Saturday, May 11, 2019

Inner Work - The Benefits of De-Cluttering

The answers you seek are within you.” 

“Go inside to find the answers you seek. “

This guidance used to leave me in a state of confusion and frustration after each attempt to get the answers I needed. I’d sit quietly and focus inwards but I never heard the wise, loving voice speak the answers to my questions, questions that habitually involved some rather desperate version of “What’s going to happen???” or “What should I do???” Despite being strongly clairsentient (empath), and at times clairvoyant, I longed to be clairaudient so that some voice of wisdom would tell me the right choice to make, or tell me what was coming so I could prepare. Sound familiar?

"If you correct your mind, the rest will fall into place" -Lao Tzu

About 85 – 90% of the spiritual journey is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. When we know and understand the process, we can better navigate the tasks required for correcting our minds. 
The analogy I'll use here is of a messy, over-stuffed garage. This is pretty much the state of our minds at the start of the path of self exploration, discovery and healing – a messy, cluttered garage. 

It’s very hard to find the answers inside when inside is a cluttered jumble of old stuff. The process of getting to an inner state of clarity and openness involves A LoT of sorting, chucking out, discovering inner resources we didn’t know we had, cleaning up, re-organizing, re-polishing, re-purposing, and donating back to Source what we no longer need/want so that it can be transformed.

This is a pretty comprehensive list of the tasks involved in the process of clearing and correcting the mind:
  • Sorting through old hurts, figuring out what wisdom can be gleaned from the experiences.
  • Learning to release old emotions from the mental, emotional, phsyical, and energetic body.
  • Learning forgiveness.
  • Discovering the one or two core issues you came in to explore and learn about in this lifetime.
  • Examining the programming you adopted while growing up in your family of origin – Roles, overt & covert Rules, patterns of communication, perspectives, beliefs, values, who your family told you that you are. Then deciding what to keep, what to revise, what to replace with new ones that fit and work better for who you are now.
  • Examining, editing, revising and upgrading your Self-identity.
  • Raising your sense of Self-worth, which for most of us, is pretty low when we start out.
  • Eliminating Fears.
  • Running out the Doubt.
  • Identifying and replacing limiting ideas and beliefs with expansive ones.
  • Identifying the stories you tell about your life events where one often feature themselves as the victim, and rewriting your stories with new, more positive ones. Then ultimately, throwing the stories out completely.
  • Elevating lower vibrating emotions to higher ones.
As we progress along the spiritual path, we progress in de-cluttering, cleaning-up, re-purposing, and organizing the mind. As the mind is cleared, corrected to reflect who one really is, it becomes easier and easier to go within and find the answers one seeks.
The cleaned-up garage of the mind then feature:
  • Open space, openness of mind.
  • Deep knowledge and awareness of Self.
  • An array of very useful Tools, easily accessible, with ever developing skill in using them.
  • An organized store of internal resources – Courage, optimism, honesty, integrity, resourcefulness, creativity, inner strength, flexibility, self-trust, humor, wisdom, compassion and self-worth.
  • Elevated vibration.
  • The coolest sports vehicle imaginable, one that can even transport you to the next higher level of consciousness, if you so choose.
Eventually the need for answers dissipates and evolves simply into an intention to create what one chooses to experience.  


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