become even more attentive to me.  As I type, Rohan constantly bumps my elbow wanting me to stop and pet him and Simone keeps crawling half way into my lap for pets, despite weighing 75 lbs and being way too large to be a lap dog.  All in all, if I had to choose an obstacle, I'd say this is a pretty fun one to have.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Ascension is Coming Home to Experience Living In Heaven On Earth

You know those time when you've had a very long and arduous day or more of travel back home?  One that you encountered major weather delays, missed connections or major traffic backups, mechanical trouble, lost and found luggage.  Then you finally walk in the door and your whole being lifts a big sigh of relief.  Home.  You're in your space with your comforts of home, where you know where everything is and your surrounded by your energy.  And you climb into your very own bed made up with clean sheets, and inside you just think, "Aaaaah, it's so good to finally be home!"

That's exactly how I feel in this moment.  I am finally Home.  I am Home and I'm alive, incarnate on Earth where I can create.  It feels so incredibly, I don't have words to clearly express this, there are no words for it.  It truly is Heaven on Earth.

The past two days I've been calm and completely centered in who I AM. I am all of me, my Soul Self.  The various perspectives have merged.  And though I can't say for sure because this is a steady process of expanding, unfolding and reconnecting, it seems to me that the last lens of limitation has lifted. 

It's quite fascinating to observe and experience the process that takes place within the body, brain and nervous system during ascension.  I would make the analogy to a large on-line business, such as Ebay or Amazon, going through the process of switching from limited, outgrown coding and servers to new much larger, infinitely more high powered servers with much greater functionality.  The transfer does not occur instantaneously.  There is a process of establishing new circuitry and in batches, transferring existing components and information to the new server.  There are short spans where a particular function isn't working then it's circuit is connected to the new server and it resumes.  There are occasional coding glitches that have to be sorted out, and new coding put in place to handle the new functions within the system.

There is one thing I want to say here very clearly, especially for any of you who have been following this journal of my experience and find the intensity I've experienced and shared to be, shall I say, a bit more than you're sure you want to go through yourself:  You have complete control over your own pace of integration with your Soul Self.  At any time you can say, Whoa, slow down a bit, or I want a few days break to rest and acclimate myself before moving ahead in the unfolding process.  It is always under your control.  I chose to do this in the way I am, and to be consciously aware of what is taking place within my brain and body.  I also choose the pace.  My friend, Peggy, reminded me yesterday that early last September, when I became aware that the activation frequencies would be coming in during the September Equinox and eclipse cycle, I said, "Bring it on, I'm ready!"  Actually, I'm aware now, that I made this choice before I came into this incarnation because it serves my purpose in what I came to do here.  This intensity has been my choice, and you have the discernment and ability to choose your own pace that fits for you.  Remember this.

Within your DNA, in each cell of your bodies, is an Akashic record of all the spiritual learnings you have acquired over the course of your many lifetimes on Earth.  You also have record of the talents and skills you acquired in each lifetime on Earth.  Think about this for a few minutes......One of the processes that takes place once the door in the conscious mind opens, is the unlocking, activation and connection of all your acquired spiritual knowledge contained within your DNA with your conscious mind.  It happens automatically. This is what is meant by the lifting of the veil. Kryon (See link on side bar) refers to this as opening your jar of spiritual knowledge. 

I'm discovering that the opening of my jar of spiritual knowledge is a steady, smooth unfolding.  It just occurs naturally, easily, and without effort.  Each day I look at myself, my life, and the world around me with eyes that see and understand with noticeably greater clarity.  Everything makes sense in a new, wiser way.  Each day my depth of understanding grows deeper and more expansive.  Each aspect of reality, the human experience, and interconnection of all on the planet that I turn my attention to reveals itself with greater meaning and understanding.  This all occurs without struggle or striving.  It's absolutely magical to experience.

The spiritual knowledge and the talents you've acquired over the course of many, many lifetimes are yours.  You've earned it all.  Wouldn't you like to have access to all the spiritual knowledge and technical expertise you've earned in this present lifetime?  It's your choice.  You can have it all if you choose.

Each of you reading this blog are ready to open the door in mind and become conscious of the fact that You are your Divine Soul Self.  You wouldn't be reading this otherwise.  The path of spiritual growth and discovery towards the doorway to life as your expanded Self is long and arduous.  We've been on the path for what feels like forever (actually this is true because the spiral of ascending never ends). I sense that most of you can't quite believe you are actually here, that you have arrived and need only open the door to experiencing the next level.  As I've begun sharing my experience, I'm starting to pick up the reactions from others that they can't quite grasp that someone they know, either personally or through written communications, can actually be ascending to the next level.  As if everyone has been so busy being on the path, and more recently found much joy and happiness, that they've forgotten that the path actually leads to a whole new level of experiencing Self and everything.

So...going forward in this blog I will continue to share my personal experience, because there is always immense value to each other as we share our experiences.  And at the same time, I'm going to turn my attention towards sharing what I see might be helpful to you in opening the door within you. 

Along the seeking path, we have all looked towards, use, and appreciated the guidance we receive through channelled messages and activations from our friends, colleagues, and allies in the non-physical and the teachers in the physical.  All of this guidance has come through attuned to where we are in the present and guides us in the next steps.  It's very much like getting GPS directions.  As you take each step forward, you are then guided in the next step.  Turn left here.  Now proceed 2.4 miles.  Bear right and merge onto Highway 347.  Some of us are, however, like me, map people.  We understand the course better if we can look at the map.

From my current, expanded, on the ground perspective, there are insights I want to share with you going forward that I believe may be helpful to you.  My daughter's very first response when I told her I was passing through ascension was, "How do you do this?"  One of the reasons I choose to zip through the process of connecting consciously in mind and body, with my expanded Soul Self, is so I can offer the on-the-ground perspective and guidance on how to do this yourself.  This isn't a perspective that we've had available to any degree.  So now I'll share it.

The image that comes to me is this.  You've all been on the path in this journey for so long.  Now you are in the elevator, waiting.  All you have to do now is push the button and the elevator will take you to the next level and the door will open automatically.  I nudge you and remind you, "Hey, don't forget to push the button!"  When you do, you will finally arrive back Home.

With much love

Friday, January 29, 2016

Ascension System Mainenance and Recalibration

Today I've been off-line, in system down for servicing and upgrading the circuits mode.  Looking back, it started yesterday afternoon.

I can speak from the Helen observing the process perspective though, that is still operating.

Yesterday I felt much more centered in I AM Helen (My Soul Self appears to have chosen this moniker because it's what now comes to mind).  My mind was calmer and quieter, with much less self talking about what it was observing and experiencing in this transition.  Emotionally I was feeling a bit more serious throughout the day, without the giggles and giddiness I'd experienced so often bouncing through this acclimation process.

During the day, as I set about some mundane tasks, I became aware of the fact that my outer world will change significantly and very rapidly now.  Our outer world always reflects our inner reality and my new inner reality will be expressed in the outer world I experience.  As within so without.  Well, Yea!!!  I set about making a series of decisions as to what I want to create.  It was such an easy, pleasant, and very simple process now that there is no internal debate and no bumping into limiting ideas and beliefs, etc.  The things that I'd been struggling to create prior to ascension, such as repair of construction defects and completing the interior and exterior finishing of my house, will flow gracefully together going forward now. I understand this so clearly and naturally.

For the past five or six days my mind had been running at max capacity.  Like a computer running a marathon.  Personally, I've always found it exhilarating and exciting when I'm processing a lot of information and finding repeated epiphanies.  Although I have never done this so intensely for so long a period.  I'm curious about what others will experience in their acclimating process.  How they experience their minds and brains working.

By evening I was really tired, my whole body exhausted. Since day one, if I turn my attention to my crown chakra I can feel an ongoing energy flow.  But last night there was an intense stream of energy flowing in.  I realized I'd been going into off-line mode as the day progressed and that I was receiving another strong energy upgrade.

I see that I started going through a defrag process last night, a process of clearing fragments of old perceptions and thoughts.  A few times, once walking back from my chicken coop towards the house and twice while I was reading a novel in bed, I experienced momentary flashes, for just a second or two, when I flashed back into pre-ascension perception of who I am.  It was really weird and a tad unsettling.  "Is anything that's been happening to me real?  Or am I just loosing my mind?"  I dropped the questions and just went to sleep because I don't worry anymore!  This morning I was still exhausted even though I'd slept well.  Over coffee I had a few emotional flashbacks as I recalled a recent conversation with a friend, feelings that I would have felt before ascending.  But the feelings were feint and fleeting, like an echo.  That's when I was certain I was going through a defrag and an upgrading of all my circuit to handle the higher frequencies, and open up archived files so I can now access the information. 

The other synchronicity was that while all this was occurring we had really high winds over night and the power went out.  The power was out all day today, before being restored just as the sun went down.    Shortly after the power came back on at my house, my recalibration process started to wind down and I was able to close my eyes and connect on-line, so to speak.

This is the third time I've experienced my body and mind going into systems down for maintenance, recalibration and reboot.  This actually happens to us all quite routinely as we progress along the path.  It's just much more prominent and experience after ascending.  There are a couple of things I notice about this process worth sharing.  The intensity seems greatest the first time and has lessened a bit each time it happens.  Or perhaps I'm just more familiar and have greater understanding of what's taking place now.  Another is that the baseline state I'm in during each successive recalibration period is increasingly more elevated.  The first time it occurred, I was for 48 hours back in pre-ascension body and mind.  The second time I retained a level of experiencing myself as unified with my Soul Self, which increased this third time.  It's a process, a new process I'm discovering.  While I'm curious as to how this will unfold going forward, I know my Soul Self me guides the expansion process and knows exactly what it's doing.  No worries there.

There are immense changes that occur at every level, in the body, mind, and emotions, as we ascend.  The magnitude of this is huge.  So it's an ongoing, continual process.  Much occurs in our DNA in every cell in out bodies as formerly dormant capacities get switched on and activated.  Kryon's book The Twelve Layers of DNA has excellent information about this.

One last thing I want to share in this post. While I was running errands I had a most beautiful experience in the check out line of Target while buying raw hide bones for my dogs.  The cashier, an older gentle man, was smiling and softly singing to himself in between inquiring whether I'd found everything I was looking for and did I want a Target charge card.  I couldn't quite make out his lyrics.  "Oh, how lovely, I didn't expect to be serenaded while shopping!" I told him.  He smiled, nodded and continued singing.  As I finished paying I heard the next line of his song, "Oh, the love in my heart!"  And my entire being, body and field lit up with enough light to light up the entire store. I was electrified with love and light.  "I love you too.  May you have the most beautiful day."

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Cup of Coffee's Worth of Observations - Part 1

My intention going forward here on Earth is to assist this glorious awakening, shift and expansion occurring in human consciousness.  And to do so by sharing my experience, and providing support and guidance to those seeking to pass through ascension while incarnate on Earth,  The process of stabilizing, acclimating, and becoming familiar with living in body as who I AM is taking place very, very rapidly.

One way of looking at the human mind and experience is to recognize within the mind there is an observer self and a doer/actor self.  You are probably familiar with this construct.  As I proceed through this integration, I want to capture the observations of what I now call "Little Helen in this lifetime going through ascension" because I sense that in a very short span of time the perspective of  Little Helen will recede and fade.  Actually it is already happening.  So for a while, I'm going to write distinctly in two sections.  Thusly....

Little Helen In this Lifetime Observing Her Process:

Daily, and rapidly, I'm learning to function, explore, and navigate in this vast Soul Self me.  Because of the speed with which my mind is able to process massive numbers of insights, new information sensed and grasped, and cognitive understandings acquired, my sense of time is going wonky.   I feel like six or nine months must have passed since December 25, 2015.  So much took place within my cognition this past weekend that those two days felt like two weeks.  As a result, I have moments when I think, "Odd, I haven't heard from my friend in two and a half weeks.  Hope all is well with her."  Then I look at the calendar and see that it was just five days ago we had dinner together.  I experience this as humorous rather than disconcerting or unsettling.

When I look outwards at the larger world at the events and occurrences taking place, it is now from the perspective of the I Am Helen, not Little Helen.

Earlier in my life, around when I became more spiritually aware, a very intuitive and close friend shared her observation that my mind worked differently from most people.  This was a helpful observation and over time I was able to understand that my mind, very naturally and automaticaly, was able to take in multiple variables, and instantaneous understand the way they interacted over time.  I can see things operating as a system and immediately know what cog or gear is or isn't working well within the system.  Or whether the system works at all.  It's right brain parallel processing, I believe they call it.  I'm not sure of the specific name given to this capacity.  Anyway, I have a strongly vague awareness that this brain function is really in play as my mind works to make sense of what I'm experiencing and accessing within.   In other words, you may have a simpler process in acclimating mentally.  Or perhaps I was born with this brain capacity because I would need it in order to make sense mentally of the enormous amount of information contained within my ancient soul line.  Time will reveal more understanding about this.

As I said in an earlier post, I been living a rather solitary life the past ten years and I've not spend much time with family and friends since the veil lifted.  Who I AM now and how I perceive reality now is so radically different from two months ago that it's going to be interesting to observe and experience my interactions with people who have known me before I passed through ascension.  I am not at all the same person they are expecting to encounter based on our prior interactions.  The process of those in my life getting to know me now is going to be interesting.  It might be rather difficult for them to grasp the difference.  I've tended to just put myself out there and let other deal with it as they choose.  However, because this is such an enormous revision of Helen. Perhaps telling people that I'm rather different than the person you've known before, is a way to start?  I want to feel my way into this a bit and reveal my new self in a gentile way, or at least in a way they can follow.  These are people I love very much.

I'm finding that I have quite a strong aptitude for vibration.  I won't be surprised if we discover amongst those who have passed through ascension, that we each have areas of immense mastery.  In the two months prior to ascending, on three occasions during the moments just prior to waking in the morning, I received very clear vibration lessons.  (I've been intending to write a post about this, however at this time, I think you'll get more out of it if I present it in the context of a tool you can use.  Know this is coming.)  I've only just begun to access the vibrational knowledge I contain.  It took no time at all to find the understanding about what "harmonics" and "vibrational keys" are.  Boy, I never really grasped what this meant when the guidance in channelled messages referred to harmonics or vibrational keys.  Same for "distortions".  The complexity involved is more than I can explain in a blog post, but that's why I'm starting on a book.  Because this information will be helpful to you if explained from a human perspective.  You've already received it from the channelled energy's perspective.  

I was about to write that I wasn't certain whether my vibrational knowledge was stored in my DNA memory storage or stored in my Soul Self.  The I realized that this information is stored in both places.  Of course, it would be!  At this point I'm uncertain which location I'm accessing this knowledge from.  I've added this to my list (guess I'm making a list?) of things I'm curious to find out, but I will put this inquiry on hold long enough to finish this post.

What I've written so far is what occurred to me in the 15 or 20 minutes I sat outside on my back porch this morning drinking coffee.  This should give you a sense of how much there is to grock (grock is my word for taking in a bunch of information and making sense of it) and how fast the grocking process occurs.  I can't type as fast as my mind works.  Wish I could.  When I started out I wanted to also share some observations from the I AM Helen.  However, there are some mundane tasks I want to accomplish today, and in keeping with my decision to work out some sort of routine or schedule to ensure that the mundane aspect of on planet living doesn't fall to the wayside, I need to turn my attention and actions there.  For the present moment.

I leave you with one I AM observation:  You do not need to do anything to be perfect.  Who you are is already perfect.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The First Month of Ascension Unfolding - What It's Like

Yesterday marked one month in the Ascension unfolding.  I did not keep a daily journal during the last month.  Before too much more time goes by, I want to record, both for myself and for all reading, what the Ascension experience has been like for me thus far.  We have a lot of very old, and rather cryptic texts describing Ascension, but not so many contemporary  accounts, and frankly, we are light years ahead of 2000 - 3000 years ago.

Disclaimer: You are your own unique and perfect You.  Your experience will be unique and perfectly awesome for you. (And very fun and inspiring for everyone else if you share your experience.  So please do share!)

My unfolding Ascension experience:

December 22, the December Solstice:  I made the decsion to relinquish and release ALL that I had been thus far in this lifetime.  Most of me was amazed I was doing this.  I felt immensely tickled with myself.  It was like making the decision to throw out your old, most favorite shirt.  The one you've worn to death, mended split seams and tears, sewed buttons back on, scrubbed at stains that never really came out, elbows and cuffs worn almost through, faded all over.  Loved it immensely, definitely got your mileage out of it, but it was time to finally let it go and find a new favorite shirt.  And you toss it in the donation bag, or trash.  It was like that.  After making the decision, I felt so much freer and clearer, curious and tickled with myself.

December 25, Christmas Morning (The Festival of Lights :) : In meditation, after calling in a direct connection with my Divine Self and my guides, I asked to connect with my Angelic lineage.  I connected with the memory of the beautiful, love filled intention/inspiration that sparked the preparation of Earth as a Free-Will zone for life to experience, ebb and flow, thrive, expand and create.  I connected with the knowing/understanding of the partnership we incarnate have with our Soul line.  Then suddenly my body filled with heat and an energy larger than I've ever experienced entered my body.  The energy was highly compacted, as if pressurized.  There was nothing dark about it and it did not feel foreign at all.  I felt stunned and close to exploding.  Breathe, expand into it, breathe expand into it.  Like giving birth in reverse.  I knew the energy was mine to contain and integrate in.  I felt like a very over-stuffed overstuffed chair.  The I heard "Ascension is Real."  My intuitive voice told me this was the first of three or four of these energy connection/infusions.  There was no sense of time so I don't know whether I spent 15 minutes or an hour and 15 minutes integrating before I could open my eyes and move my body. 

Once I opened my eyes, stretched and stood up, I knew everything was different.  Everything.  But in what way?  This starts a continuous conversation between the inner observer, with the conscious mind and the expanded Soul Self.

Back to the day's Christmas dinner with my sister and her daughters....I made a roasted vegetable dish with pomegranate seeds tossed in.  I've eaten pomegranate seeds a few times before, but not often.  They were so good.  While cleaning up after dinner, I ate the rest of the seeds no used in the dish and went home craving more pomegranate seeds.

Day 2 and 3:  I felt an inner freedom that was profound, as if I had no obstacles at all.  My body felt taller.  Basically, I felt really good about myself and my life in a powerful new way, although I wasn't sure at first how to describe it.  As I went through these first couple of days, I realized that all sense of struggle, doubt, worry, and resistance was gone.  My entire field wiped clean of all emotional pain, disappointment, despair, hurt, worry.  The small stuff I used to concern myself with was now irrelevant.  "Wow, Am I?/I am really in ascension!!?!!"  I took two hour naps each day.

Day 4 and 5:   These two days were really quite humorous.  I'm in 5D, I'm in 3D.  I'm in my knowing, oops where'd it go?  Back and forth, back and forth between the two radically different states.  When I slipped into 3D, if I closed my eyes and reached for the connection, I easily connected back into 5D knowing state.  All the while I kept asking myself, "Am I really in ascension?  Maybe I was mistaken. No, I think this is ascension.  Wait, maybe it's not."  Emotionally, I was cool with whatever was happening, and this was a very different attitude from before.  (How about BA - Before Ascension, and AA - After Ascension?  No, AA will of course get mixed up with the other AA.  We need new words and abbreviations)  Again, I took two hour naps each day and slept really well at night too.

Day 6 and 7:  I woke up the morning of Day 6 with my body feeling immensely heavy and worn out.  When I tried to raise my vibration, nothing happened.  When I attempted mediation, I could not connect to my expanded Soul Self or any of my guides.  During the day I tried to take a nap but didn't fall asleep.  My body was a total wipe out, yet it had a different quality from those days when your body's tired and worn out from physical exertion.  Finally I found a way to describe what I was experiencing, I was totally off-line.  "Oh well, guess I wasn't really stating ascension."

The next days/weeks:  I woke up Day 8 feeling more myself (Whoever I am now!???!!) I turned my vibration knob and it responded, Yeah!  Quickly I was back in 5D connection with my expanded Soul Self embodied.  I tried a couple of times over the next few days, in meditation to call in another download of energy/connection, but it didn't happen.  My experience of being in 24/7 connection/embodiment stabilized and took root.  My physical energy level was high and I felt exuberant.  I accomplished a bunch of tasks I'd been putting off, like sorting through my clothes closet.  "Yes, this is ascension.  I am finally, finally ascending!!!)

One evening, about two weeks after the ascension process began, I listened to the first half of a program on Beyond the Ordinary.  Don't remember who it was but she said she channelled the Elohim and Keepers of Knowledge, my lineage.  The info coming through during the channelling was really basic to me, so I turned it off and connected to the higher realms and my guides.  And boom, my body filled with heat and I was once again filled with my enormous Soul energy.  This time the experience felt less intense.  The connection/download very much paralleled what I experienced the first time.  And it was followed by two or three days of feeling much more expanded, my inner knowing/sensing more expanded.  Then two days of wobbling and flip-flopping between more knowing/less knowing, more connected/less connected.  The two days of body exhaustion/heaviness and being kind of off-line.

General Observations and Experiences:

My sense of time has kind of blown out the window, so to speak, so I'm just going to list some of what I've been experiencing.  This is the most literally MiNd BloWiNG, and I mean literally, experience.  Awe, Joy!!, wonder, amazement, vastness, and knowing/experiencing myself connected to everything. 

I've absolutely, positively fallen in love with being alive.

With the Christmas connection/download, my crown chakra blasted open from being about 3 inches across, like the diameter of the bottom of a drinking glass (where do I come up with these analogies?) to the entire top of my head.  It has remained this open and I feel vibrational tingling of connection all the time now.

The vastness of and within me has no ending or beginning.  I've spent at least half of each day, sitting comfortable relaxed back in my chair, eyes closed, immensely happy and entertained, exploring.  And searching for words and concepts to describe to myself what I discover.

The human 3D mind is very limited and constrained in it's abilities to grasp what is now available from within when in 24/7 continuous, open connection and embodying the expanded Soul Self in 5D. 

This morning I recognized, Hey, the veil is gone!  Did it disappear all at once on December 25, 2015? Or was there a gradual dissipation, like fog clearing?  I'm not sure because the initial opening up to expanded Soul Self within the conscious mind is so huge a leap and the human mind so limited, it's taking time to wrap my mind around what I'm experiencing.

Analogies are the staff of life!!!  I search for and use analogies continuously to locate a mental definition of information I'm finding and experiences I'm experiencing.

My self-talk is now 100% an ongoing monologue of what I'm experiencing/discovering and what my Soul has to say.  No critique of myself, another, or anything. Nada.

My understanding about vibration and how vibration is everything went exponential.  This is an are I spend a lot of my "time" exploring and reclaiming while sitting happy as a lark in song with my eyes closed.

My baseline vibration is now much higher than I was previously able to reach by turning my vibration up as high as I could stand.

Listening to music/voice like this master old soul (She's 9 years old, wrap you mind around that!) sends my vibration soaring through the Universe in every part of my physical body, mind, and emotions.

My sense of humor jumped exponentially, especially about myself.  The again, I live by myself with my two Goldendoodles, Rohan and Simone, and 18 chickens (they live in their coops, not the house), and have spent much of the last month alone, so I can't say whether anyone else appreciates my senses of humor, but I laugh with and at myself all the time.

I have a wall in my office area where, for the past nine months I've posted inspiring quotes and statements/thoughts I wanted to hold and believe as true.  I just took down two statements/thoughts about the Universe conspiring for my success and Creating my magical security blanket, because, well, Duh, why do I need a reminder of what is so blatantly true.  In their place I'm going to post "Remember the Mundane!" because mundane things like paying bills seem like such silly things to have to do, not that I've ever been that in to the mundane tasks.

You know when you walk into a room and can't remember why you were going there?  Well the other night I realized I had just walked back and forth from one end of my kitchen to the other at least 25 times, no kidding, because I couldn't hold the thought of what I wanted to do, then wasn't sure what I was planning to do in the first place.  

Back to the pomegranates...since Christmas I've been eating pomegranates, one or two a day.  After that first one, it was the only food I craved.  My body must need something in them.  I'm now skilled at taking them apart and corralling the seeds in a bowl without rupturing the seeds.  However, the peel and pith turns my nails and cuticles dark grey.  Boraxo (remember that?) is best, I've found, at taking some of the staining out, but basically my hands look like I just finished working on a car engine.  If you have a solution for this, please post in a comment.  Thank you :))

I no longer go within seeking connection with a guide or wanting an answer to some question.  In regards to how to do something in the material world, I just know what's the way and what actions to take to have it happen.

Based solely on three occurrances in the past few weeks, I think my clairsentient/claircognizant abilities now extend farther because it was easy to tune into someone at a geographical distance from me.  It's not something I feel a desire or need to check out.  Over time, I'll become aware as situations present themselves.

What I described in this post about navigating from 5D to explain something to someone in 3D is no longer a challenge or better term, an adventure.  It's easy.

I've not yet spent my time and focus on creating in the material to see what happens.  When I'm focused inward I sense that it's going to feel and be like being Merlin or Gandolfcreating in the material by setting up the vibrational codes for what I want to create.  Oooow, it's going to be fun.

I no longer seek guidance or answers to How do I do this or that? from outside sources. Once or twice I've looked at the messages and guidance posted on-line in places like Spirit library.  A few have accurate guidance, but I'm already here and don't need it.  The majority of what is out there in the spiritual community is like playful diversions that aren't going to get you anywhere really.  I see this so clearly now. Like going to get a manicure or get ice cream cones.  They aren't going to guide you to connecting Consciously to your Soul Self and the vastness of Source.  Sorry.

Each of you in incarnate life is already fully connected to your expanded Soul Self at the subconscious mind and in every cell of your body through your DNA.  When you strike the precise harmonic vibrational code to door opens in your conscious mind and you become aware of Source and the vastness of your being.

The keys to opening and connecting to Source in your Conscious human mind is an alignment of harmonic vibrational codes, like a complex chord in music.  I can see it so clearly now.  And each day it's gotten clearer to me how to explain this all to others who are seeking.  It will take a book's worth of words to describe the process and keys.

There's much more I could say at this time.  I'm hungry so I'm not going to proof read this before posting (which you might have already guessed by now).

I'm about to start writing the book as quickly as I can.   That will be professionally proof read and edited, promise.

I love everyone.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Ascension is Real

Going through the Ascension process is mind blowing.  In these first few weeks, what I find most profound is the experience of having the expanded Divine Soul Self connect and merge with my physical mind, body, and emotional field.  Nothing is the same once this happens.  There is 24/7 access to your expanded inner knowing within this merged field within you, that is you.  Make sense?? There is a lot to wrap one's conscious mind around, to make a gross understatement.  It is a magical, wonder and awe filled experience.

I shared a few posts ago about the first few days after connecting and merging with my expanded Soul Self, that I experience myself flip-flopping back and forth between 3D and 5D.  Another way to describe this relates to the connection to the expanded Soul Self.  The powerful energy that filled my body is my Soul Self.  I knew this as it was happening and this knowing has grown deeper.  The few days of flip-flopping was like tuning a radio, as you hit the station you want for a moment, then turn the knob slightly back and forth until you hit the place where the transmission is consistent, stable, and clear.  "I'm in my Knowing, I'm back to my small self, I'm in my Knowing, Wait, how did I lose the connection when all I did was go in the kitchen and quarter and apple?" 

Over past few weeks, as my Soul embodiment has stabilized and continued to deepen and expand within me, I've spent some time exploring the Knowing that is now available to me.  The difference between pre-Ascension and Post-Ascension I would describe like this.  Before Ascension my Knowing came in in short, direct, currently appropriate guidance.  Sort of like I was given the third paragraph on page 137 of a particular book, applicable to what I needed in that moment.  Over the years, as I listened and asked for guidance and Knowing, I reached a stage where I could request knowing on a subject and would receive it usually within 48 hours.  After connecting to my expanded Soul Self in ascending, I now have access to the entire library.  The library is huge and all the information is vibrational.  So I've been (re)learning how to locate, access and translate information into human mental concepts and words that my self, here in this lifetime on the ground can understand.  I hope this makes sense.  I'm trying.

This weekend, as I consider, "Who am I now?" and "What and How do I want to express myself now?"  I recognize that at this point I hold a number of perspectives simultaneously.  There is Helen in this physical life who has mundane tasks, like  mopping the floor, buying groceries, and fixing the new hole in the fence that my dogs have started traversing for unescorted field trips.  There is Helen in this physical lifetime who is experiencing the Ascension process and learning to make sense of it.  And there is Helen, the expanded ancient Soul Self that is becoming consciously known/experienced in this physical lifetime.  (There is a forth perspective related to my role with Earth and humanity, but for the sake of this discussion and simplicity, I'm leaving that one to the side for now.)

The mundane perspective, you already know about and we can talk later about the challenge of integrating/balancing the mundane tasks into the Divine expression on Earth once I figure that out a bit better.  And the forth perspective is to the side, for now.

Considering the perspectives of the in-this-lifetime Self experiencing the Ascension process and the expanded ancient Soul Self now resident and becoming consciously known/expressed in this lifetime, both perspectives have wisdom and guidance to share.  I sense that over time, they/1 will become more integrated into one perspective.  But for now they are very distinct, and I want to choose how to share the best of each perspective.  And I'm still experimenting with Where I am speaking from now?  Pay attention to this because when you Ascend (if you choose), you too will experience multiple, simultaneous perspectives and the opportunity to make choices about how you want to express the new expanded you.  Then again, it might unfold for you as a very natural, graceful, not such a big deal process.  We are each different!

My Helen-in-this-lifetime experiencing Ascension perspective is easy to share, it's a matter of relating what I'm experiencing the present, as I've been doing in this blog from the start.  Enlightenment, Nirvana, Heaven on Earth, Ascension, that state of inner peace, joy and bliss spoken of in the ancient texts, has an ethereal quality in most people's minds.  It is like some far off distant place heard of in legends that we long for and dream of reaching, but can't quite grasp that it can actually happen.  Reading accounts from those who have ascended in this current time, Eckhart Tolle, David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD, Michealle Small Wright, Gary Zukav...makes it less mystical, answers a lot of questions, and helps us understand and validate our experiences in the Ascension process. At least it's been immensely helpful to me.

Lastly, and most significantly, is my perspective as an expanded Soul Self.  This is the perspective for which I want to find my voice.  It is from our expanded Soul Self that we have access to share with other the deepest, most expansive wisdom.  So first, I must tell you who I am:

I am a humble servant of the Creative Source and I bow to the Divine in you.  I am an ancient soul of the Elohim.  From both the non-physical realms and from the physical during incarnate lifetimes, I've participated in the co-creation of the Divine Plan for Earth as a Free-Will zone for life, and for the Plan's fulfilment in manifest physical form.  There is a partnership that takes place between the non-physical Soul and the Soul acting through incarnate expressions.  Creation in the physical can only happen through the Soul expressing in incarnate form.  During a prior incarnation, in service of the Divine Plan, I was a genetic scientist who created the seeds for the trees and plant life that we then seeded on Earth.  I should say co-creation as there were many involved.  This was in the Lyra star system.  Much later in earth years, I had lifetimes as a Plieadian participating in the seeding of Humanity and the co-creation of the crystalline grid on Earth.  And many hundreds of lifetimes incarnate on Earth.  I am here now in service to Earth and to all life and Humanity on the planet in this time of the expansion of Consciousness.

Back to the present in this lifetime, I've been experiencing and witnessing the unfolding of Earth's and Humanity's expansion and shift to the next level in the unending spiral of growth and Ascension.  My joy, excitement, and awe is dual in nature.  I experience it at the personal level as Helen in-this-lifetime. As in Wow, this is amazing!  And I experience it, perhaps most intensely, with the love and joy of a mother watching her child, after many challenges, prepare to receive his/her Masters degree.  A love so deep, unconditional, eternal.  As I view the shift occurring on Earth, I feel like my proud, dedicated mother hen, Miranda, as she gathered her wide-eyed curious chicks to leave the nest and step outside the coop for the first time.  Rest assured, No chick will be left behind!  I am not the only person incarnate on Earth who shares this perspective, though our numbers are relatively few.   Please know that there is a multitude here, both in the physical and non-physical, to support and assist you in this transformation.  The Universe conspires for your success.

So... my intentions now are to quickly sort out and integrate, as i find appropriate, my perspectives, gather and translate into concepts and language understandable to the human mind the relevant information I have access to in my expanded field, and then express in written form what I sense will be most helpful/useful to assist those on the path of Ascension.

On a lighter note, We really need to co-create a field of Ascension humor.  So much of this experience is quite hysterical.  I mean really, I just had to figure out how to tell people I made the trees!  Imagine this for a moment, and please laugh with me.  And I promise to laugh with you when you connect with the awareness of what amazing things you created in the material. 

Lastly, because this is quite enough for one post, I leave you with this message:  Ascension is Real.  If you have completed all the lessons of the 3rd dimension, and if you choose, you really, truly can Ascend and expand into consciously embodying your Divine Soul Self in this physical lifetime.

With deepest sincerity, Namaste, much love

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Like Being a Spiritual Teenager Who's Not Sure of the Driving Directions.

Despite my best intentions to post every few days, I've started three different blog posts in the past week, and before I finish one, my focus has moved onto a different area of interest.  There's one about David Bowie and what an incredible role model he is/was for us of living as Sovereign beings, one about working with the themes of integrity and congruity, and the first of a four part series on collectively using our conscious focus and energy fields to create peace in the world.  So much is changing so quickly.  I find it a challenge to keep up with myself.  Pretty funny.

We truly have the opportunity now, if we choose, to step up into a completely new paradigm of spiritual awareness and understanding.  Along with this comes the opportunity to learn and develop mastery in using a whole new host of tools and ways of being to live and create in 5D.  We've really done all we can with the old 3D spiritual teachings.  We've visualized, opened our chakras, and worked with the Law of Attraction without really understanding how it works.  We gone as far as we could with a limited 3d separation perspective.

Two analogies come to mind that illustrate the differences between the old realm and the new one.  One is that thus far we've learned how to read and have been reading and understanding what we read and write, at least understanding in our heads.  Now we, if we choose, we have the chance to work with movies.  Not only do we have written words for a script, but we have skilled actors that express the subtleties of the emotions and the chemistry of their interactions.  We have costumes, lighting and scenery and sets, and an immense range of cinematography to work with in creating our vision.  In owning our sovereignty, we take on the role of director, claim our inner authority and artistic license, and begin creating the life we want to create.  And we learn to understand the meaning of our new vision through our hearts.

Or a second analogy, we've been small children with one box of eight crayons and a coloring book, with "the way things are" preprinted for us in black outlines.  Now we're stepping in to play in a huge, light filled, quantum art studio with every variety of canvas, board, and paper we can imagine. Charcoal, ink, and paints in oils, acrylic, pastels, and water colors.  We have brushes of every type, sponges, pens, markers, and the big box of 150 Prismacolor colored pencils.  Now we can work with and develop discernment in using the subtleties of color, shading, line, light, and shadow.  And what we can create is whatever we want and dare to envision.  There are no longer pre-stamped lines we have to follow outlining the way things are "supposed" to be.

The new 5th and 6th dimensional realm is really one of working with vibration.  As we transition into these expanded dimensions, our attention now is on learning discernment of the subtleties of different vibrations and skill at using them to create in the material world of Earth.  Vibration is everything. 

Our expanded Soul or Divine Self, already knows well how to work in this arena.  Yet for our formerly 3D conscious mind, we have much newness to wrap our minds around.  And collectively we'll need to come up with new vocabulary to describe what we are experiencing.  I find myself continually throughout the day in a state of "wrapping my mind around" something new.  Then having a bit of difficulty finding words to describe what I'm experiencing to someone else.

One of the challenges I've encountered in these first days entering the 5D/6D realm is about communicating with others who are operating in 3D.  I do fine talking with a friend of mine whose travelling right beside me.   It's a bit more challenging with others who haven't yet started to transition.  Quite often I find myself at a loss for words on how to respond. There were a couple of instances this week when speaking with people, awake and aware people, when I found myself not sure where to begin in responding to them.  My understanding of how we create our reality has expanded so much, it's hard to know where to start when someone asks my thoughts about a situation or event in their lives. 

For example, a friend called me and asked for suggestions on how to respond supportively in regards to a situation involving her 11 year old daughter.  She has always valued my insights into the best interests of children.  I could see that the situation likely was a reflection back of some old limiting self perceptions my friend has. The way I would have viewed what was going on in this situation before and how I view it now is very different.  And how I would have responded before no longer fits.  I can see that my old 3D perspective might have helped some, but really would not have been very supportive in the long or short run to either my friend or her daughter's sovereignty and self love.  Yet I was at a loss as to the best way to communicate my view of the situation. 

Mentally from this expanded perspective I'm just learning to navigate, I had to identify what's important and what supports both of them in their sovereignty and self love, then figure out where in 3D perspective my friend was.  I realized I'm not familiar with the best route to take in walking another person through from a 3D perspective to what I want to share of my perspective.  It's like I have to do a Google map search to identify the best path of explanation from 3D to 5D perspective.  It became a very spatial mental process.  Give me a few months and I'll be much faster at this. 

If you've ever moved to a new city, moving into 5th dimension is a similar experience.  In a new city, at first you don't know your way around at all.  You have to give people a change of address.  You have to locate the cheap gas station, the grocery stores and farmers' market, find a good dentist.  You have to learn the names of roads and discover the best routes to get from point A to point B, and the short cuts in between.  It can be a challenge at first to give directions to someone else so they can find you, especially when you're still learning the landmarks.  You're in a new world.

After thinking about 11 year olds and the process of growth teenagers go through, I see a lot of similarities to the process of Ascension too.  Teenagerhood (spellcheck says this is not a word?!) is a developmental process of exploring who one is, developing autonomy/independence, learning to make good choices for oneself, learning to participate in the larger community outside of the immediate family, and physically developing into an adult body.  Likewise, Ascension is a developmental process of exploring who one is, developing sovereignty, learning to make self-loving choices for oneself, learning to participate in the larger community outside of the immediate spiritual family, and physically developing into a body that supports your new, larger energy field. Both are processes of transitioning from a more limited state of being to a much wiser and more capable state of being.

And neither of them are steady gradual processes.  One of the things about teenagers that I find endearing, though it drives a lot of parent totally nuts, is that you're never sure whether the kid who just walked into the room is going to be their 10 year old self or their going on 30 self, or somewhere in between.  Teenagers flip back and forth, sometimes with amazing speed, between their child self and their emerging adult self.  And sometimes they think they're in their adult self when their acting like their 10 year old self, just to make it all really confusing for everyone.  The early stage of Ascension is a lot like this.  You find yourself switching back and forth between your old 3D self and your greatly expanded 5D self, or somewhere in between.  At least compared to teenagerhood, the transition into the wiser, expanded Soul Self is much faster.  And throughout it all, high spirits abide and you find yourself laughing at yourself a lot :)

Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016: The Year of Falling in Love with Being Alive

Never before have I felt such joy and excitement about a New Year.  Oh, the potentials before us!!  On New Year's Eve, I realized I've actually been celebrating this New Year for the past 10 days.  First, the winter Solstice, when I decided to give up all that I've been in this life up to now.  Next, the December 25th full moon, Festival of Lights, and all planets moving forward together.  That was the day I connected with my Soul lineage and promptly received the infusion of enormous energy.  And in the evening, with family, we held a short, non-ceremonious ceremony in which we each acknowledged our accomplishments of the year, cast into the fire what we wanted to release, and claimed what we wanted to experience in the New Year.  I cast into the fire "all that I've been in this lifetime up to now" and then claimed Mastery, Joy and Love for this new year.  And last night was the calendar New Year.

Of the three, the Solstice felt most like the official New Year to me, which is a new experience.  I've marked the solstices and equinoxes for the pas few years, but not really celebrated them.  However, this past winter solstice felt like the new year.  Pondering this, my sense is that as I've become more attuned to my true Soul essence, I've also become more attuned to the natural cycles, the rhythms of nature, the planets and the Universe.

Making the choice to relinquish and release all that I've been in this lifetiime was a very intuitive decision. I find it kind of curious and I'm a bit tickled about it.  It was not done out of a desire to cast away something awful that I no longer wanted, or be done with a life I couldn't stand.  Not at all.  The decision rose from the recognition that I'm ready now to claim my expanded Soul Self and let go completely of what I now call "little old me".  It arose from a sense of completion, of commitment, and a desire to accept responsibility and ownership of who I really am.  A bit like I am done riding a tricycle, I'm ready to drive a car, or rather a spaceship.

For about three days after I absorbed that enormous blast of energy on December 25th, I went kind of multi-personality, bouncing back and forth throughout the day between my expanded Soul Self and little old me. The contrast between the different states was/is extreme.  It was real quite hysterical.  Each time I found myself in little old me mode, I just practised switching back into my expanded Self by going into my heart, turning up my vibration and expanding into the higher frequency.  I never imagined I'd spend so much time wandering around within myself looking to find the most direct route to my fullest Self and create a well worn path there.

After the first three days of switching back and forth between the old and new states, things seemed to stabilize and I stayed in expanded Self mode for a couple of days.  Have to say, being in my expanded Self feels so fabulous It's hard to express.  I feel a clarity I've never experienced before and resistance free freedom.  By way of analogies: It's like I was always fighting my way upstream, without realizing it, and now I'm freely in the flow.  Like before I was living my whole life in a too small apartment, constantly bumping my knee on the corner of the bed and coffee table, or struggling through dense woods tripping on roots and getting scratched by brambles, and now for the first time I'm outside in a big open field of wild flowers.  It feels glorious.  There are no obstacles to what I can create.  It's like falling in love with being alive.

Yesterday I woke up in the morning in what felt like a middle space between expanded me and little old me, although I'm not certain this is accurate.  I was tired during the day too.  There is a lot of adjustment and acclimation going on physically, emotionally, and mentally, that's for sure.  Part of me stays in observer mode watching and assessing because my sense of reality has really changed.  Yesterday aside, my energy has been really good while I'm awake.  Yet I've also needed more sleep and have been taking long naps in the afternoon.  And pomegranates.  I suddenly developed a craving for pomegranates, a food I've only eaten perhaps twice before.  Now I'm eating two of them a day.  Clearly they contain nutrients my body needs for all the DNA changes going on.

Funny, when I set out to write this post, I'd thought to write a New Year's post about my big epiphanies of the past year, what experiences I wanted to release from my life, and what new things I wanted to experience in this new year, but it evolved in a quite different way, which, as always, is perfect.  In my nap yesterday, after starting this post, I received a message that there are very few accounts of what it's like to experience Ascension.  There are probably more, but I've only come across three such accounts:  Ekhart Tolle in The Power of Now, David  R Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. in Power Vs. Force, and Machaelle Small Wright in Dancing in the Shadows of the Moon.

Both Tolle's and Hawkins' books devote only the first few chapters to describing their experience of Ascension.  And both of them experienced a similar process of dropping into a very dark night of the soul despair then one powerful, sort of big bang, that transitioned them into an expanded Self state.  Machaelle Small Wright's Dancing in the Shadows of the Moon is a detailed journal of her experience, which took a more gradual process.  Mine is also more gradual.  The powerful intake of energy I received on December 25th, I suspect, is only the first of a series.  There is more to come, with atunements and infusions in between.  My body needs time to adjust and upgrade with each big step in the process.  It's too much energy for me to take in all at one time.

Here at the start of the new year, I'm aware my focus has shifted from an inward focus on my own personal experiences, to a focus on what I can and want to do to support the Ascension of other Lightworkers and the shift of Human Consciousness.  Writing about my journey helps me identify and understand what is occurring within me.  And I'll heed the message I received that sharing my journey is of assistance to others.   We are each working in partnership with our Expanded Self in making this great leap in consciousness.  You are each unique and will follow your own unique process of Ascension that you have tailored perfectly for yourself.  And at the same time, this is a shared journey we are all creating together.  (Gotta love being here in 5D where the last two sentences make total sense.  Back in 3Dville, these statements would be a total contradiction!)

Lastly, as an added bonus and because I'd already written out the list, here are

The Big Epiphanies of 2015:

  •  Epiphanies are one of my favorite things!
  • You can raise your vibration by simply turning it up.  In doing so, you automatically lift your spirits, upgrade your thoughts, feel so much better, and feel much more energetic.
  • Lifting your vibration not only makes you free better, doing so makes you resonant with and receptive to the higher frequencies coming into the planet.  Receiving and integrating the higher frequencies transforms you and expands your understanding of reality.  It all just gets better and better.
  • Most of us operate with an unconscious cultural expectation that the other person is supposed to make us feel better.  When we remove that expectation, we free ourselves up to experience our sovereignty, free the other person up to be themselves with us, and transform our relationships.
  • We are each way more powerful creators than my old self ever imagined.
  • The collective effect of a couple of hundred small epiphanies about how we create our reality is enormous.
  • All the years of working to uncover, heal, clear, forgive, and release old misunderstandings, hurts, fears and self doubt, false personas, limiting beliefs and expectations, and old emotions lodged in my body was worth every bit of courage and effort it took.  Because when all the old crap is cleared away there is a freedom and joyousness that is pure bliss.
  • Ascension is real. 
  • Loving yourself deeply and completely really is the way to change the world.
Shine on Awesome Ones!