Saturday, July 24, 2010

Accepting the Unknown

I had a reading done a couple of weeks ago. This passage from the reading speaks to all of us:

"Part of the biggest step is for those who have chosen to expand to be able to walk without needing to know, and this is not to be confused with true knowing which comes from trust and faith in a perfect universal order. To know that there are no certain answers, that the unknown is the basis of all creativity, and that all need to accept the unknown in order to discover and develop to their full potential."

Accept the unknown; Basis of all creativity; In order to discover and develop our true potential.

During the late 1980's, I worked at a small grass-roots organization in Washington, DC doing case management and counseling with people living with HIV/AIDS. It was early in the epidemic, AZT was the primary antiviral drug, the average life expectancy was 6 months, a number of long-term survivors made it two years or more, despite the toxicity of AZT. Four months after I started working there, all three of my coworkers had died of complications from the disease. The Chairman of the organization's board of directors begged me please not to leave, they were searching for replacements.

But I had not considered leaving. You see, there is a major benefit that comes from working with people dealing with a terminal illness. We have only right now. None of us can count on what will be tomorrow. Clear up your relationships. Each day do what matters and makes a difference in the world. Do not wait for another day to express your feelings or to tell someone what they mean to you.

My clients role modeled this each day. Working there kept me in the now. Because we don't know. What will happen is always unknown and when I accept this, I am always rich in the moment and my days are filled with joy and appreciation for all that I am given.

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