Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Best Place to Start is Where You Are


Finally, the space has cleared in my life enabling me to resume writing mode. The past year’s break in posting was unplanned, yet all in all, it served so many beneficial purposes. That’s the way of life here on planet Earth, isn’t it? Never as we “plan”. A lot has transpired on all levels and there’s so much I want to share. Facing a bit of a bottleneck as to where to begin, but let’s just start and see how it flows.

A few days ago I mentioned to my daughter that I always found it more challenging to write the first blog post after I’d been off line for a while. There’s a lot to express that’s sort of bottled up and I’m not sure where to start. She responded, “As an exercise, I want you to write the worst blog post you can write. Is one week enough time?” I agreed. While I was folding laundry a day or so later, I thought about what I could write as my worst blog post. Then I cracked up laughing because I realized it’s not really possible to do. Try this the next time you’re nervous, uncertain, or stalling on starting some new venture. Think about what you’d do in order to do your worst job at the task. Now, how big is the discrepancy between doing the worst job you can image and even a modest attempt? Pretty big, No? I hope you’re laughing too. Wise old soul daughter, I have.

In my last post, I left off intending to write next about the four phases of Ascending in the physical. And then I entered into a fifth phase. It’s been a challenge to go through a couple of the phases of ascending without having anywhere to turn for guidance or explanation. Except within and through. Thank you for your patience while I’ve been experiencing and sorting out this process so that I can share and hopefully offer helpful guidance to others. Writing about the five phases of Ascension is still on the agenda. I just want to get the writing flow started again first. Just know it’s coming soon. Timing is always perfect.
One of the areas I’ve studied for many years and sought to master is how we create our reality. Intuitively I’ve long understood that I/We all have the capacity to create what we want to have and experience in our life here. It’s a complex area. However, we are each creating what we encounter in our lives, usually unconsciously, so might as well understand and master the process so that each of us can create what we desire. And in doing so, make the world a better place for all.

To be an effective teacher and guide, one has to master the subject. It never works out well when someone tries to teach something they don’t really know how to do themselves. When I last posted here, I was in the process of trying out a defined seven step process of manifesting to confirm I had it down. If you’ve read some of my past posts, you may recall that I received a very big learning experience in construction of a new house. The short version is that I broke ground in September 2011 and encountered major problems – builder incompetence and fraud. I ended up at the end of 2013, living in a very unfinished house, with a number of hugely significant problems such as horrible plumbing with pipes that froze and hardly any water flow, severely cracked polished concrete floors, no ventilation upstairs, etc. Construction costs had already reached close to double what the completed house was supposed to have cost and I had no funds left to cover the cost of correcting all the defects in construction and finishing the house. 

Suffice it to say I found myself in a very deep hole and no idea how to get myself out of it. The process of pulling myself out of immense anger and depression over how my dream house had turned into a disaster, and of figuring out how I created this unwanted experience, provided the perfect path that prepared me for reaching Ascension. Such is the wisdom of our Higher Selves. My biggest failure turned out to be the key to my success.

First, I back engineered in order to figured out how I had created what I didn’t want. Then I set out to create a solution. The solution that I wanted. I used the seven step process of manifestation. It took about 18 months and much dedication and focus. And I’m very happy to say that it worked! Just after writing my last post, the solution came into manifestation. Then I launched into getting the concrete floors fixed, the plumbing completely redone, and ventilation corrected, and whoohoo finishing my house. It’s almost finished!

It’s been two and a half years since my Ascension in the physical. Ascension in the physical is really a descension and melding of the higher over-soul into ongoing conscious connection and embodiment. It’s a process of great enormity, energetic and cognitive restructuring, and re-acclimation to the outer world. It takes some time. Both for the process to complete and to get grounded and steady operating at this new, higher platform.

As I said, there’s a lot I want to share going forward. I’ll leave you today with a question to ponder and answer for yourself:

What are three of the most important areas to focus on in your path of spiritual and personal growth and empowerment?

Answering this question for yourself requires you to take the first step in the process of creating. Deciding what you want to focus on and create for yourself. And just like in driving a car, we steer towards what we are focusing on.

Here are my answers as to the three most important areas of focus on the path of spiritual and personal growth and empowerment:

1. Developing physical awareness of your vibration and the ability to easily manage your vibration;
2. Developing mastery of your capacity to create so that you can manifest what you want to experience in your life; and,
3. Understanding the process of personal growth and Ascension in the physical.

Well that’s a start for today. It’s wonderful to be back writing on-line!

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