Thursday, March 3, 2016

Notes on Where People Are and Where They Are Going

The three week break since my last post, was never intended.  What's gotten in my way has been simple exhaustion.  My physical energy the past three weeks has been at a very low ebb.  I've just been too drained to do much of anything.  Considering the absolutely incredible amount of energy I processed and the physical changes I went through over the first six weeks or so of this ascension transition, it makes complete sense that I'd go through a period of recouping my energy.  I've been taking things easy, eating well, doing MAP calibration sessions (see Perelandra with Michaelle Small Wright's info on the Medical Assistance Program), and generally cutting myself a lot of slack and resorting to caffeine when I really need to show up somewhere.

As I've shared before, the leap of ascending involves enormous changes in the brain's wiring and activation of dormant aspects of the DNA, often referred to as the layers of DNA, in each cell in the body.  It takes a lot of energy to shift through these changes and reach a new equilibrium.  The changes in my chakras, have been significant too.  My crown chakra is still open to span the entire top of my head with energy flowing in and out steadily.  My heart chakra has opened enormously and now feels like there is a salad plate sized opening straight through my body, open enough that you could just pass your hand through my chest.  Let me tell you, it's an odd feeling that takes a bit of getting used to.  And just as before, when I'm really tired, I'm not as quick mentally as when I'm rested and my energy is flowing easily. 

Generally I feel very normal now, although my new normal is immensely different than before.  Considering how long a quest and struggle we go through to move out of fear, doubt, and pain, it really doesn't take long to get used to feeling their absence.  Rather nice this.  Although I do kind of miss the awesome feeling of being in the continuous altered state full of immense euphoria that I felt each day as the brain/mind and DNA changes were taking place following the moment of ascending.  That phase was so much fun, actually the most fun I think I've ever had.  Right now, I'm really looking forward to having this period of exhaustion behind me.  It is getting better gradually each day.

Even in exhaustion I've been making an effort to get out more and meet a bunch of new people.  I recognized that aside from the various blog posts and sites with channelled messages from the energies in the non-physical, I've not had a good sense of where others are in their journey.  Well, that's not totally true, I do know they all somewhere on the spectrum of growth along the path.  My desire and commitment is to offer assistance to those who are on the path of ascension in the physical in this lifetime.  In an effort to connect with others in friendship and hear where they are, I've spent some time the past few weeks taking part in a couple of spiritually focused groups within my community.  The groups are filled with some nice, upbeat people. One group is studying Abraham Hick's Law of Attraction and the other is focused generally on spiritual experiences, though it's run by someone who is a follower of the Ekankar religion, so this is the perspective from which she leads the group.  There are a number of people who take part in both groups.

One thing I realized while attending these groups is that my clairsentient abilities have increased exponentially.  Everyone is very transparent to me now.  I immediately read their emotions, their motivations, their minds to a level far beyond what I did before.  This is taking some getting used to because my empathic self is picking up a louder message than the words being spoken.  In a group setting, it's a lot to keep track of as it's taking place with so many different reactions coming to me at the same time.  It also provides an opportunity for me to develop and hone my abilities to consciously assimilate reading multiple people at the same time.  And to make conscious choices as to how I respond to the words spoken and the unspoken mental/emotional state of where people are.  What's been so striking is the amount of fear and judgment I pick up on.  It's the predominant reaction I pick up on as I listen to, observe, and interact with the people I come in contact with.  The majority of humans operate from survival mode in which new ideas or ideas that differ are perceived as threatening.  Seeing the pervasiveness of fear and judgment has been very sobering for me.  It is a sad aspect of humans in 3D limitation for which I hold much compassion.

Another thing I found curious is that none of the people who've attended these sessions are familiar with the concept of ascension.  Many said they've been consciously on their spiritual path for many years, some for decades, so this is a real surprise to me.  I found myself wondering how it's possible that they could not have come across the idea of living in Heaven on Earth, finding Nirvana, or attaining a state of Enlightenment before.  Is it that the possibility of actually living in immense joy all the time seems so far fetched that it never occurred to them that it could actually happen?

Everyone in the spiritual community is always searching for their purpose in this great shift in human consciousness.  I leave you with a few questions that you might ponder, if you choose:

What are you really searching for?

Where does the path of spiritual growth and evolution lead?

What is our purpose in playing the reincarnation game over and over and over again?

What is this great shift in consciousness on Earth all about and why is it occurring now?

What is the Divine Plan for Earth and humanity?

Much Love & Light!

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