Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Seven Step Process of Manifestation

The science of creation, aka manifestation, is based on quantum physics. It’s science. You do not need to understand the science to manifest. In fact we all manifest every day, whether we know it or not, whether we understand the underlying science or not.

Now, if we understand the process and have the gist of the physics involved, we can create with purpose and intention what is beneficial in our lives and serves the highest good of humanity.

The Manifestation Process is a simple, seven step process. Like the seven notes in a musical scale. One takes the steps in order, with steps 4, 5 and 6 continuing on at the same time. In other words, keep doing Step 4 as your add in Step 5 and Step 6.

Here are the Seven Steps of Manifesting:

1. Will to Do – Your commitment to create ____________ (fill in the blank)

2. Perceive – the design, the vision, the definition, the purpose.

3. Divine Love – Deep, pure, unwaivering love of your design.

4. Purity of Focus – Do NOT waiver from or second guess your design.

5. Concentration – Maintain Focus and Follow Through as you work, step by step towards your creation.

6. Rhythm – Keep Showing Up, taking action towards your creation on a regular basis. Build & keep the momentum going.

7. Tranquillity – After your creation is completed, mentally/emotionally wrap your creation in Peace.

When these seven steps are followed, manifestation WILL occur.

When the process of manifestation is disrupted mid-process, we don’t get the creation we are hoping/planning for. Sometimes we end up with nothing, other times we get something not quite what we designed or the opposite of what we set out to create.

These are some of the ways we disrupt our process of manifestation:
  • Giving up. This often happens just before our manifested creation was about to show up for us.
  • Second guessing our design (Step 2).
  • Doubting. Doubting self, doubting your abilities, doubting your worthiness. Doubting your design.
  • Limiting thoughts & beliefs, both conscious and unconscious. Example: "I don’t really deserve this", "Only greedy people make a lot of money", "I’ll never own my own home", "That’s never going to happen for me"….
  • Losing Focus. This happens when we get distracted or start doubting. When we don’t follow through in taking actions towards your creation. “maybe I’ll start it tomorrow...”
  • Failing to build and keep momentum. This involves failure to take regular action towards your creation.
  • Sending out lower vibration emotions in regards to any aspect of what you are creating. Examples: anger, frustration, fear, doubt, jealousy, despair.

The tricky part of manifestation is that to really create effectively, one has to develop their inner mastery. Just as a novice musician first learns to play the scales, it takes practice and dedication for the musician to uncover their mastery and develop their skills to play a symphony. 

It takes dedication and perseverance to do the inner work to clear out the limiting thoughts and beliefs, to remove self doubts, to discipline your focus. However, the nice thing about developing one’s inner mastery is that as a result your inner work, step by step, your life gets better and better. As with all things, it is your Free Will choice whether to pursue this path or not.

Namaste and Godspeed!

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