Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just Show Up

I remember standing on a street corner at age 13, waiting to cross with the light. From deep inside came a knowing that I came to do something important in this life, although I couldn't remember anything about what it was. This awareness came to me absent any ego or taint of self-importance. No sense of being better then, more than, bigger than anyone else. Just a straight forward something important. The light changed, I crossed the street, and the memory of that moment stayed with me in the back reaches of my mental file drawer.

Over the years since then I tried to do work that made a difference in people's lives. Not because of the memory, but because if I was going to work, then why waste my time and energy on something that earned me money but didn't contribute to the overall good of the world. I ended up worked in areas most people avoided; assisting people with HIV/AIDS, people transitioning at the end of their life in hospice, advocating for adults and children leaving abusive relationships. It felt worthwhile to work in ways that helped people. At that same time I always knew none of these endeavors were the work I came here to do. That part I still didn't understand.

Over the years I received guidance that it really didn't matter what profession I chose, it was up to me. That I came here to assist and there are many ways to assist. Many ways to assist, hmmm. Over time my understanding of the ways we assist has expanded greatly. At first I thought assisting meant helping to make things better for others in a very concrete way. Actually assisting covers a broad spectrum. Gradually, I've learned to understand this.

Many times in my life I've triggered other people's buttons without meaning to at all. It used to cause me great sadness because my intent was well-meaning, my feelings those of kindness. And here was another person all flipped out and either shunning or ranting at me. A few years ago I finally saw that it was one of the ways I assist. In these situations without intending to, I was raising another person's unresolved issues so that they could deal with them, if they so chose. While never conscious on my part, and usually not on theirs either, I was assisting them just the same.

One of the most profound ways we assist each other and the planet has rarely been recognized until recently. It is our presence. We've all, including me, been well conditioned and dulled from an awareness of the power of our energy. Such a crock. We make a big difference just by showing up. The simple, yet not so simple fact of our individual energy being present on the planet alters and raises the vibration. We assist by our presence in the community we live in, we assist by our presence in the room. Just by being here, I change everything. And so do you.

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