Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Great Awakening; Now Showing Everywhere - Part III

We continue in Part III with our exploration of The Great Awakening. You can read Part I here and Part II here.

The Great Awakening
Working Definition:
  • A mass Spiritual awakening around the planet.
  • A mass expansion of consciousness across humanity.
  • Humanity discovering the Truth of who we really are and the Truth as to what takes place in our world.
  • Humanity opening their eyes and seeing through the false reality created by long term, broad scale, preplanned, and coordinated disinformation operations.
  • A communications project run by an anonymous group of high level military intelligence and civilian insiders known as Qanon, serving to awaken and empower humanity through disclosure and discovery of Truth.
Awakening comes in steps and stages. As we evolve, so does our understanding of what “The Great Awakening” really means. 
When the term first surfaced, my understanding was limited. I envisioned The Great Awakening to be a big spiritual awakening around the planet. With truthful information about our true nature as Human beings and our history on the planet being spread wide and accepted around the globe. This is and will continue happening.

As I progressed along the path of spiritual growth ,developed greater awareness, and pursued expanding consciousness and ascension, I understood The Great Awakening a large number of people transitioning to 4th density consciousness, while simultaneously, new children arriving already functioning at 4th density consciousness. This is and will continue happening.

Now I recognize that The Great Awakening is something larger, much larger, than I’d previously understood. By larger I mean affecting the majority of people on the planet. Humanity waking up to see the through the false reality created by long term, broad scale, preplanned, and coordinated disinformation operations that have gone on for decades. To see through the tactics used to divide us and keep us fighting amongst ourselves over race, religion, political party, class.

As above, so below. Just as we are learning to uncover who we truly are at the individual level, so too are we collectively learning to uncover how the world has really been operating, shining light on dark activities that energetically prevent us for creating a world of peace, harmony, and freedom.  Once exposed, the dark activities that harm us all can be removed, and replaced with Light activities that serve our highest good.

When Humanity collectively decides from the higher level to take a specific direction of growth. Evidence of our collective decisions begin showing up here and there and there around the planet. 
Like when Qanon shows up in October 2017 and begins sharing often cryptic clues and using Socratic method questions to assist us in connecting people and events we’d not realized were connected before. To research and learn to think for ourselves. 
Q team uses the same phrases that emerged in the spiritual community a decade ago – “Expand your thinking” (aka expand your consciousness), “Darkness to Light”, and names the movement “The Great Awakening”. Coincidence??? There are no coincidences. This mass awakening of humanity to the Truth is and will continue happening.

This truly is the most amazing and wondrous time to be incarnate and contributing to The Great Awakening here on Earth!

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