Sunday, October 31, 2010

Reminder - Oct 31st Global Meditation - Opening the Crystal Palace Within & the Halls Of Amenti

Today is the World Mediation - Opening the Crystal Palace Within and the Halls of Amenti

The activation for the mediation begins October 31, at 12:01 PM, Pacific Daylight Savings time and continues for 24 hours.

The most intense time to do this one hour mediation is at 3:00 PM PDST (6:00 PM EDST). The 15 minute meditation is repeated 3 times followed by at least 15 minutes of integration time.

This is the meditation.

Here is the download for the meditation music. It contains important sound codes to assist in the activation of your connection to Higher Mind. Select the Crystal Palace Within Meditation. Tom asks that you download it to your computer instead of listening through the site to prevent a crash. Consider copying the music file three times to a playlist so that it plays continually for the three repeats of the the mediation.

Here is additional information about the meditation.

Tom Kenyon and the Hathors suggest we also review the Hathors' message The Art of Jumping Time Lines.

In gratitude to Earth and our Divine Selves,

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