Friday, October 29, 2010

Our Growing Awareness to the Subtle Energies of Place

My body doesn't want to be on east coast time anymore. It's 2:45 AM and I'm sitting here eating cantaloupe and typing. I'm more on west coast time now than I was last week when I was actually on the west coast. That nasty virus I picked up from my daughter (as it turned out) was like my body saying, "No. Why did you bring us back east? We wanted to stay out west!" ("We" must mean my physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies)

It could also be the fact of moving. As I remember, my internal clock went all haywire the last two times I moved. This morning I counted and this will be the sixth move I've made in the past ten years. Sixth??!!! Not one of my 5 living siblings has moved even once during this time. Perhaps I'm trying to make up for not growing up in a military family that moved every year or two :) And it won't be the last because I'm only renting this new house for six months. Time enough to figure out exactly where I want to settle out there.

I found it really interesting in the Kryon channelling I posted the other day about how places hold the vibration of their history. I've been aware of that since I was a teenager living in London, and from traveling in Europe and the far east. Not that I was awake at the time, far from it. Yet some part of us is aware even if we don't understand it at all. Back then I felt strongly the complex history that resided in the land and buildings. What really rang true in the channelling was about our ability to connect to Gaia and Source most deeply and easily in places that had seen no wars, which in the US is in the northwest. Probably yet another reason I'm drawn there, to connect with Gaia. Gaia and I go way back and I look forward to experiencing a place of where my connection deepens and becomes more conscious.

When I first moved away from Washington, DC three years ago I wasn't at all conscious about how I read and interacted with the energy of a place. Sure some places felt better than others. But looking back, it's been over the past three years that my awareness of different energies has grown. I really got to see the contrast because for a while I was traveling back and forth to DC dealing with the selling of my house and my mother's declining health. With each trip back, I felt the difference in energy more keenly. It got so that for the first three or four days back in DC I'd feel a sort of vertigo. Very uncomfortable. DC has got some of the most intense energy out there, much of it from the people. Driven unhappiness. I return infrequently now and rely on visits by telephone.

The energy of the Appalachian Mountains where I've been living is very grounding. There are enormous crystals embedded deep within the mountains. Groundedness was exactly what I needed for the initial phase of waking up. The property where I've lived this past year is gorgeous, perfect in climate, growing season and layout for making the property sustainable and off the grid. I was planning to buy it and really settle in. However the energy feels way too molasses. It was perfect for it's time and now I'm ready for some spunk and eclecticness. (spellcheck says eclecticness is not a word, but it says what I mean, and I'm certain you get that.)

In moving through the process of expansion, our awareness to the subtle energies grows. We came in with the capacity to read and understand the subtle energies, but our senses dulled growing up in a culture that dismissed and ignored our abilities. Now we're coming back to reconnect with our true potential and full conscious awareness. At first, we become aware of the outer poles - fast - slow, calm - vibrant, smooth - erratic. Then we grow aware of more complexities, such as a sense of history. nurturing, or the purity. My sense is that as we continue to expand our awareness, we'll start picking up more and more detail about what's occurred in a particular place. We'll also hear what Gaia feels in relation to the place we're in.

Go walk amongst the trees. There's much information for us there. I've received this guidance personally and also see it from time to time in the things I've read. It's often noted that the people who have put out works of deep wisdom often have one thing in common, they spent a a long period of time alone in the forest and emerged having acquired huge insight.

It feels so good to be growing in awareness, doesn't it?

(PS - Somewhere in the middle of this post, I did actually manage to get some sleep :)

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