Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A Few Travel Tips for Those Seeking to Jump up to the Next Level of Consciousness

When I first created this blog, I put in the description that it was a journal of my journey along the path of Ascension and expanded consciousness. Looking back, this was curious because when I wrote that description I had about zero understanding of what ascension and expansion of consciousness entailed. How wonderful that each of us can (re-)discover and assimilate so much while traveling the Spiritual path. This journey for spiritual knowledge and understanding is a co-creative, self-organizing endeavour. We each learn by our own experiences and by sharing our experiences and learning with others. And the journey never ends, there’s always more to discover, more pieces to connect, more to become conscious of.

Since stepping up to 4th density consciousness, I’ve had almost no contact with the spiritual community. There’s two reasons for this. First, after the transition to 4th density, nothing I found in the online, in my local spiritual community, and in most spiritual books related to where I was. I did reread portions of a few books on my recommended reading list in order to review what they said about ascension/transitioning to the next level of consciousness. The second, and more important reason for disconnecting with the larger spiritual community for a couple of years was to ensure that I could speak truly in my own voice, from my own inner knowing, without outside influence.

Now that I’ve started writing again, I just spent a bit of time reviewing the areas of focus I pursued on the spiritual path to identify what gave me the biggest growth, what were fun distractions, and what lead to understanding the keys to stepping up to the next level of consciousness. 
What I saw was mainly focused on the energies coming in and how to align with them, receiving activations from someone else, and lots of encouraging messages. In the preparation phase these various messages felt important to me. At this point I recognize that what they really offered was encouragement and cheerleading, something we all need. 
Yet, remember, the real journey of spiritual growth takes place within. The activation of DNA for transitioning to 4th density consciousness is initiated by your own vibrations.

In hindsight, the areas of focused study that played the biggest role and facilitated my transition to the next level of consciousness were:

1. How we create our reality with our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs Gaining a deep understanding and developing mastery in creating your reality, requires one to a number of areas – vibration, healing and resolving old wounds, identifying and clearing unsupportive thoughts, beliefs, and energy patterns, and shifting perspective on self and the world.

2. Healing Learning how to extract and assimilate the learning from my experiences, heal from the painful and disappointing experiences, and release the residual thought and energy patterns from your mind, emotions, body, and energetic field.

3. Sovereignty Identifying and releasing old personnas that are not who I really am now (or ever were). Taking charge of myself, taking personal responsibility for myself, researching for myself, trusting myself.

4. Self empowerment Messages and tools to recognize, use, and develop mastery of our own personal powers. Recognizing that I (You) already have the requisite powers to create, uplift, activate, and give oneself whatever is needed in order to jump up to the next level of 4th density consciousness. It’s our birthright.

5. Vibration Vibration is everything. Clearing and releasing the things that lower our vibrations. Learning first to raise my vibration. Then developing physical sensation/awareness of my vibration. Then learning how to fine tune and select my vibration to match what I want to experience or attract in my life.

These five areas of focus proved the most important in facilitating my transition to 4th density consciousness.

There were many times along the path that I felt unsure and wondered if I was accomplishing what was necessary to unlock the keys to ascension. I just wished I had a road map. Thus, my humble offering to provide a few mile markers for others on the path.


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