Warmest Greetings to all who have landed here!
This morning, the last day of 2010, I sat in reflection. recognizing the vast journey traveled over the past year. All the small steps, the days that felt stagnant, the hectic times when there was little time to think, they all add up to great growth. As I look forward into 2011, I envision what I want to create for myself and create within the larger world. I intend my every action, big and small, to open doors into our New Earth where Darkness has no place.
For the past eight years I've spent New Year's Eve alone, preferably with a warm fire in the hearth. Part of my New Year's Eve ritual is to draw one Animal Medicine card for the year ahead and to journal on the message contained in the card. I have a special journal just for my New Year's ritual. (Hope I can find it in one of the unpacked boxes by this evening) I tend to draw either the Eagle or the Hawk, which has been a wonderful talisman. Soaring, vision, higher perspective, touching the heights.
The other day my dear friend, Julia, called and said she'd just received a new deck of Angel cards and wanted to draw four of them for me. (Doreen Virtue's Messages From Your Angels cards) My heart responded with sudden warmth towards these cards. I decided to ask for guidance in relating with my siblings through this period of my mother's transition to Light. Julia passed her hand slowly over the spread out deck and pulled a card each time I said Stop. Then she read each card to me. Yesterday we repeated this process as I asked for guidance for this coming year, five Angels came forward. One Angel appeared both times and the collective messages I received in these sessions all come together around a beautiful central theme.
I want to share this with you because I believe these Angels offer loving guidance for each one of us as we move through 2011. Here are the Angels' messages.....
You are a Lightworker and God needs you to Shine. Your life's mission is expanding and your presence is needed. It's important to clear yourself often so that your field remains clear and open, especially after helping others.
Visualize what you want and it will come. Negativity will block you so release all negative emotions and thoughts. Make the decisions of what you want and know the Angels are always present to assist you.
If you find yourself confused or indecisive, it is because you do not have enough information to make an informed decision. Ask your Guides and Angels to give you the information you require in your dreams, through your body, and your imagination. The information will be provided to you.
You deserve Heaven's help. The Angels are waiting to assist you. Ask for what you want.
When you take excellent care of yourself, everyone benefits. Take time for relaxation, true relaxation in which you allow yourself to fill with peace and calmness. You open yourself Spiritually through relaxing.
Take action. You're in touch with your Truth in this lifetime. Trust your gut and lovingly assert yourself.
It is safe for you to be powerful, without fear that you might abuse your power. You are a loving being. Know that you are capable of using your power in loving ways.
You deserve the best so reach for the stars with your dreams and desires. Do Not compromise! Happiness is an integral part of your purpose.
Later last evening, I turned with my inner eye and looked around me. There were all the Angels encircling me. And here they stay. Every part of my being knows and trusts that they will travel with me through this new year, always present, always waiting to assist as I need, always available for guidance, comfort and protection. My own cosmic security force!
Your Angels are there for you too, so call them in to gather around you. The path unfolds before us, an unknown, full of love, challenges, joy, and possibility. Take a moment to breathe and center, a moment to know and trust that you'll be traveling forward through the new year with your entourage of Angels.
Blessings and Love to you!
In Oneness,
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Universe Wants Me to Grow Even Taller
I need to be journaling. It's my method for sorting out feelings and working through issues that arise. I used to write a couple of pages daily. Then it waned down to a couple of lines, and every couple of days, until I haven't written in a couple of months. Other than here in this blog.
Now I'm yearning to pick up a pen and just write. Universe gives us such wonderful opportunities to sort through the emotional junk we gather in the course of experiencing life. Over the past few years we've all encountered situation after situation in which we could examine our trigger points, resolve the inner conflicts, and release them. Over the past year, I've felt so clear and free within. Yet once again, I'm getting one of those wonderful opportunities for personal growth. At the moment, I'm seriously leaning towards ranting and raving.
My mother's recent stoke has left her unable to manage her own affairs. Her medical expenses are significant with full time nursing care. As a result of her condition, I'm having to coordinate with my siblings, four sisters and a brother, in handling all the financial issues for our mother. Originally, my mother named me to act for her under her durable power of attorney. When I moved away from DC, she added my brother and youngest sister who live in the area. A few months ago, my oldest sister went to my mother's attorney and had her name added, so now there are four of us charged with this responsibility. Is it a coincidence that the sisters and brother on the power of attorney are the ones I feel most friction with???? The short answer is, of course, No. To make matters worse, we were not each given copies of the durable power of attorney nor my mother's revocable living trust. On short notice we're trying to assume responsibility and don't have the documents that tell us what authority we've been granted. So typical.
Nothing like being thrown back into all the old family dynamics and communication patterns, most of them dysfunctional. With six adult children in the family (the seventh, my oldest sister, died in 1998), it gets quite complex.
So that I'm not just talking in the abstract, here are some of the long standing patterns I'm dealing with:
Basically, I hate the way I'm treated within my family, and I hate the way they treat each other. At the same time, I love each of them for who they are. And now I'll need to work with them in the coming months on a regular basis.
What I've done so far is to raise one of the issues, always leaving one or two out of the loop, in a group email I sent today. This was necessitated after I learned that the other three on the power of attorney made some significant financial decisions and didn't think/remember to include me in the discussion and decision-making. And only three days after a conference call for the purpose of agreeing to work together and include everyone in all the communications. Anyway, I'm curious about what the response will be to my email.
So far, I've confirmed the wisdom of my choices to move first one hour away from the family home (and become very busy with my work), then eight hours away, and now across the continent. My choice now, considering I'll have to be actively involved with my family, is to voice that this period, during and after Mom transitions to the other side, is an opportunity for us to consciously change the dynamics and communication patterns that are hurtful and do not serve us as individuals or as a family. After my mother passes, all that will hold us together as a family will be our own efforts to stay connected.
I try to see everything as an opportunity for growth. This family situation is really the opportunity for me to learn that I can use my power effectively for all concerned. To use my power without fearing I'll abuse it, and to trust I can be powerful in my usual loving ways. Most of my life I felt very powerless. This has changed significantly, yet I generally shy away from using my power and back off from family situations that hold potential for conflict. Not such a good thing. Yet if I can use my power and natural authority lovingly with my own family, I can do it anywhere. Much gratitude to the Universe for this opportunity. Oh, how tall I will be after growing through this family drama.
Now I'm yearning to pick up a pen and just write. Universe gives us such wonderful opportunities to sort through the emotional junk we gather in the course of experiencing life. Over the past few years we've all encountered situation after situation in which we could examine our trigger points, resolve the inner conflicts, and release them. Over the past year, I've felt so clear and free within. Yet once again, I'm getting one of those wonderful opportunities for personal growth. At the moment, I'm seriously leaning towards ranting and raving.
My mother's recent stoke has left her unable to manage her own affairs. Her medical expenses are significant with full time nursing care. As a result of her condition, I'm having to coordinate with my siblings, four sisters and a brother, in handling all the financial issues for our mother. Originally, my mother named me to act for her under her durable power of attorney. When I moved away from DC, she added my brother and youngest sister who live in the area. A few months ago, my oldest sister went to my mother's attorney and had her name added, so now there are four of us charged with this responsibility. Is it a coincidence that the sisters and brother on the power of attorney are the ones I feel most friction with???? The short answer is, of course, No. To make matters worse, we were not each given copies of the durable power of attorney nor my mother's revocable living trust. On short notice we're trying to assume responsibility and don't have the documents that tell us what authority we've been granted. So typical.
Nothing like being thrown back into all the old family dynamics and communication patterns, most of them dysfunctional. With six adult children in the family (the seventh, my oldest sister, died in 1998), it gets quite complex.
So that I'm not just talking in the abstract, here are some of the long standing patterns I'm dealing with:
- Independence is of the highest value. The importance of our relationships as siblings has never been acknowledged in any form. As one sister I'm close to said yesterday, "We were never encouraged to be nice to each other, and never had any limits or intervention imposed on how mean we were to each other."
- In family communications about important news, activities, or decisions, one or two family members are always left out of the loop on a random alternating basis. This includes major events like birth of a child, graduations, why a family member can't attend your wedding, serious illnesses, etc.
- Family members are never acknowledged or consulted for the expertise and mastery they've acquired. This is true even though everyone is highly competent and highly educated.
- Criticism and judgment are thrown about freely, often behind someone's back and with little to no knowledge of real facts about whatever situation they're complaining about. I've called it The Family Gossip Network.
Basically, I hate the way I'm treated within my family, and I hate the way they treat each other. At the same time, I love each of them for who they are. And now I'll need to work with them in the coming months on a regular basis.
What I've done so far is to raise one of the issues, always leaving one or two out of the loop, in a group email I sent today. This was necessitated after I learned that the other three on the power of attorney made some significant financial decisions and didn't think/remember to include me in the discussion and decision-making. And only three days after a conference call for the purpose of agreeing to work together and include everyone in all the communications. Anyway, I'm curious about what the response will be to my email.
So far, I've confirmed the wisdom of my choices to move first one hour away from the family home (and become very busy with my work), then eight hours away, and now across the continent. My choice now, considering I'll have to be actively involved with my family, is to voice that this period, during and after Mom transitions to the other side, is an opportunity for us to consciously change the dynamics and communication patterns that are hurtful and do not serve us as individuals or as a family. After my mother passes, all that will hold us together as a family will be our own efforts to stay connected.
I try to see everything as an opportunity for growth. This family situation is really the opportunity for me to learn that I can use my power effectively for all concerned. To use my power without fearing I'll abuse it, and to trust I can be powerful in my usual loving ways. Most of my life I felt very powerless. This has changed significantly, yet I generally shy away from using my power and back off from family situations that hold potential for conflict. Not such a good thing. Yet if I can use my power and natural authority lovingly with my own family, I can do it anywhere. Much gratitude to the Universe for this opportunity. Oh, how tall I will be after growing through this family drama.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Just In Case an R Steps in Front of Evolution
This past week when I stopped in the grocery store to pick up just one item, the weekly sales signs started drawing my attention. Before I knew it, I had a cart full of non-perishables. I take this as an intuitive sign it's time to review my food storage, replenish where needed, and augment as possible.
Speaking to the local coin dealer the other day, he indicated that lots of people are converting their dollars into silver. He said he could hardly keep up as people bought both liberty dollars and junk silver as fast as he could get it in. It's reassuring to know that an abundance of awakened souls reside in my near vicinity, even if I haven't gotten to know anyone well enough yet to talk about financial savings strategies.
As I'm writing I'm reminded of a Native American saying I came across many years ago. Though I've searched, I've never found it again, so this is as my memory recorded it:
First grind corn for yourself.
Then grind corn for your children and family.
Then grind corn for your uncles, aunts, and cousins.
And then grind corn for anyone who needs corn.
Wise words. Take care of yourself first, only then are you able to provide well for others.
James Gilliland has been posting video messages with greater frequency lately. I like him. He's right on target in regards to Truth, IMHO. Here's his video posted two days ago. Watching it gave me confirmation that my sense of timing is tuned. He shares in the video that around March 2011 the shift in consciousness will arrive at a turning point where people will start standing up. I've been sensing we have about three months of build up before people all over the globe coordinate their demand that the destructive governments, banksters and corporations end, to be replaced by systems that respect and protect all humans, animals and the planet. It's starting but not yet coordinated and organized. The corrupt, self-serving ways are no longer supported energetically here on the planet and they're dying out, though it's not looking like they'll acquiesce to a graceful death. Evolution expressed as revolution is more likely.
I'll hold out hope that some of the more underground efforts to force the Illuminati out of power will be successful. Yet most of the so-far accurate predictions I've read over the years, Phoenix Rising, Sirians, Pleadians, etc. predict a revolution of violence beyond what we can imagine. Web bots shared the same. Our collective actions always influence the outcomes, so I'll continue to hold out hope that extreme violence can be avoided.
However, preparation is advisable. I've not been through a revolution in this lifetime, nor lived in a country at war on it's own soil, though I certainly have genetic memory of having done so in past life times. Gathering together the facts and experiences I've read over the years in news articles, personal accounts, and historical fiction, there are generalizations we can make as to what will help in weathering through this part of the transition. Store food, take good care of yourself, avoid the big cities, and know your neighbors because they're your immediate support network.
There are two other steps I'm taking, volunteering with the local Red Cross on the team trained to manage logistics in an emergency, and obtaining a job with a local social service agency. There's an opening for a case manager working with the homeless. Very low pay, but if I'm hired, it will get me connected with the service network in this area, give me a front line view of what's happening, and allow me to assist others in these times. Being new in town, these are also among the best ways for me to meet good people in town.
The most important preparation of all for me is continuing my evolution. This is our opportunity to fully be Spirit, in action, in human form. I think back on how I felt when I first started preparing for what might come. At the time I might have said I didn't feel much fear, I sure hoped then that I wasn't fearful. Yet by comparison with how I feel now, I can see that I've really released a lot of fear about what's ahead. At present I feel like I'm on call, waiting and knowing my pager will soon go off. Calm, yet ready to spring into action when needed.
As James Gilliland reminds us, connect with your heart and go out in nature. We acquire so much wisdom and inner balance walking through the trees, listening to the ocean, gazing at the stillness of the night sky, smelling the earth. Connecting through your heart is our doorway. It's the doorway to your power, to the wisdom and peace of the higher consciousness. Our hearts are the doorways of connecting with each other where we are All One.
Speaking to the local coin dealer the other day, he indicated that lots of people are converting their dollars into silver. He said he could hardly keep up as people bought both liberty dollars and junk silver as fast as he could get it in. It's reassuring to know that an abundance of awakened souls reside in my near vicinity, even if I haven't gotten to know anyone well enough yet to talk about financial savings strategies.
As I'm writing I'm reminded of a Native American saying I came across many years ago. Though I've searched, I've never found it again, so this is as my memory recorded it:
First grind corn for yourself.
Then grind corn for your children and family.
Then grind corn for your uncles, aunts, and cousins.
And then grind corn for anyone who needs corn.
Wise words. Take care of yourself first, only then are you able to provide well for others.
James Gilliland has been posting video messages with greater frequency lately. I like him. He's right on target in regards to Truth, IMHO. Here's his video posted two days ago. Watching it gave me confirmation that my sense of timing is tuned. He shares in the video that around March 2011 the shift in consciousness will arrive at a turning point where people will start standing up. I've been sensing we have about three months of build up before people all over the globe coordinate their demand that the destructive governments, banksters and corporations end, to be replaced by systems that respect and protect all humans, animals and the planet. It's starting but not yet coordinated and organized. The corrupt, self-serving ways are no longer supported energetically here on the planet and they're dying out, though it's not looking like they'll acquiesce to a graceful death. Evolution expressed as revolution is more likely.
I'll hold out hope that some of the more underground efforts to force the Illuminati out of power will be successful. Yet most of the so-far accurate predictions I've read over the years, Phoenix Rising, Sirians, Pleadians, etc. predict a revolution of violence beyond what we can imagine. Web bots shared the same. Our collective actions always influence the outcomes, so I'll continue to hold out hope that extreme violence can be avoided.
However, preparation is advisable. I've not been through a revolution in this lifetime, nor lived in a country at war on it's own soil, though I certainly have genetic memory of having done so in past life times. Gathering together the facts and experiences I've read over the years in news articles, personal accounts, and historical fiction, there are generalizations we can make as to what will help in weathering through this part of the transition. Store food, take good care of yourself, avoid the big cities, and know your neighbors because they're your immediate support network.
There are two other steps I'm taking, volunteering with the local Red Cross on the team trained to manage logistics in an emergency, and obtaining a job with a local social service agency. There's an opening for a case manager working with the homeless. Very low pay, but if I'm hired, it will get me connected with the service network in this area, give me a front line view of what's happening, and allow me to assist others in these times. Being new in town, these are also among the best ways for me to meet good people in town.
The most important preparation of all for me is continuing my evolution. This is our opportunity to fully be Spirit, in action, in human form. I think back on how I felt when I first started preparing for what might come. At the time I might have said I didn't feel much fear, I sure hoped then that I wasn't fearful. Yet by comparison with how I feel now, I can see that I've really released a lot of fear about what's ahead. At present I feel like I'm on call, waiting and knowing my pager will soon go off. Calm, yet ready to spring into action when needed.
As James Gilliland reminds us, connect with your heart and go out in nature. We acquire so much wisdom and inner balance walking through the trees, listening to the ocean, gazing at the stillness of the night sky, smelling the earth. Connecting through your heart is our doorway. It's the doorway to your power, to the wisdom and peace of the higher consciousness. Our hearts are the doorways of connecting with each other where we are All One.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Links Worth Your Time
Here's a few articles worth taking time to read, plus one outstanding movie:
Daniel Pinchbeck's article on building alternative cultural systems: Business Shamanism
Julian Assange's Manifesto
Michael Moore's Open Letter to the Government of Sweden
Awesome, powerful We Want You Out: An Open Letter from the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers and Afghans for Peace
John Pilger's film - The War You Don't See about the use of the media to alter perception about the wars our government fights. Spread this one widely in through your networks.
Daniel Pinchbeck's article on building alternative cultural systems: Business Shamanism
Julian Assange's Manifesto
Michael Moore's Open Letter to the Government of Sweden
Awesome, powerful We Want You Out: An Open Letter from the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers and Afghans for Peace
John Pilger's film - The War You Don't See about the use of the media to alter perception about the wars our government fights. Spread this one widely in through your networks.
You Are Needed Now, Choose Your Course
Well, everything happens for a reason, perhaps more than one. I did a little Matrix Energetics work after the dog park. Found I had access to the pattern that was expressing itself as disruption, asked for the information to alter the pattern, plugged the info into my body and felt the shift happen. So easy. Much better now.
In a very small nut shell, my disappeared post was about the fact that we are at a major intersection now and it's prudent to consciously make a choice as to which route to take. The level of government oppression continues to escalate, and like dealing with an abuser in a domestic violence situation, there are three choices of how to respond. These are 1) submit and be controlled; 2) stand up and fight back; and 3) the often missed choice to stop playing the game. To stop playing the game means to disengage, walk away, and do your own thing (while keeping your vigilant watch and staying under the radar of the oppressive force). My choice is to take the third path, to focus my energies on creating new ways for people and communities to work together that are good for all living things.
Last night as I was sliding into the ethereal realms of sleep, a man stood up from the corner of my mental room and walked briskly past me. As he passed, he turned and said firmly to me, "Stop wasting time." Try sleeping on that one!
Well, guidance doesn't get much clearer. My guide meant for me to get my butt in gear and stop wasting time on moving ahead with the new venture I've had in the planning stage for a few months. I don't know of anyone doing what I'm launching anywhere. As soon as I get my new business registered in this state (they require it) I'll go public with it. The business cards I designed are in the mail. I'm looking for the right website designer, who I know is right around the corner. My mission is to assist people and communities build sustainability for themselves.
After the very long period of waiting for the collapse to really get underway, we're in it now. Things are transpiring so quickly. It's easy, for me at least, to get sucked up just observing, reading news articles, noticing the shifts and trends. However engrossing, it's time for me to kick into action mode, constructive action mode. There's no time to waste and lots of work to do.
I'm off to bed early. Good rest, good food, good exercise, good work. All with a good spattering of laughter. A reminder for each of us:
Take good care of yourself.
You are needed now.
The part you came to play is important.
Your presence changes everything.
Know you are divinely loved.
In a very small nut shell, my disappeared post was about the fact that we are at a major intersection now and it's prudent to consciously make a choice as to which route to take. The level of government oppression continues to escalate, and like dealing with an abuser in a domestic violence situation, there are three choices of how to respond. These are 1) submit and be controlled; 2) stand up and fight back; and 3) the often missed choice to stop playing the game. To stop playing the game means to disengage, walk away, and do your own thing (while keeping your vigilant watch and staying under the radar of the oppressive force). My choice is to take the third path, to focus my energies on creating new ways for people and communities to work together that are good for all living things.
Last night as I was sliding into the ethereal realms of sleep, a man stood up from the corner of my mental room and walked briskly past me. As he passed, he turned and said firmly to me, "Stop wasting time." Try sleeping on that one!
Well, guidance doesn't get much clearer. My guide meant for me to get my butt in gear and stop wasting time on moving ahead with the new venture I've had in the planning stage for a few months. I don't know of anyone doing what I'm launching anywhere. As soon as I get my new business registered in this state (they require it) I'll go public with it. The business cards I designed are in the mail. I'm looking for the right website designer, who I know is right around the corner. My mission is to assist people and communities build sustainability for themselves.
After the very long period of waiting for the collapse to really get underway, we're in it now. Things are transpiring so quickly. It's easy, for me at least, to get sucked up just observing, reading news articles, noticing the shifts and trends. However engrossing, it's time for me to kick into action mode, constructive action mode. There's no time to waste and lots of work to do.
I'm off to bed early. Good rest, good food, good exercise, good work. All with a good spattering of laughter. A reminder for each of us:
Take good care of yourself.
You are needed now.
The part you came to play is important.
Your presence changes everything.
Know you are divinely loved.
What the F???!!!!!!!
I'm so pissed....I've worked off and on the post three days on a post about choosing your response to the escalating oppressive forces. It wasn't coming together easily. Finally, I spent the past couple of hours rewriting and pulling it all together. Formatted the font, etc. When I pushed Publish, I landed at the log in page????? Logged in failed three times. Finally it took but instead of landing on my blogger dashboard, I received a page saying "You request can not be processed." Swearing loudly now. I linked through the google home page, landed on the blog and found that nothing I'd written today had been saved. As I was writing it told me it was autosaved!!!??? But the finished post is gone.
Mercury in retrograde? Censorship? Don't know.
I'm taking the dogs to the dog park. We all need to run off steam. Sheeeeshh!!!!
Need to compose myself, and compose another blog post.....we'll return after the station break. Not sure what station I'm on anyway at the moment.
Mercury in retrograde? Censorship? Don't know.
I'm taking the dogs to the dog park. We all need to run off steam. Sheeeeshh!!!!
Need to compose myself, and compose another blog post.....we'll return after the station break. Not sure what station I'm on anyway at the moment.
Monday, December 13, 2010
In Honor of My Mother
My mother had another stroke last Friday. The first one, three and a half years ago, mostly affected her balance. Her speech and cognitive functions were unimpaired. She's had nursing care at home since then. Her hearing has phased out so she can hardly hear even with her hearing aids in. On Friday morning when her wonderful day nurse arrived, my mother couldn't speak and her right side was severely affected.
My mother will be 89 years old on January 30, 2011. Perhaps. Two years ago when I was visiting my mother she told me she didn't want to read any books, she'd read many, many books throughout her life. She didn't want to go to the theater, she'd been many, many times to see plays, the opera, and the ballet. She'd seen all the movies she needed to see, traveled all around the world, live a long, full life. I understood that she was telling me she'd done everything she needed to do in this lifetime. So day after day she's watched golf and tennis on TV and slept increasing amounts since that first stroke. Many years ago after she traveled all through the far east, she told me about seeing a rhinoceros in the jungle. "That might be the way to go, being gored by a rhinoceros. It would be fast." "Very dramatic too," I told her, but I knew what she was getting at. When it was time to transition, she wanted to exit quickly. For me it's been hard to see her doing the steady, gradual decline, the opposite of what she'd wanted.
My first significant death happened when I was thirty. A friend who I was very connected with transitioned young and my grief was intense. In my heart I knew I needed to be able to stand beside death as it occurred, so I contacted Hospice and got myself accepted for a social work internship. While working at Hospice, I saw so clearly that we all chose, on some higher level, exactly when we transition. The fact that we each chose the timing of our transition is so readily apparent to anyone working at Hospice. The other thing I learned through observation is that fear is often what holds a person here even when the body has deteriorated past the point there is no reason medically they are still here.
The last time I saw my mother I could feel her fear about dying. During that visit, my father, who transitioned in 1992, came to me late one night and spoke so clearly. He said, "It's not quite time yet, but soon. I'll be there waiting for her when it's her time to cross over." I know when her passing is imminent, I'll feel my father's presence draw near. That's how I'll know.
The morning after my father came to me, I told my mother about his visit and what he said. "Really?" she said, looking relieved. "That would be nice." But she wouldn't speak anymore about it. Which is OK because I know I can communicate with my mother no matter where we are, and often it's easier from a distance than when we're in the same room because I can speak to her whole Self.
When I look at my siblings, four sisters and a brother, I wonder how it will all go after her transition. None of them have acknowledged the spiritual aspect of themselves. It makes accepting someone's passing so much harder when a person thinks that this one life is all there is. Yet it is most often in the grieving process that we open up spiritually. My siblings each have their own path of growth, just as I have mine. My Guides warned me that they will not be pleasant to deal with in sorting out the estate after our mother's passing. Most likely accurate guidance. I try to set aside any impending sense of dread and recognize that I've already chosen not to become involved in any conflicts that arise. I have no conflicts with any of them.
With my mother, I feel at peace now after all the years and much pain along the way. Sorting through and overcoming my childhood was a long road with many issues to work and grow through. It was not easy growing up without any affection. I learned what was important for a mother to give a child by what I didn't get. She also gave me so much I value and feel fortunate to have received. Nothing is ever all good or all bad, and the most valuable learning usually comes out of the worst experiences. In the reading I had with Angela Moore back in October I was given a message from my mother. "She wants you to know she understands now." To me this message spoke volumes.
About five years ago, I was standing in my kitchen and suddenly saw that perhaps my mother chose to come in and be the person she is, just to give me the childhood I had with all it's challenges. What if this was a gift from her so that I could become who I am and gain the sensitivities, perception, and insights I'd need to fulfill my role in this life and this Great Transition? If so, and I believe it is so, I was in on the plan from the beginning. Today, I can say truthfully that everything was perfect. She gave me experiences that allowed me to become who I am. It really feels good to reach the place where I know this without a single doubt. I feel at peace.
I honor my mother and her life. And each day I draw down the white light of love and protection, tucking it carefully around her.
My mother will be 89 years old on January 30, 2011. Perhaps. Two years ago when I was visiting my mother she told me she didn't want to read any books, she'd read many, many books throughout her life. She didn't want to go to the theater, she'd been many, many times to see plays, the opera, and the ballet. She'd seen all the movies she needed to see, traveled all around the world, live a long, full life. I understood that she was telling me she'd done everything she needed to do in this lifetime. So day after day she's watched golf and tennis on TV and slept increasing amounts since that first stroke. Many years ago after she traveled all through the far east, she told me about seeing a rhinoceros in the jungle. "That might be the way to go, being gored by a rhinoceros. It would be fast." "Very dramatic too," I told her, but I knew what she was getting at. When it was time to transition, she wanted to exit quickly. For me it's been hard to see her doing the steady, gradual decline, the opposite of what she'd wanted.
My first significant death happened when I was thirty. A friend who I was very connected with transitioned young and my grief was intense. In my heart I knew I needed to be able to stand beside death as it occurred, so I contacted Hospice and got myself accepted for a social work internship. While working at Hospice, I saw so clearly that we all chose, on some higher level, exactly when we transition. The fact that we each chose the timing of our transition is so readily apparent to anyone working at Hospice. The other thing I learned through observation is that fear is often what holds a person here even when the body has deteriorated past the point there is no reason medically they are still here.
The last time I saw my mother I could feel her fear about dying. During that visit, my father, who transitioned in 1992, came to me late one night and spoke so clearly. He said, "It's not quite time yet, but soon. I'll be there waiting for her when it's her time to cross over." I know when her passing is imminent, I'll feel my father's presence draw near. That's how I'll know.
The morning after my father came to me, I told my mother about his visit and what he said. "Really?" she said, looking relieved. "That would be nice." But she wouldn't speak anymore about it. Which is OK because I know I can communicate with my mother no matter where we are, and often it's easier from a distance than when we're in the same room because I can speak to her whole Self.
When I look at my siblings, four sisters and a brother, I wonder how it will all go after her transition. None of them have acknowledged the spiritual aspect of themselves. It makes accepting someone's passing so much harder when a person thinks that this one life is all there is. Yet it is most often in the grieving process that we open up spiritually. My siblings each have their own path of growth, just as I have mine. My Guides warned me that they will not be pleasant to deal with in sorting out the estate after our mother's passing. Most likely accurate guidance. I try to set aside any impending sense of dread and recognize that I've already chosen not to become involved in any conflicts that arise. I have no conflicts with any of them.
With my mother, I feel at peace now after all the years and much pain along the way. Sorting through and overcoming my childhood was a long road with many issues to work and grow through. It was not easy growing up without any affection. I learned what was important for a mother to give a child by what I didn't get. She also gave me so much I value and feel fortunate to have received. Nothing is ever all good or all bad, and the most valuable learning usually comes out of the worst experiences. In the reading I had with Angela Moore back in October I was given a message from my mother. "She wants you to know she understands now." To me this message spoke volumes.
About five years ago, I was standing in my kitchen and suddenly saw that perhaps my mother chose to come in and be the person she is, just to give me the childhood I had with all it's challenges. What if this was a gift from her so that I could become who I am and gain the sensitivities, perception, and insights I'd need to fulfill my role in this life and this Great Transition? If so, and I believe it is so, I was in on the plan from the beginning. Today, I can say truthfully that everything was perfect. She gave me experiences that allowed me to become who I am. It really feels good to reach the place where I know this without a single doubt. I feel at peace.
I honor my mother and her life. And each day I draw down the white light of love and protection, tucking it carefully around her.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Looks Like Time to Draw Into the Eye of the Storm
This morning I scanned through some of the blogs that I used to follow regularly, but haven't read in some time for no reason other than I haven't. Checking in. Listening as the storm gathers. The other bloggers each report their eye witness accounts of worsening storm-related incidents.
It's been raining hard here since yesterday afternoon. The creek running behind my temporary home runs hard, swollen and slightly muddy. Elsewhere snow and cold winds wash across the land freezing everything. I'm relieved that it's 54 degrees right now. Warm Blessings from the ocean waters. For the past two years I've noticed that our weather often mirrors what's occurring within the social complexes of the planet. Significant events happen in the Fall.
For all it's fluff reputation, Facebook gives me an interesting window on the world. My circle of primarily, virtual friends spans a broad spectrum. Most invited me, though on occasion I've gone on short invitation sprees. I've got many friends who are very spiritual and aware. Some who may have friended me out of curiosity or perhaps a desire for a little zing beyond their normal life. There's a group I really love and enjoy who post great articles and insightful observations, and genuinely share a desire to end all the wars and government oppression. As operation payback emerged, I found that a couple of my friends seem to know a lot about how to launch Denial of Service attacks. The other day a new friend defriended me after I commented that I got communication from someone by means other than a telephone. "Over and out" he replied. And quickly clicked the remove me as a friend button. Guess he's got some big surprises coming.
My point in raising this subject is two-fold. First, I don't watch TV, haven't really for the past ten years. I no longer own a television. No longer subscribe to the newspaper. However, my little fb window on the world gives me an interesting view. Many of these friends excel at locating news of what's going on in the world, so fb has become my best news source, surprisingly. Through this window I see the shift unfolding in people. About a week ago, the tide made a huge turn. People have begun shifting from information sharing mode to action mode. It's growing quickly. The big R is upon us. Be careful.
Secondly, it's time to withdraw somewhat and settle into the eye of the storm. So I'm going to quietly back out of my fb presence. We each have our unique role in this Great Shift. The Indigo Children have awakened. My role is not to assist in bringing anything down and so it's wisest to quiet down. There will be plenty to do for those gathered in the eye. We'll be helping those who've been scattered by the gales. Quietly creating anew, ready to pick up the pieces afterward. Fear is not a factor at all. Be careful, but not in fear. We each chose to be here in this most significant of times. We are protected from higher levels and came in prepared for our unique path. Stay fluid, alert to the winds, and turn up the volume knob to your inner Guides, Teachers, and Angels. I mean this literally, drop down into your heart, reach out and turn up the volume knob, then notice what changes occur. This actually works.
Good time for a nap. I'll be back here tomorrow.
It's been raining hard here since yesterday afternoon. The creek running behind my temporary home runs hard, swollen and slightly muddy. Elsewhere snow and cold winds wash across the land freezing everything. I'm relieved that it's 54 degrees right now. Warm Blessings from the ocean waters. For the past two years I've noticed that our weather often mirrors what's occurring within the social complexes of the planet. Significant events happen in the Fall.
For all it's fluff reputation, Facebook gives me an interesting window on the world. My circle of primarily, virtual friends spans a broad spectrum. Most invited me, though on occasion I've gone on short invitation sprees. I've got many friends who are very spiritual and aware. Some who may have friended me out of curiosity or perhaps a desire for a little zing beyond their normal life. There's a group I really love and enjoy who post great articles and insightful observations, and genuinely share a desire to end all the wars and government oppression. As operation payback emerged, I found that a couple of my friends seem to know a lot about how to launch Denial of Service attacks. The other day a new friend defriended me after I commented that I got communication from someone by means other than a telephone. "Over and out" he replied. And quickly clicked the remove me as a friend button. Guess he's got some big surprises coming.
My point in raising this subject is two-fold. First, I don't watch TV, haven't really for the past ten years. I no longer own a television. No longer subscribe to the newspaper. However, my little fb window on the world gives me an interesting view. Many of these friends excel at locating news of what's going on in the world, so fb has become my best news source, surprisingly. Through this window I see the shift unfolding in people. About a week ago, the tide made a huge turn. People have begun shifting from information sharing mode to action mode. It's growing quickly. The big R is upon us. Be careful.
Secondly, it's time to withdraw somewhat and settle into the eye of the storm. So I'm going to quietly back out of my fb presence. We each have our unique role in this Great Shift. The Indigo Children have awakened. My role is not to assist in bringing anything down and so it's wisest to quiet down. There will be plenty to do for those gathered in the eye. We'll be helping those who've been scattered by the gales. Quietly creating anew, ready to pick up the pieces afterward. Fear is not a factor at all. Be careful, but not in fear. We each chose to be here in this most significant of times. We are protected from higher levels and came in prepared for our unique path. Stay fluid, alert to the winds, and turn up the volume knob to your inner Guides, Teachers, and Angels. I mean this literally, drop down into your heart, reach out and turn up the volume knob, then notice what changes occur. This actually works.
Good time for a nap. I'll be back here tomorrow.
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Art and Service of Noticing Change
The rate of change has quickened over the past three weeks. Since the tipping point. Do you feel it? After all the speculation about what could be big enough to cause a huge global release lasting months, I'm grateful to see that is has not been something as devastating as a nuclear bomb. Instead the universe gave us Wikileaks and the daily leaking cables. I'm grateful to see the expanding response globally to Wikileaks' gradual release of diplomatic cables documenting the unethical and insidious behavior of the US government and the corporate elitists. I welcome the rising tide of people demanding their access to information and truth; the growing demonstrations in support of Julian Assange; the initial shift from talking about what's been going on to taking action. This last one has been really noticeable.
If you want the world to change for the better, leave space in your awareness for the possibility of change to occur. Change can not happen if we leave no room for it's possibility. So leave the space for change. The more people who do this, the larger this collective space becomes. Bring your attention towards noticing what is different. You can do this in the course of your daily life. The act of noticing what is different brings change into manifestation. Even if very subtle, when we notice something different, we usher in change. That subtle difference you notice maybe just the first step in a process of significant change. From physics we learn that the act of observing changes the outcome.
One of the differences I've noticed over the past month is a new emergence of people who radiate heart energy. I saw this in the people who appeared to assist in my process of moving to a new place, they each radiated a strong heart energy in a way I'd not felt before. More have turned up since. Hmm ....Thinking about this, I sense that this difference comes from both within me and within others. As I've always tuned to peoples emotions, I can say that this heart centeredness feels very different from when people hold loving emotions. Loving feelings and the heart centeredness I'm picking up on recently are quite different qualities. This heart centeredness is really not an emotion at all, it's a presence, a vibration. From my little window on the world I'd say that more and more people are shifting to operate from their heart center. Call it my statistical sampling. I like this change I'm noticing.
The change I notice within me is a shift in my ability to perceive where people are coming from. Perhaps some people have been radiating heart centeredness all along and I've not had the sensitivity to pick up on it before. And perhaps my sensitivity has emerged because some people have adopted this new vibration. When I sense that someone is radiating heart energy it feels very different from thinking that someone is a nice person. At this point it feels like I'm developing a new sensitivity to read the vibrational level of people. Possibly. It's something I'll continue to observe.
There's another benefit we receive when we shift our awareness towards noticing what has changed. That is that our awareness becomes more sensitive and fine tuned. We're able to notice ever more subtle shifts and changes, both within ourselves and in our outer world. In many ways, this is what expanded awareness is all about.
If you want the world to change for the better, leave space in your awareness for the possibility of change to occur. Change can not happen if we leave no room for it's possibility. So leave the space for change. The more people who do this, the larger this collective space becomes. Bring your attention towards noticing what is different. You can do this in the course of your daily life. The act of noticing what is different brings change into manifestation. Even if very subtle, when we notice something different, we usher in change. That subtle difference you notice maybe just the first step in a process of significant change. From physics we learn that the act of observing changes the outcome.
One of the differences I've noticed over the past month is a new emergence of people who radiate heart energy. I saw this in the people who appeared to assist in my process of moving to a new place, they each radiated a strong heart energy in a way I'd not felt before. More have turned up since. Hmm ....Thinking about this, I sense that this difference comes from both within me and within others. As I've always tuned to peoples emotions, I can say that this heart centeredness feels very different from when people hold loving emotions. Loving feelings and the heart centeredness I'm picking up on recently are quite different qualities. This heart centeredness is really not an emotion at all, it's a presence, a vibration. From my little window on the world I'd say that more and more people are shifting to operate from their heart center. Call it my statistical sampling. I like this change I'm noticing.
The change I notice within me is a shift in my ability to perceive where people are coming from. Perhaps some people have been radiating heart centeredness all along and I've not had the sensitivity to pick up on it before. And perhaps my sensitivity has emerged because some people have adopted this new vibration. When I sense that someone is radiating heart energy it feels very different from thinking that someone is a nice person. At this point it feels like I'm developing a new sensitivity to read the vibrational level of people. Possibly. It's something I'll continue to observe.
There's another benefit we receive when we shift our awareness towards noticing what has changed. That is that our awareness becomes more sensitive and fine tuned. We're able to notice ever more subtle shifts and changes, both within ourselves and in our outer world. In many ways, this is what expanded awareness is all about.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Change Happening So Fast, Feel Free to Open a Door into a New Reality
The rate of change increased noticeably over the past three weeks. Since the November 14th tipping point. Can you feel that now we're on the big downhill drop of the roller coaster? So much has been transpiring. I get engrossed just watching. With the diplomatic cables being released gradually each day, Wikileaks plays a big role in the global "Whoaaaaaaa" that is predicted to go on for the next couple of months. Truth coming out into the Light.
At the same time, and in equal proportion, I'm seeing really good things happening, really good things. People are coming together as never before. There's a big increase in positive spiritual information coming out. Here's just one example. Watch this video from my friend Alexander Light. It so filled me with awe and wonder.
My Guides told me many years ago that everything without integrity would start to sway and crumble, until all that remained were those things created out of the love, respect and appreciation for humanity and the Earth. I was cautioned that my role was not to assist in the collapse, so I should resist any urges to help bring things down. Those roles belonged to others and they are fulfilling their roles, as we are seeing now unfold. There are times it's been hard to stand by without action because I Can Hardly Wait to be in our world without all the inhuman atrocities.
"Your role is to assist in picking up the pieces and creating new systems," I was clearly told. Ever so gradually, I've begun to see a glimpse of what that might entail. "You need not worry, you have been well prepared and will know exactly what to do when the time come." This is true for all of us. It's been difficult in many ways to wait all these years of our lifetime for the moment, and to develop deep trust, that we are ready and fully capable to do our part. For me, the trust in myself and in this process of Great Transformation has steadily grown, though I can only recognize this now.
I've written here about my yearning to remember and reconnect with something I couldn't define. About finally discovering a few bits of information about quantum healing. The term quantum healing is not really accurate. My sense is that the name we'll come to use for this has not surfaced yet. There are only a few people teaching this, at least here in the US. Kryon mentioned in channelings that the Tibetans and Buddhists had gone furthest in developing this new consciousness technology. A whole new concept of healing and transformation that has been given to us as a gift. Working from the unified field, the place where all is potential, the place from which all things arise into manifestation, where even energy is only potential.
This past weekend I took part in a three day seminar with Richard Bartlett. He calls this ability to work from the unified field, Matrix Energetics. It's as if for the past three years I've been feeling for an opening in the wall and finally found that there is a door. This weekend I walked through the door. And now EvErYtHiNg is different.
Where do I begin??? This is without a doubt the most powerful thing I've ever learned (relearned) to do. Life transforming is an understatement. Nothing cultish about this at all. The ironic part is that if you try to make logical sense of how to do Matrix Energetics, then it doesn't work, because the real key is you have to stop trying to do anything in order for something to occur. So trying to explain this in linear words also doesn't work very well. Basically this is the process: you drop down into your heart, which is our door to the unified field, place intent, then let go, keep letting go until you notice a change. The immediate change originates at the sub-particle level. Perhaps the best part is that once you get it, it's so ridiculously easy and so much fun. You can use this on anything. Ache and pains, old injuries, dis-eases, removing self-doubt, finding the best route to work each morning, shifting tension in a relationship,.....
We're all taught that we have to work very hard and if we focus our mind, energy, time, visions, desire, creativity, intentions, dollars, blood-sweat-and tears, etc., etc.....we might reach our goal, if we are lucky. Now I know it doesn't have to be that way at all. We can accomplish waaaaaay more, with no effort, and with boatloads of fun. I realize this sounds to good to be true, however, we have each (that includes You) paid our dues, and the reward is that this is true. We can manifest what we want, when we want it, and can heal and transform anything.
Before attending the seminar, which was pretty much like spending three days in the movie Roger Rabbit, I'd read both of Richard Bartlett's books, as well as Frank Kinslow's. I didn't "get it" from reading about it. A lot of people are able to do this after reading about it, but I wasn't one of them. Now being there in the midst of it at the seminar, I got it right away and it was so outrageously easy, it cracked me up laughing almost every time I worked with it in the practice sessions. Suffice it to say, I highly recommend that others check this out and if you have an opportunity to attend the Level 1 & 2 seminar with Richard Bartlett, I'd jump on it if I were you.
One note, I feel the Matrix Energetics website comes across as really Sales & Marketing. The seminars however do not. I have immense respect and appreciation for Richard Bartlett in every regard. He's a Light Being of the highest order. And more fun than you can imagine.
Change is happening so fast now. My advice, for what it's worth....Let go of all fears and doubts. Look for your door that opens to a new and really awesome reality, and when you find it, just open it and step right through!
At the same time, and in equal proportion, I'm seeing really good things happening, really good things. People are coming together as never before. There's a big increase in positive spiritual information coming out. Here's just one example. Watch this video from my friend Alexander Light. It so filled me with awe and wonder.
My Guides told me many years ago that everything without integrity would start to sway and crumble, until all that remained were those things created out of the love, respect and appreciation for humanity and the Earth. I was cautioned that my role was not to assist in the collapse, so I should resist any urges to help bring things down. Those roles belonged to others and they are fulfilling their roles, as we are seeing now unfold. There are times it's been hard to stand by without action because I Can Hardly Wait to be in our world without all the inhuman atrocities.
"Your role is to assist in picking up the pieces and creating new systems," I was clearly told. Ever so gradually, I've begun to see a glimpse of what that might entail. "You need not worry, you have been well prepared and will know exactly what to do when the time come." This is true for all of us. It's been difficult in many ways to wait all these years of our lifetime for the moment, and to develop deep trust, that we are ready and fully capable to do our part. For me, the trust in myself and in this process of Great Transformation has steadily grown, though I can only recognize this now.
I've written here about my yearning to remember and reconnect with something I couldn't define. About finally discovering a few bits of information about quantum healing. The term quantum healing is not really accurate. My sense is that the name we'll come to use for this has not surfaced yet. There are only a few people teaching this, at least here in the US. Kryon mentioned in channelings that the Tibetans and Buddhists had gone furthest in developing this new consciousness technology. A whole new concept of healing and transformation that has been given to us as a gift. Working from the unified field, the place where all is potential, the place from which all things arise into manifestation, where even energy is only potential.
This past weekend I took part in a three day seminar with Richard Bartlett. He calls this ability to work from the unified field, Matrix Energetics. It's as if for the past three years I've been feeling for an opening in the wall and finally found that there is a door. This weekend I walked through the door. And now EvErYtHiNg is different.
Where do I begin??? This is without a doubt the most powerful thing I've ever learned (relearned) to do. Life transforming is an understatement. Nothing cultish about this at all. The ironic part is that if you try to make logical sense of how to do Matrix Energetics, then it doesn't work, because the real key is you have to stop trying to do anything in order for something to occur. So trying to explain this in linear words also doesn't work very well. Basically this is the process: you drop down into your heart, which is our door to the unified field, place intent, then let go, keep letting go until you notice a change. The immediate change originates at the sub-particle level. Perhaps the best part is that once you get it, it's so ridiculously easy and so much fun. You can use this on anything. Ache and pains, old injuries, dis-eases, removing self-doubt, finding the best route to work each morning, shifting tension in a relationship,.....
We're all taught that we have to work very hard and if we focus our mind, energy, time, visions, desire, creativity, intentions, dollars, blood-sweat-and tears, etc., etc.....we might reach our goal, if we are lucky. Now I know it doesn't have to be that way at all. We can accomplish waaaaaay more, with no effort, and with boatloads of fun. I realize this sounds to good to be true, however, we have each (that includes You) paid our dues, and the reward is that this is true. We can manifest what we want, when we want it, and can heal and transform anything.
Before attending the seminar, which was pretty much like spending three days in the movie Roger Rabbit, I'd read both of Richard Bartlett's books, as well as Frank Kinslow's. I didn't "get it" from reading about it. A lot of people are able to do this after reading about it, but I wasn't one of them. Now being there in the midst of it at the seminar, I got it right away and it was so outrageously easy, it cracked me up laughing almost every time I worked with it in the practice sessions. Suffice it to say, I highly recommend that others check this out and if you have an opportunity to attend the Level 1 & 2 seminar with Richard Bartlett, I'd jump on it if I were you.
One note, I feel the Matrix Energetics website comes across as really Sales & Marketing. The seminars however do not. I have immense respect and appreciation for Richard Bartlett in every regard. He's a Light Being of the highest order. And more fun than you can imagine.
Change is happening so fast now. My advice, for what it's worth....Let go of all fears and doubts. Look for your door that opens to a new and really awesome reality, and when you find it, just open it and step right through!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Traveling Together Cross Country and Time
It was the second day on the road traveling across the US with Vaughn that the memories started to surface from prior lives. First some background...When I first met Vaughn he looked very familiar to me. We were introduced one morning at the farmers' market by the man who runs the Agriculture Department in Polk County, NC. "We've already met." Vaughn said matter of factly. Though I knew logistically that we'd not crossed paths before, at least not in this lifetime. Vaughn is very into Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars series, has drawn out the plans for the domain community he hopes to co-create. In his late 30's, he's married with two kids entering school age. Among other things, Vaughn runs the four farmers' markets in the county, and is working to build their prominence in the community. He's written a couple of spiritually focused children's books he'd like to get published. We saw each other briefly on a few occasions since. He's a calm, honest, gentle spirit. Other than that, I didn't know much about him prior to our trek cross country. One thing though puzzled me about him, I couldn't read him at all.
Our early morning departure was delayed as the two guys from the moving company finished packing the truck and I took my car in to have the window repaired. Vaughn came and picked me up at the car repair shop when I called him, drove me to the post office and bank, then back at the house, helped me with the last packing and some cleaning up. Not everything fit on the truck so he arranged for pick up of another load of donations to the Ag Center. He took me to pick up my car when it was ready, then stopped to check my tire pressure, which turned out to be very low. As we were packing the car, there were three boxes of photos and special documents, like my daughter's school report cards, that didn't fit in anywhere. Vaughn offered to send them to me and called his wife to pick them up. He was just right there the whole time offering exactly what was needed.
We started out at dinner time, taking Interstate 40 pass through the Appalachian Mountains and on to Nashville, Tennessee that first night. He carried my bags into my hotel room for me. Such a small luxury after always managing by myself the past ten years. In the morning he checked my car's lights and replaced a headlight bulb I didn't realize was out. We headed out towards the Mississippi River and the Great Plains. I lead, Vaughn followed in the truck. I felt very safe with Vaughn, protected and watch over in my journey to a new, and relatively unknown place.
During the day as the hours passed along the road, the feelings of being protected and watched over grew. A sense of trust with Vaughn emerged that surpassed anything that could have developed between us in the time we'd known each other. The feelings intensified. The trust I felt was of a depth and steadfastness beyond anything I'd felt in this present lifetime. The details of the emotions became clearer and clearer, until images came forward. Images of traveling together, the Queen traveling, incognito, through a volatile countryside accompanied by the person she trusted most in her life. Between them, a bond of allegiance and of honor, that they would give their life in service and protection of the other, though it was his duty and honor to escort his Queen, ensuring her safe passage.
I do not know which of us was the queen and which her trusted escort in this past life we shared. Yet I've not a single doubt that Vaughn and I made such a journey together once before. It was with joy, not karma, that we came together to relive this experience in the present time and circumstance. No debt, no amends to be made, simply a choice to relive the connection.
When I shared my awareness and described the images over dinner, Vaughn said, "when you said you were planning to drive alone, I knew I had to go with you. There was no question about it." He didn't see any similar images come from inside him, yet he said they felt comfortable. Taking this journey, he knew, held great meaning for him too. That he knew in the process he would come to understand who he was in a larger sense. I thought this was likely true for me as well.
The powerfully strong feelings of allegiance, honor and absolutely unshakable trust and the image of the covertly traveling pair stayed with me throughout the second day as we drove through Iowa, Nebraska and into Wyoming. I came to see that this is how past memory comes through to me, first as feelings. Then the feelings become more and more defined until the images that fit these feelings take form. Being clairsentient, this makes sense now, but I'd not understood this before. Most of all I feel.
I also clarified what it was about Vaughn that had puzzled me. I can't read his feelings. Nothing comes through. Reading people's feelings in how I read their mind. Not that I've ever thought of myself as a mind reader, yet in all honesty, I've always read people's minds by reading their feelings. It's come so naturally I never realized I was doing it, or that others might have more limited abilities. Vaughn, however, comes across to me as a blank slate. "I've been told before by psychics that they can't read for me. I guess that's why." "You carry a strong level of protection." I said.
In reliving the memory of traveling unrecognized with an escort and protector, a deeper sense of who I am began to come forward for me. Just as the calling to move to the upper NW came so intuitively. "I need to be there now." And at each step, exactly who I needed to make this big move possible, stepped forward, the lovely young men who packed my truck, the man whose house I'm renting who has such strong heart energy, my daughter driving up to help me pack, Vaughn showing up and offering to drive the truck. At other times I've felt the universe supporting me as I take on a new venture, yet this time the feeling of support was much stronger than I'd ever felt before. As if this was the first outward, true recognition of who I am. Someone who's safe passage must be ensured, someone who's presence on this planet is important. For those of us Light Beings who've so often been dismissed, belittled, ignored, and put down, it's a really big turn of events to have even total strangers show up at each turn to ensure your safety and protection along the path.
On the third day, driving across southern Wyoming and into the Rockies through Utah and Idaho, a different set of feelings came forth. Feelings of a strong brotherly love, a deep trust gained through experience, then the images of being initiates together and sharing a lifelong bond of brotherhood. And here we were reliving that lifetime as well. Neither of us had driven cross country before and for each of us it felt like a rite of passage, an initiation into something larger. Over meals and phone calls while driving we'd gotten to know each other and I found Vaughn to be a really special person in so many ways. Our conversations centered on deeper topics, our dreams, feelings and what truly mattered to us. A brotherhood bond forming as we passed through the initiation rites of this journey.
Shortly after we headed out from Boise, Idaho on the last day of the drive, Vaughn sent me a text message, "Thank you for being such a brave soul Helen" Tears welled up when I read it. What spoke so much to me was the Thank you. To me this said not only was he recognizing my courage in venture so far to a new place, but that my doing so made a difference to others, it made a difference to him.
Over the last two days of driving I'd gotten a strong message that it was important for Vaughn to see a little of town before he flew back to North Carolina. The timing worked perfectly, of course. The trip took longer than planned and my new landlord called to say he needed two more days to get himself moved out, so I pushed everything back, including Vaughn's plane flight. After staying the first night in a hotel, we went to the farmers' market, a big thriving well attended market, very fun. We checked out the park overlooking the Puget Sound, drove around downtown and by the harbor, stopping here and there. "It's an amazing place," Vaughn said. "You and your family are welcome any time, either to visit or to live." He knows how to get here now. Perhaps one day he'll move here with his family. Perhaps.
I will always hold deep gratitude to Vaughn, my traveling companion who saw me safely through to my new home, and who shared this amazing journey across the lands and across time.
Our early morning departure was delayed as the two guys from the moving company finished packing the truck and I took my car in to have the window repaired. Vaughn came and picked me up at the car repair shop when I called him, drove me to the post office and bank, then back at the house, helped me with the last packing and some cleaning up. Not everything fit on the truck so he arranged for pick up of another load of donations to the Ag Center. He took me to pick up my car when it was ready, then stopped to check my tire pressure, which turned out to be very low. As we were packing the car, there were three boxes of photos and special documents, like my daughter's school report cards, that didn't fit in anywhere. Vaughn offered to send them to me and called his wife to pick them up. He was just right there the whole time offering exactly what was needed.
We started out at dinner time, taking Interstate 40 pass through the Appalachian Mountains and on to Nashville, Tennessee that first night. He carried my bags into my hotel room for me. Such a small luxury after always managing by myself the past ten years. In the morning he checked my car's lights and replaced a headlight bulb I didn't realize was out. We headed out towards the Mississippi River and the Great Plains. I lead, Vaughn followed in the truck. I felt very safe with Vaughn, protected and watch over in my journey to a new, and relatively unknown place.
During the day as the hours passed along the road, the feelings of being protected and watched over grew. A sense of trust with Vaughn emerged that surpassed anything that could have developed between us in the time we'd known each other. The feelings intensified. The trust I felt was of a depth and steadfastness beyond anything I'd felt in this present lifetime. The details of the emotions became clearer and clearer, until images came forward. Images of traveling together, the Queen traveling, incognito, through a volatile countryside accompanied by the person she trusted most in her life. Between them, a bond of allegiance and of honor, that they would give their life in service and protection of the other, though it was his duty and honor to escort his Queen, ensuring her safe passage.
I do not know which of us was the queen and which her trusted escort in this past life we shared. Yet I've not a single doubt that Vaughn and I made such a journey together once before. It was with joy, not karma, that we came together to relive this experience in the present time and circumstance. No debt, no amends to be made, simply a choice to relive the connection.
When I shared my awareness and described the images over dinner, Vaughn said, "when you said you were planning to drive alone, I knew I had to go with you. There was no question about it." He didn't see any similar images come from inside him, yet he said they felt comfortable. Taking this journey, he knew, held great meaning for him too. That he knew in the process he would come to understand who he was in a larger sense. I thought this was likely true for me as well.
The powerfully strong feelings of allegiance, honor and absolutely unshakable trust and the image of the covertly traveling pair stayed with me throughout the second day as we drove through Iowa, Nebraska and into Wyoming. I came to see that this is how past memory comes through to me, first as feelings. Then the feelings become more and more defined until the images that fit these feelings take form. Being clairsentient, this makes sense now, but I'd not understood this before. Most of all I feel.
I also clarified what it was about Vaughn that had puzzled me. I can't read his feelings. Nothing comes through. Reading people's feelings in how I read their mind. Not that I've ever thought of myself as a mind reader, yet in all honesty, I've always read people's minds by reading their feelings. It's come so naturally I never realized I was doing it, or that others might have more limited abilities. Vaughn, however, comes across to me as a blank slate. "I've been told before by psychics that they can't read for me. I guess that's why." "You carry a strong level of protection." I said.
In reliving the memory of traveling unrecognized with an escort and protector, a deeper sense of who I am began to come forward for me. Just as the calling to move to the upper NW came so intuitively. "I need to be there now." And at each step, exactly who I needed to make this big move possible, stepped forward, the lovely young men who packed my truck, the man whose house I'm renting who has such strong heart energy, my daughter driving up to help me pack, Vaughn showing up and offering to drive the truck. At other times I've felt the universe supporting me as I take on a new venture, yet this time the feeling of support was much stronger than I'd ever felt before. As if this was the first outward, true recognition of who I am. Someone who's safe passage must be ensured, someone who's presence on this planet is important. For those of us Light Beings who've so often been dismissed, belittled, ignored, and put down, it's a really big turn of events to have even total strangers show up at each turn to ensure your safety and protection along the path.
On the third day, driving across southern Wyoming and into the Rockies through Utah and Idaho, a different set of feelings came forth. Feelings of a strong brotherly love, a deep trust gained through experience, then the images of being initiates together and sharing a lifelong bond of brotherhood. And here we were reliving that lifetime as well. Neither of us had driven cross country before and for each of us it felt like a rite of passage, an initiation into something larger. Over meals and phone calls while driving we'd gotten to know each other and I found Vaughn to be a really special person in so many ways. Our conversations centered on deeper topics, our dreams, feelings and what truly mattered to us. A brotherhood bond forming as we passed through the initiation rites of this journey.
Shortly after we headed out from Boise, Idaho on the last day of the drive, Vaughn sent me a text message, "Thank you for being such a brave soul Helen" Tears welled up when I read it. What spoke so much to me was the Thank you. To me this said not only was he recognizing my courage in venture so far to a new place, but that my doing so made a difference to others, it made a difference to him.
Over the last two days of driving I'd gotten a strong message that it was important for Vaughn to see a little of town before he flew back to North Carolina. The timing worked perfectly, of course. The trip took longer than planned and my new landlord called to say he needed two more days to get himself moved out, so I pushed everything back, including Vaughn's plane flight. After staying the first night in a hotel, we went to the farmers' market, a big thriving well attended market, very fun. We checked out the park overlooking the Puget Sound, drove around downtown and by the harbor, stopping here and there. "It's an amazing place," Vaughn said. "You and your family are welcome any time, either to visit or to live." He knows how to get here now. Perhaps one day he'll move here with his family. Perhaps.
I will always hold deep gratitude to Vaughn, my traveling companion who saw me safely through to my new home, and who shared this amazing journey across the lands and across time.
Thankfulness for the Journey
Thankfulness. It's snowing this Thanksgiving morning, the second snow since we arrived. I'm sitting in the kitchen of my new home, most of the way unpacked, and feeling so deeply grateful. It was an amazing journey driving cross country. Amazing in so many ways.
I had to check the last couple of posts because so much has happened and I didn't remember where I left off.
In the last few days before the scheduled departure date of Monday, Nov. 8th, everything seemed to come together with such synchronicity. Vaughn, a young man I know slightly from town came by to pick up some office furniture I was donating to the county's new Agricultural and Community Development Center. He made two trips, the second time accompanied by a man I'd not met before. In conversation it turned out this man had lived most of his life in Bellingham, the city I've moved to. Coincidence? Never. He gave me a list of names and numbers of people to contact who could connect me with anything I might possibly need. The conversation turned to driving across country towing a car. Not good news about the gas mileage there. Then Vaughn said, "I'd be willing to drive the truck for you." Music of the Angels to my ears!
Vaughn was such a gift, a wonderful traveling companion. He looked after me, checking tire pressure, walking the dogs, carrying my bags into each hotel. I felt very safe and protected throughout the journey. There's more much more that emerged in sharing this adventure across the country, which I'll share in a separate post immediately following this one. It's a story I want to record.
We got off much later than planned because it took longer to get the truck packed and all the odds and ends taken care of, like last minute car repair because my driver's side window went down and wouldn't come up. Our first stop was to get dinner at the Burger King three miles from my old house. (I never eat junk like this except when moving and traveling somewhere long-distance by car. It's hard to avoid fast food in these situations.) We stayed overnight in Nashville, Kansas City, Cheyenne, Boise, and then Bellingham. Four and a half long days of driving. The truck did not go over 72 mph, even on the flat lands of Wyoming with a 75 mph speed limit. Max speed up the steep mountain passes was about 35 miles per hour. We stayed together along the way.
The terrain and vistas from Cheyenne, WY onward were so striking. It snowed about four inches overnight in Cheyenne. I wished I could have just stopped along the road to photograph all that inspired me, but ti would have added about two weeks to the journey. I'll try to hold those scenes in my mind's eye, and perhaps someday travel that route again with a really good camera and no time constraints.
My energy stayed high the whole trip, which surprised me because with packing, the long days on the road, and all the time changes, I didn't get more than four or five hours sleep a night. We were able to spend the first night in the house on air mattresses. This was Saturday, November 14th. That evening Vaughn made a wonderful potato, celery root soup with chanterelle and lobster mushrooms and blue kale that we'd picked up in the farmers' market that day. We had to wing everything with a sauce pan, knife, and plastic silverware I'd bought that afternoon, as everything was still on the truck. It was a perfect meal for the first night in my new home, however temporary. The next morning I drove Vaughn to the airport in Seattle and on the way home, the exhaustion finally hit. I slept a lot the first week here. Unpacked, slept, drove to the hardware store, the usual just moved in routine.
I so love it here. The people everywhere I go are so welcoming and friendly. Very down to earth with none of the east coast pretension I've so outgrown. The predominant culture here is Locavor. They support their local businesses and local farms. They recycle all numbers of plastic, as well as food scraps for those not wanting to do their own composting. The forests are filled with huge Madrona pines and enormous ferns. The forests hold such deep, old wisdom. You can't miss it, it's so powerful. I'm looking forward to spending time in the forests, I sense the interaction will have a profound effect within me. And sitting on the rocks at the edge of the Puget Sound. It's about 5 minutes from my house to the state park with paths down to the water's edge. Vaughn and I took the dogs there that first Saturday. There is something so powerful about the energy of the sound. Water of such depth and the wooded islands, a view so breathtaking. I feel a steadiness, a grounded, immensely powerful Earth energy I've never felt anywhere else before, that's the best I can describe it at this point. I will come to understand it's intricacies over time, that my intent.
It's Thanksgiving Day. Actually, I try to make all my days days of thanks giving. On this day I am immensely thankful for the opportunity to make this journey to this wonderful new hometown. I'm grateful for all the people who showed up to assist when I needed them. Grateful for the support and encouragement I received from my daughter, step-daughter, sisters, close friends and on-line friends to make this big transition. Grateful for my intuition which led me here to this wonderful place at this perfect time. Grateful, deeply grateful, for all that led me to be who I am now and grateful for all that awaits me.
I had to check the last couple of posts because so much has happened and I didn't remember where I left off.
In the last few days before the scheduled departure date of Monday, Nov. 8th, everything seemed to come together with such synchronicity. Vaughn, a young man I know slightly from town came by to pick up some office furniture I was donating to the county's new Agricultural and Community Development Center. He made two trips, the second time accompanied by a man I'd not met before. In conversation it turned out this man had lived most of his life in Bellingham, the city I've moved to. Coincidence? Never. He gave me a list of names and numbers of people to contact who could connect me with anything I might possibly need. The conversation turned to driving across country towing a car. Not good news about the gas mileage there. Then Vaughn said, "I'd be willing to drive the truck for you." Music of the Angels to my ears!
Vaughn was such a gift, a wonderful traveling companion. He looked after me, checking tire pressure, walking the dogs, carrying my bags into each hotel. I felt very safe and protected throughout the journey. There's more much more that emerged in sharing this adventure across the country, which I'll share in a separate post immediately following this one. It's a story I want to record.
We got off much later than planned because it took longer to get the truck packed and all the odds and ends taken care of, like last minute car repair because my driver's side window went down and wouldn't come up. Our first stop was to get dinner at the Burger King three miles from my old house. (I never eat junk like this except when moving and traveling somewhere long-distance by car. It's hard to avoid fast food in these situations.) We stayed overnight in Nashville, Kansas City, Cheyenne, Boise, and then Bellingham. Four and a half long days of driving. The truck did not go over 72 mph, even on the flat lands of Wyoming with a 75 mph speed limit. Max speed up the steep mountain passes was about 35 miles per hour. We stayed together along the way.
The terrain and vistas from Cheyenne, WY onward were so striking. It snowed about four inches overnight in Cheyenne. I wished I could have just stopped along the road to photograph all that inspired me, but ti would have added about two weeks to the journey. I'll try to hold those scenes in my mind's eye, and perhaps someday travel that route again with a really good camera and no time constraints.
My energy stayed high the whole trip, which surprised me because with packing, the long days on the road, and all the time changes, I didn't get more than four or five hours sleep a night. We were able to spend the first night in the house on air mattresses. This was Saturday, November 14th. That evening Vaughn made a wonderful potato, celery root soup with chanterelle and lobster mushrooms and blue kale that we'd picked up in the farmers' market that day. We had to wing everything with a sauce pan, knife, and plastic silverware I'd bought that afternoon, as everything was still on the truck. It was a perfect meal for the first night in my new home, however temporary. The next morning I drove Vaughn to the airport in Seattle and on the way home, the exhaustion finally hit. I slept a lot the first week here. Unpacked, slept, drove to the hardware store, the usual just moved in routine.
I so love it here. The people everywhere I go are so welcoming and friendly. Very down to earth with none of the east coast pretension I've so outgrown. The predominant culture here is Locavor. They support their local businesses and local farms. They recycle all numbers of plastic, as well as food scraps for those not wanting to do their own composting. The forests are filled with huge Madrona pines and enormous ferns. The forests hold such deep, old wisdom. You can't miss it, it's so powerful. I'm looking forward to spending time in the forests, I sense the interaction will have a profound effect within me. And sitting on the rocks at the edge of the Puget Sound. It's about 5 minutes from my house to the state park with paths down to the water's edge. Vaughn and I took the dogs there that first Saturday. There is something so powerful about the energy of the sound. Water of such depth and the wooded islands, a view so breathtaking. I feel a steadiness, a grounded, immensely powerful Earth energy I've never felt anywhere else before, that's the best I can describe it at this point. I will come to understand it's intricacies over time, that my intent.
It's Thanksgiving Day. Actually, I try to make all my days days of thanks giving. On this day I am immensely thankful for the opportunity to make this journey to this wonderful new hometown. I'm grateful for all the people who showed up to assist when I needed them. Grateful for the support and encouragement I received from my daughter, step-daughter, sisters, close friends and on-line friends to make this big transition. Grateful for my intuition which led me here to this wonderful place at this perfect time. Grateful, deeply grateful, for all that led me to be who I am now and grateful for all that awaits me.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Reminder - Oct 31st Global Meditation - Opening the Crystal Palace Within & the Halls Of Amenti
Today is the World Mediation - Opening the Crystal Palace Within and the Halls of Amenti
The activation for the mediation begins October 31, at 12:01 PM, Pacific Daylight Savings time and continues for 24 hours.
The most intense time to do this one hour mediation is at 3:00 PM PDST (6:00 PM EDST). The 15 minute meditation is repeated 3 times followed by at least 15 minutes of integration time.
This is the meditation.
Here is the download for the meditation music. It contains important sound codes to assist in the activation of your connection to Higher Mind. Select the Crystal Palace Within Meditation. Tom asks that you download it to your computer instead of listening through the site to prevent a crash. Consider copying the music file three times to a playlist so that it plays continually for the three repeats of the the mediation.
Here is additional information about the meditation.
Tom Kenyon and the Hathors suggest we also review the Hathors' message The Art of Jumping Time Lines.
In gratitude to Earth and our Divine Selves,
The activation for the mediation begins October 31, at 12:01 PM, Pacific Daylight Savings time and continues for 24 hours.
The most intense time to do this one hour mediation is at 3:00 PM PDST (6:00 PM EDST). The 15 minute meditation is repeated 3 times followed by at least 15 minutes of integration time.
This is the meditation.
Here is the download for the meditation music. It contains important sound codes to assist in the activation of your connection to Higher Mind. Select the Crystal Palace Within Meditation. Tom asks that you download it to your computer instead of listening through the site to prevent a crash. Consider copying the music file three times to a playlist so that it plays continually for the three repeats of the the mediation.
Here is additional information about the meditation.
Tom Kenyon and the Hathors suggest we also review the Hathors' message The Art of Jumping Time Lines.
In gratitude to Earth and our Divine Selves,
Friday, October 29, 2010
We Are the Heroes of This Story
Man, this is looking like a story in the making that my descendants will pass down about me after I'm gone. "She drove all the way across the country during the four days of the November 2010 tipping point!!" "All by herself with two dogs in a huge truck towing her car!" I really ought to have a documentary film crew traveling with us on this journey.
The nice lady I spoke with at Penske truck rentals assured me that it's actually a lot of fun to drive the 26 ft. trucks. "You sit way up high and can see everything!"
She went on to say, "It's much easier to back up when you're towing your car on the flat bed auto trailer, which has all four car wheels on the trailer ($398 rental fee), than with the regular car towing hitch where only the car's front wheels are raised up." ($199 rental fee)
Back up a 26 ft. truck with a car in tow??? I told her I intended to only drive forward. Actually, I mean it.
She described the front cab of the truck, with bench seat, CD player, automatic transmission, air conditioning..... "Is there enough room for two medium size dogs to ride in the front with me?"
She laughed, "Oh yes, the bench seat is big enough for three passengers! There's also room on the passenger-side floor. You could put a blanket down so one of them could lie down there if they didn't both want to sit on the seat with you."
As I said, she was very friendly and seemed honest and straightforward. She also clearly had experience driving their trucks. "Ok, here's my situation. I'm quite adventurous, but does this sound insane? A single woman driving four days cross-country with two young, energetic, 58 lb. Goldendoodles in a 26 ft. truck towing my car?"
She said she thought I'd do just fine. We're going to trust that she's right.
I decided I'm going to wear my red baseball cap that says "Obey Me" in big white letters across the front, my souvenir from volunteering as a crossing attendant at one of the AIDS Walks in DC. At first the idea was a laugh, but I might seriously do it. As if the dogs can read.

These are my charming and exuberant traveling companions. Rohan (right) and Simone. Rohan just turned two. Simone is 16 months old. Simone had to have her head and ears cut short recently because Rohan gave her a head full of mats while playing.
I better put on my To Do List to find that site that has info on all the dog parks by zip code. We can sample them as we drive west, so long as I don't have to back up the truck to get out of the parking lot.
They must know I'm talking about them because they're being very insistent on attention at the moment.

Here's what I might look like in my red hat...
Actually, the one I'm wearing in this photo is my Life Is Good hat with a dog on the front. Better see if I still have it. I could alternate hats as we go along.
Stepping back from the whole situation, there are three points to make out of all of this. First, it's so important that we keep our sense of humor as we move through these really intense, chaotic times. Really, it's just us Gods living a life in the physical 3-D world of Earth. Our light shines through when we can always see the Lighter side of the situations we face.
Second, is Trust. If all the logistics come together such that I'm ready to head out early on Monday, November 8th, then I choose to trust that everything will be just fine. And the way it's all coming together, November 8th is when I'll be set to go. That yucky respiratory virus delayed my packing up the house. My daughter can come up for one last visit the first weekend in November, but not sooner. The guys I'm hiring can pack the truck that weekend. My Divine Protection is so strong, if it wasn't safe for me to travel then, because the country would be going to hell in a hand-basket, the timing would have all turned out differently. Yes, my intuition knows I'd feel less nervous arriving out west before the tipping point. Yet at the higher level we set things up for ourselves exactly as we need/want to experience. Higher Self never lets us down.
Last, is that we create our own reality. I see at least two perspectives on this at the moment. (There are probably many more) One is that our thoughts and emotions manifest the world we live in. I know this to be true. I'm also coming to understand that we actually have the power to say what we want our reality to be. This is jumping the time lines that the Hathors spoke about. Well in my reality, there are some very big, very needed WAKE UP calls coming for the majority of the people, particularly in the anesthetized US. The duality is pulling to extreme and the elites are expressing (and releasing) the the enormous levels of greed, corruption, and inhuman-ness that need to be released from the planet. We, the beings of Light, are here raising the vibration of the planet through our small day to day acts and our simple presence. In my reality Love conquers all and that's not going to change. We are the ones we've been waiting for. What we are living now are the legends and stories that will be passed down the generations. We are the Heroes of this story. That's my reality.
The nice lady I spoke with at Penske truck rentals assured me that it's actually a lot of fun to drive the 26 ft. trucks. "You sit way up high and can see everything!"
She went on to say, "It's much easier to back up when you're towing your car on the flat bed auto trailer, which has all four car wheels on the trailer ($398 rental fee), than with the regular car towing hitch where only the car's front wheels are raised up." ($199 rental fee)
Back up a 26 ft. truck with a car in tow??? I told her I intended to only drive forward. Actually, I mean it.
She described the front cab of the truck, with bench seat, CD player, automatic transmission, air conditioning..... "Is there enough room for two medium size dogs to ride in the front with me?"
She laughed, "Oh yes, the bench seat is big enough for three passengers! There's also room on the passenger-side floor. You could put a blanket down so one of them could lie down there if they didn't both want to sit on the seat with you."
As I said, she was very friendly and seemed honest and straightforward. She also clearly had experience driving their trucks. "Ok, here's my situation. I'm quite adventurous, but does this sound insane? A single woman driving four days cross-country with two young, energetic, 58 lb. Goldendoodles in a 26 ft. truck towing my car?"
She said she thought I'd do just fine. We're going to trust that she's right.
I decided I'm going to wear my red baseball cap that says "Obey Me" in big white letters across the front, my souvenir from volunteering as a crossing attendant at one of the AIDS Walks in DC. At first the idea was a laugh, but I might seriously do it. As if the dogs can read.
These are my charming and exuberant traveling companions. Rohan (right) and Simone. Rohan just turned two. Simone is 16 months old. Simone had to have her head and ears cut short recently because Rohan gave her a head full of mats while playing.
I better put on my To Do List to find that site that has info on all the dog parks by zip code. We can sample them as we drive west, so long as I don't have to back up the truck to get out of the parking lot.
They must know I'm talking about them because they're being very insistent on attention at the moment.

Here's what I might look like in my red hat...
Actually, the one I'm wearing in this photo is my Life Is Good hat with a dog on the front. Better see if I still have it. I could alternate hats as we go along.
Stepping back from the whole situation, there are three points to make out of all of this. First, it's so important that we keep our sense of humor as we move through these really intense, chaotic times. Really, it's just us Gods living a life in the physical 3-D world of Earth. Our light shines through when we can always see the Lighter side of the situations we face.
Second, is Trust. If all the logistics come together such that I'm ready to head out early on Monday, November 8th, then I choose to trust that everything will be just fine. And the way it's all coming together, November 8th is when I'll be set to go. That yucky respiratory virus delayed my packing up the house. My daughter can come up for one last visit the first weekend in November, but not sooner. The guys I'm hiring can pack the truck that weekend. My Divine Protection is so strong, if it wasn't safe for me to travel then, because the country would be going to hell in a hand-basket, the timing would have all turned out differently. Yes, my intuition knows I'd feel less nervous arriving out west before the tipping point. Yet at the higher level we set things up for ourselves exactly as we need/want to experience. Higher Self never lets us down.
Last, is that we create our own reality. I see at least two perspectives on this at the moment. (There are probably many more) One is that our thoughts and emotions manifest the world we live in. I know this to be true. I'm also coming to understand that we actually have the power to say what we want our reality to be. This is jumping the time lines that the Hathors spoke about. Well in my reality, there are some very big, very needed WAKE UP calls coming for the majority of the people, particularly in the anesthetized US. The duality is pulling to extreme and the elites are expressing (and releasing) the the enormous levels of greed, corruption, and inhuman-ness that need to be released from the planet. We, the beings of Light, are here raising the vibration of the planet through our small day to day acts and our simple presence. In my reality Love conquers all and that's not going to change. We are the ones we've been waiting for. What we are living now are the legends and stories that will be passed down the generations. We are the Heroes of this story. That's my reality.
Our Growing Awareness to the Subtle Energies of Place
My body doesn't want to be on east coast time anymore. It's 2:45 AM and I'm sitting here eating cantaloupe and typing. I'm more on west coast time now than I was last week when I was actually on the west coast. That nasty virus I picked up from my daughter (as it turned out) was like my body saying, "No. Why did you bring us back east? We wanted to stay out west!" ("We" must mean my physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies)
It could also be the fact of moving. As I remember, my internal clock went all haywire the last two times I moved. This morning I counted and this will be the sixth move I've made in the past ten years. Sixth??!!! Not one of my 5 living siblings has moved even once during this time. Perhaps I'm trying to make up for not growing up in a military family that moved every year or two :) And it won't be the last because I'm only renting this new house for six months. Time enough to figure out exactly where I want to settle out there.
I found it really interesting in the Kryon channelling I posted the other day about how places hold the vibration of their history. I've been aware of that since I was a teenager living in London, and from traveling in Europe and the far east. Not that I was awake at the time, far from it. Yet some part of us is aware even if we don't understand it at all. Back then I felt strongly the complex history that resided in the land and buildings. What really rang true in the channelling was about our ability to connect to Gaia and Source most deeply and easily in places that had seen no wars, which in the US is in the northwest. Probably yet another reason I'm drawn there, to connect with Gaia. Gaia and I go way back and I look forward to experiencing a place of where my connection deepens and becomes more conscious.
When I first moved away from Washington, DC three years ago I wasn't at all conscious about how I read and interacted with the energy of a place. Sure some places felt better than others. But looking back, it's been over the past three years that my awareness of different energies has grown. I really got to see the contrast because for a while I was traveling back and forth to DC dealing with the selling of my house and my mother's declining health. With each trip back, I felt the difference in energy more keenly. It got so that for the first three or four days back in DC I'd feel a sort of vertigo. Very uncomfortable. DC has got some of the most intense energy out there, much of it from the people. Driven unhappiness. I return infrequently now and rely on visits by telephone.
The energy of the Appalachian Mountains where I've been living is very grounding. There are enormous crystals embedded deep within the mountains. Groundedness was exactly what I needed for the initial phase of waking up. The property where I've lived this past year is gorgeous, perfect in climate, growing season and layout for making the property sustainable and off the grid. I was planning to buy it and really settle in. However the energy feels way too molasses. It was perfect for it's time and now I'm ready for some spunk and eclecticness. (spellcheck says eclecticness is not a word, but it says what I mean, and I'm certain you get that.)
In moving through the process of expansion, our awareness to the subtle energies grows. We came in with the capacity to read and understand the subtle energies, but our senses dulled growing up in a culture that dismissed and ignored our abilities. Now we're coming back to reconnect with our true potential and full conscious awareness. At first, we become aware of the outer poles - fast - slow, calm - vibrant, smooth - erratic. Then we grow aware of more complexities, such as a sense of history. nurturing, or the purity. My sense is that as we continue to expand our awareness, we'll start picking up more and more detail about what's occurred in a particular place. We'll also hear what Gaia feels in relation to the place we're in.
Go walk amongst the trees. There's much information for us there. I've received this guidance personally and also see it from time to time in the things I've read. It's often noted that the people who have put out works of deep wisdom often have one thing in common, they spent a a long period of time alone in the forest and emerged having acquired huge insight.
It feels so good to be growing in awareness, doesn't it?
(PS - Somewhere in the middle of this post, I did actually manage to get some sleep :)
It could also be the fact of moving. As I remember, my internal clock went all haywire the last two times I moved. This morning I counted and this will be the sixth move I've made in the past ten years. Sixth??!!! Not one of my 5 living siblings has moved even once during this time. Perhaps I'm trying to make up for not growing up in a military family that moved every year or two :) And it won't be the last because I'm only renting this new house for six months. Time enough to figure out exactly where I want to settle out there.
I found it really interesting in the Kryon channelling I posted the other day about how places hold the vibration of their history. I've been aware of that since I was a teenager living in London, and from traveling in Europe and the far east. Not that I was awake at the time, far from it. Yet some part of us is aware even if we don't understand it at all. Back then I felt strongly the complex history that resided in the land and buildings. What really rang true in the channelling was about our ability to connect to Gaia and Source most deeply and easily in places that had seen no wars, which in the US is in the northwest. Probably yet another reason I'm drawn there, to connect with Gaia. Gaia and I go way back and I look forward to experiencing a place of where my connection deepens and becomes more conscious.
When I first moved away from Washington, DC three years ago I wasn't at all conscious about how I read and interacted with the energy of a place. Sure some places felt better than others. But looking back, it's been over the past three years that my awareness of different energies has grown. I really got to see the contrast because for a while I was traveling back and forth to DC dealing with the selling of my house and my mother's declining health. With each trip back, I felt the difference in energy more keenly. It got so that for the first three or four days back in DC I'd feel a sort of vertigo. Very uncomfortable. DC has got some of the most intense energy out there, much of it from the people. Driven unhappiness. I return infrequently now and rely on visits by telephone.
The energy of the Appalachian Mountains where I've been living is very grounding. There are enormous crystals embedded deep within the mountains. Groundedness was exactly what I needed for the initial phase of waking up. The property where I've lived this past year is gorgeous, perfect in climate, growing season and layout for making the property sustainable and off the grid. I was planning to buy it and really settle in. However the energy feels way too molasses. It was perfect for it's time and now I'm ready for some spunk and eclecticness. (spellcheck says eclecticness is not a word, but it says what I mean, and I'm certain you get that.)
In moving through the process of expansion, our awareness to the subtle energies grows. We came in with the capacity to read and understand the subtle energies, but our senses dulled growing up in a culture that dismissed and ignored our abilities. Now we're coming back to reconnect with our true potential and full conscious awareness. At first, we become aware of the outer poles - fast - slow, calm - vibrant, smooth - erratic. Then we grow aware of more complexities, such as a sense of history. nurturing, or the purity. My sense is that as we continue to expand our awareness, we'll start picking up more and more detail about what's occurred in a particular place. We'll also hear what Gaia feels in relation to the place we're in.
Go walk amongst the trees. There's much information for us there. I've received this guidance personally and also see it from time to time in the things I've read. It's often noted that the people who have put out works of deep wisdom often have one thing in common, they spent a a long period of time alone in the forest and emerged having acquired huge insight.
It feels so good to be growing in awareness, doesn't it?
(PS - Somewhere in the middle of this post, I did actually manage to get some sleep :)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
When the Switch Flips, We Can Go Backwards and Forwards At the Same Time
The magic faeries haven't yet shown up to pack my house while I sleep. This virus has sapped my energy and made my lungs very congested. But I'm much better than I was on Monday. The MMS helped a lot. It seems the fates are getting me used to the winter weather in the northwest. It's rained here for the past three days, many huge downpours with lulls of gray skies in between. After feeling last week like I was living in a movie, this move has started to feel much more matter of fact. It just feels so right and the pieces are coming together so perfectly, I must be making a very good move for all concerned. Tomorrow I should be back in good health.
The other night I had a wild experience. I was a sleep, but this wasn't like a dream at all. All through the night I would turn into just pure energy and move about like water rushing downhill, down streets, down stairs. Then I'd arrive somewhere and be me in a dream, then back to pure energy. It was a fantastic feeling and oddly (or not), it felt very deja vu. So familiar. I'd be concerned I am losing it, except the feeling of coursing around like that was so much fun, it must be a good thing.
Back to the here and now. There are a couple of links worth sharing. First, a video with a speech by Dr. Martin Luther King. What's so amazing is that his words are so true and to the point today, it's as if he was speaking to us Right Now. I'm inspired by his words and keeping it bookmarked to play again.
Second, a recent channelling from Kryon, The Akashic System. What he describes as the three part system - Gaia's Cave of Creation, the Crystal Grid surrounding the Earth, and our own DNA - rings of Truth. This speaks to my inner longing to reconnect to the memory I've known I hold within. The yearning I've spoke about before to regain access to all that I am. Do you feel this same yearning? Ha ha, what we long for is in every single cell of our bodies, so I'm just holding the steady intent to remember and reclaim what I already know.
A couple of weeks ago I had a reading from Angela Moore. It was a nice reading, very different from the way my friend, Julia Ringle (if anyone wants to contact Julia for a reading, email me), reads. The way Angela reads is very in the present and very practical, which is very helpful for this time of transition. Julia's readings are very comprehensive and speak to a person's soul purpose in this lifetime, our stellar connections, as well as things to look for in in the years ahead.
There was one thing Angela shared in my reading that relates to this issue of connecting to more of who I am. She said, "It's as if you've been operating thus far with the switch off, but just know that soon the switch will turn on." For me this confirms my sense that I have been living without my full connectedness, and also gives me comfort that in the near future, the switch will turn on, without effort on my part. How nice to know this is coming down the road. Instantly when she described this, I dropped the feeling that the lack of connection was because I wasn't doing something "right". (Shedding yet another version of the "You're not good enough" internal tape I was indoctrinated with as a child. Soon, soon I will have eliminated that monstrosity from my operating vocabulary. Yahooo!)
The other thing that happened for me when Angela said, "It's as if you've been operating thus far with the switch off, but just know that soon the switch will turn on." was that I completed the sentence without pause, "and then people will recognize who I am." It just spilled out of me. Well that ought to be interesting, being recognized. It's not been easy for us Angelic Humans living incognito all these years of this lifetime. There's light at the end of this long tunnel, soon we'll all be recognized for who we are. Recognized, valued, and appreciated! Hang in there, it won't be too much longer now.
My inner voice just started having a hissy fit. "Start Packing!!!!" Because, as for the upcoming tipping point, it's starting to look like dollar collapse is going to be a big part of it. I just sat with my pendulum asking about the timing of my move. It answered that I need to start my four day drive cross-country by November 3rd. That's the same date I've heard intuitively from the start. Arrive the evening of November 6th and unpack the truck the next day, which is a Sunday, but that's the least of my worries. I may not get to see my daughter again before I leave unless she takes a day off of work and drives up.
It's better to be prepared and have it turn out to be unnecessary, than to be unprepared and regret it. My two cents/sense, if you live in the US, have cash on hand. If the derivatives finally bring this house of cards down, they will close the banks to stop a run. This could mean that electronic payments, i.e. debit cards, won't work. Get in-house as much food as possible because the stores may not open either. When the banks crashed two years ago, my sense was they were in total failure. And I still think they were and that the mirage of stability has been kept together with chewing gum and sticky tape and backroom deals. The past two years were a gift to allow us to prepare more. I know I've let myself become lulled into complacency to greater or lesser extent, but that time is over. Well at least one switch just flipped! I'm going to start packing now. May I flow like pure energy.
In Oneness,
The other night I had a wild experience. I was a sleep, but this wasn't like a dream at all. All through the night I would turn into just pure energy and move about like water rushing downhill, down streets, down stairs. Then I'd arrive somewhere and be me in a dream, then back to pure energy. It was a fantastic feeling and oddly (or not), it felt very deja vu. So familiar. I'd be concerned I am losing it, except the feeling of coursing around like that was so much fun, it must be a good thing.
Back to the here and now. There are a couple of links worth sharing. First, a video with a speech by Dr. Martin Luther King. What's so amazing is that his words are so true and to the point today, it's as if he was speaking to us Right Now. I'm inspired by his words and keeping it bookmarked to play again.
Second, a recent channelling from Kryon, The Akashic System. What he describes as the three part system - Gaia's Cave of Creation, the Crystal Grid surrounding the Earth, and our own DNA - rings of Truth. This speaks to my inner longing to reconnect to the memory I've known I hold within. The yearning I've spoke about before to regain access to all that I am. Do you feel this same yearning? Ha ha, what we long for is in every single cell of our bodies, so I'm just holding the steady intent to remember and reclaim what I already know.
A couple of weeks ago I had a reading from Angela Moore. It was a nice reading, very different from the way my friend, Julia Ringle (if anyone wants to contact Julia for a reading, email me), reads. The way Angela reads is very in the present and very practical, which is very helpful for this time of transition. Julia's readings are very comprehensive and speak to a person's soul purpose in this lifetime, our stellar connections, as well as things to look for in in the years ahead.
There was one thing Angela shared in my reading that relates to this issue of connecting to more of who I am. She said, "It's as if you've been operating thus far with the switch off, but just know that soon the switch will turn on." For me this confirms my sense that I have been living without my full connectedness, and also gives me comfort that in the near future, the switch will turn on, without effort on my part. How nice to know this is coming down the road. Instantly when she described this, I dropped the feeling that the lack of connection was because I wasn't doing something "right". (Shedding yet another version of the "You're not good enough" internal tape I was indoctrinated with as a child. Soon, soon I will have eliminated that monstrosity from my operating vocabulary. Yahooo!)
The other thing that happened for me when Angela said, "It's as if you've been operating thus far with the switch off, but just know that soon the switch will turn on." was that I completed the sentence without pause, "and then people will recognize who I am." It just spilled out of me. Well that ought to be interesting, being recognized. It's not been easy for us Angelic Humans living incognito all these years of this lifetime. There's light at the end of this long tunnel, soon we'll all be recognized for who we are. Recognized, valued, and appreciated! Hang in there, it won't be too much longer now.
My inner voice just started having a hissy fit. "Start Packing!!!!" Because, as for the upcoming tipping point, it's starting to look like dollar collapse is going to be a big part of it. I just sat with my pendulum asking about the timing of my move. It answered that I need to start my four day drive cross-country by November 3rd. That's the same date I've heard intuitively from the start. Arrive the evening of November 6th and unpack the truck the next day, which is a Sunday, but that's the least of my worries. I may not get to see my daughter again before I leave unless she takes a day off of work and drives up.
It's better to be prepared and have it turn out to be unnecessary, than to be unprepared and regret it. My two cents/sense, if you live in the US, have cash on hand. If the derivatives finally bring this house of cards down, they will close the banks to stop a run. This could mean that electronic payments, i.e. debit cards, won't work. Get in-house as much food as possible because the stores may not open either. When the banks crashed two years ago, my sense was they were in total failure. And I still think they were and that the mirage of stability has been kept together with chewing gum and sticky tape and backroom deals. The past two years were a gift to allow us to prepare more. I know I've let myself become lulled into complacency to greater or lesser extent, but that time is over. Well at least one switch just flipped! I'm going to start packing now. May I flow like pure energy.
In Oneness,
Monday, October 25, 2010
Bunch of Links
Here's some interesting links that I promised to share....
Quantum Healing
Matrix Energetics Richard Bartlett's site comes off a bit too focused on selling his seminars, yet it's worth checking this out. I read his book, Matrix Energetics, which is very good, and my friend Julia is working through the CD/workbook course. My plan is to take the training later this winter.
Frank Kinslow has written a couple of books on Quantum Healing, he calls it Quantum Entrainment. I'm reading The Secret to Instant Healing now.
FireBurn Doctor is a group that will provide free distance healing for any type of burns. You just need to call within 30 minutes of when the burn occurred. Of course I discovered this group two days after I burnt my finger taking something out of the oven, but I'm ready to call the next time I burn myself. Keep their phone number in your cell phone. 1-818-332-6445
Spiritually Inclined
I love this video. It's a message that feels so good to finally hear: The Angelic Human Race
My friend, Angela Moore, a very gifted intuitive, talking about the process of manifesting: Don't try too Hard
A nice video of Patricia Cori speaking about Multi-Dimensional Reality. Patricia is so very good at putting the abstract into words.
Here's really nice overview of what to expect through the Ascension process done by James Gilliland. It's in two parts, here's part 2
Tom Kenyon and the Hathors invite everyone to join in a global meditation on Sunday, October 31st Opening the Halls of Amenti. There is a download MP3 with music for the meditation if you go to the Hathor's previous channeling, The Crystal Palace Within, it also contains the 15 minute guided meditation. Tom asks that if you want to listen to the music during the meditation, to please download it ahead of time and play it off your computer, rather than off his site, so his site doesn't crash.
Talking Animals This isn't quite as good as the clip that someone posted on facebook, but I loooove the bird at the beginning. Thank you BBC. Nighttime, DAYTIME!
Now back to bed time. This is a very nasty bug I picked up, I feel like crap.
Quantum Healing
Matrix Energetics Richard Bartlett's site comes off a bit too focused on selling his seminars, yet it's worth checking this out. I read his book, Matrix Energetics, which is very good, and my friend Julia is working through the CD/workbook course. My plan is to take the training later this winter.
Frank Kinslow has written a couple of books on Quantum Healing, he calls it Quantum Entrainment. I'm reading The Secret to Instant Healing now.
FireBurn Doctor is a group that will provide free distance healing for any type of burns. You just need to call within 30 minutes of when the burn occurred. Of course I discovered this group two days after I burnt my finger taking something out of the oven, but I'm ready to call the next time I burn myself. Keep their phone number in your cell phone. 1-818-332-6445
Spiritually Inclined
I love this video. It's a message that feels so good to finally hear: The Angelic Human Race
My friend, Angela Moore, a very gifted intuitive, talking about the process of manifesting: Don't try too Hard
A nice video of Patricia Cori speaking about Multi-Dimensional Reality. Patricia is so very good at putting the abstract into words.
Here's really nice overview of what to expect through the Ascension process done by James Gilliland. It's in two parts, here's part 2
Tom Kenyon and the Hathors invite everyone to join in a global meditation on Sunday, October 31st Opening the Halls of Amenti. There is a download MP3 with music for the meditation if you go to the Hathor's previous channeling, The Crystal Palace Within, it also contains the 15 minute guided meditation. Tom asks that if you want to listen to the music during the meditation, to please download it ahead of time and play it off your computer, rather than off his site, so his site doesn't crash.
Talking Animals This isn't quite as good as the clip that someone posted on facebook, but I loooove the bird at the beginning. Thank you BBC. Nighttime, DAYTIME!
Now back to bed time. This is a very nasty bug I picked up, I feel like crap.
Off Kilter Today
Today is my birthday. It's raining, which is a blessing as we've had so little for months. And which is not so good because I left my sunroof open last night. Just before I fell asleep last night I felt my throat go all scratchy with some bug moving down into my lungs. Feel very under the weather today so it will be a quiet birthday. Lentil soup from the freezer. Restless dogs who need a big game of retrieving the ball to work off their energy.
It's not surprising that I came down with something after such an intense week of travel, I didn't get all that much sleep. My meeting with the owner of the house for rent went well and we have a gentleman's agreement to be formalized this week. The trip home was very long with an extra delay leaving the airport gate in Minneapolis where I changed planes because Obama flew in on the campaign trail and we had to sit for an hour before taking off. My daughter and her finace met me at my house Saturday night when I arrived home and we spent a lovely day together yesterday celebrating my birthday.
I'd planned this morning to start really packing, but that's not going to happen given the way I feel. I've scrapped my agenda down to one item: a nap. We'll see, I started on MMS first thing this morning so perhaps by this afternoon I'll be feeling much better. Usually after three of four doses of MMS, my health starts to return. Magic stuff, MMS, I encourage everyone to investigate it. It's a whole different paradigm from traditional medicine, and even other alternative therapies, so you need to take a little time and learn about how to use it. But once you understand it, it's so easy. A good thing to have on hand given the uncertainties before us.
It will be very interesting to see how the timing of my move plays out. Generally I'm aiming to arrive at the new house by November 7th. But it's totally flexible. It in large part depends on when the guys I want to load the truck can do it, and I've not heard back from them yet. I'm just trusting that the universe will coordinate everything as to timing.
One very big issue for me is my daughter. It does not feel right for me to be moving to the opposite coast from her. I want her to come with me. And that will happen, sooner or later. After reading the latest Web Bot report and listening to the recent Lindsey Williams interview (It's in 6 parts, but the real info is contained in the first three parts), as well as watching what's happening in the world, we're likely to have some big shake up occurrences in about two weeks. Perhaps she'll end up coming with me after all. Our plan has been that she'd come here when things get rough. If my logistics get dragged out and I'm still here during the November 8 - 11 tipping point, it would not surprise me if she joined me here and we all moved together. I'm just going to take each step one at a time and trust everything will come together in the best way for me and for her.
Everything is in Divine Order. My body is fading now so I'm signing off and heading off towards my nap. Tomorrow is another day.
It's not surprising that I came down with something after such an intense week of travel, I didn't get all that much sleep. My meeting with the owner of the house for rent went well and we have a gentleman's agreement to be formalized this week. The trip home was very long with an extra delay leaving the airport gate in Minneapolis where I changed planes because Obama flew in on the campaign trail and we had to sit for an hour before taking off. My daughter and her finace met me at my house Saturday night when I arrived home and we spent a lovely day together yesterday celebrating my birthday.
I'd planned this morning to start really packing, but that's not going to happen given the way I feel. I've scrapped my agenda down to one item: a nap. We'll see, I started on MMS first thing this morning so perhaps by this afternoon I'll be feeling much better. Usually after three of four doses of MMS, my health starts to return. Magic stuff, MMS, I encourage everyone to investigate it. It's a whole different paradigm from traditional medicine, and even other alternative therapies, so you need to take a little time and learn about how to use it. But once you understand it, it's so easy. A good thing to have on hand given the uncertainties before us.
It will be very interesting to see how the timing of my move plays out. Generally I'm aiming to arrive at the new house by November 7th. But it's totally flexible. It in large part depends on when the guys I want to load the truck can do it, and I've not heard back from them yet. I'm just trusting that the universe will coordinate everything as to timing.
One very big issue for me is my daughter. It does not feel right for me to be moving to the opposite coast from her. I want her to come with me. And that will happen, sooner or later. After reading the latest Web Bot report and listening to the recent Lindsey Williams interview (It's in 6 parts, but the real info is contained in the first three parts), as well as watching what's happening in the world, we're likely to have some big shake up occurrences in about two weeks. Perhaps she'll end up coming with me after all. Our plan has been that she'd come here when things get rough. If my logistics get dragged out and I'm still here during the November 8 - 11 tipping point, it would not surprise me if she joined me here and we all moved together. I'm just going to take each step one at a time and trust everything will come together in the best way for me and for her.
Everything is in Divine Order. My body is fading now so I'm signing off and heading off towards my nap. Tomorrow is another day.
Friday, October 22, 2010
In the Midst of the Rising Energies, We Manifest Like Magic!
I'm kind of swimming this morning, feeling a bit ungrounded. Breath. It's a gift to us to be able to ground ourselves easily with a few slow, deep breathes. The energy is very strong and moving lickety-split.. I slept deeply last night, very deeply.
Yesterday was magical. I drove to the house and it's very nice, beautiful neighborhood that was built probably 30 years ago leaving the old, tall trees in place. The house is charming and looks well maintained. Not too big, not too small. I've spoken to the owner and gotten the details about floor plan, condition, and utilities. He seems to be very detail oriented and thorough, I'm betting he's an engineer. You know the type. I'm meeting with him around lunch time today to make the arrangements. What I'm seeing in my life, and in those of my close friends, is that we're manifesting what we need and want with such speed it's breathtaking and leaves you giggling at how easy it all is. WhoooHaw!!! (as my daughter says:)
I never looked at other houses yesterday, it felt unnecessary, and I finding I was right. Instead, I found the yarn store, a fabulous place with knitters, weavers, and spinners. The nicest people working there, a community waiting for me to join. Then in the historic district I found one of the best independent bookstores I've ever been to and wonderful locally owned shops full of the works of local artists. Two lovely women in the Humane Society gift shop offered to link me up with a good vet, groomer, and kennel for my dogs. Everyone I met was so warm, welcoming, and down to earth.
I've never felt so welcomed anywhere before. The magnitude of what this means touches my deepest core and gratitude wells up filling each cell of my physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies. We, the Lightworkers, are in for the treat of our lifetime to finally be welcomed and appreciated for who we are. I am humbled. And it's only just beginning, our time to shine forth.
I'm running now to my appointment then head down to the big city for my flight back first thing in the morning. This evening I'll post a bunch of links to some very cool things that have crossed my path recently that I've wanting to share.
Shine On!!!
Yesterday was magical. I drove to the house and it's very nice, beautiful neighborhood that was built probably 30 years ago leaving the old, tall trees in place. The house is charming and looks well maintained. Not too big, not too small. I've spoken to the owner and gotten the details about floor plan, condition, and utilities. He seems to be very detail oriented and thorough, I'm betting he's an engineer. You know the type. I'm meeting with him around lunch time today to make the arrangements. What I'm seeing in my life, and in those of my close friends, is that we're manifesting what we need and want with such speed it's breathtaking and leaves you giggling at how easy it all is. WhoooHaw!!! (as my daughter says:)
I never looked at other houses yesterday, it felt unnecessary, and I finding I was right. Instead, I found the yarn store, a fabulous place with knitters, weavers, and spinners. The nicest people working there, a community waiting for me to join. Then in the historic district I found one of the best independent bookstores I've ever been to and wonderful locally owned shops full of the works of local artists. Two lovely women in the Humane Society gift shop offered to link me up with a good vet, groomer, and kennel for my dogs. Everyone I met was so warm, welcoming, and down to earth.
I've never felt so welcomed anywhere before. The magnitude of what this means touches my deepest core and gratitude wells up filling each cell of my physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies. We, the Lightworkers, are in for the treat of our lifetime to finally be welcomed and appreciated for who we are. I am humbled. And it's only just beginning, our time to shine forth.
I'm running now to my appointment then head down to the big city for my flight back first thing in the morning. This evening I'll post a bunch of links to some very cool things that have crossed my path recently that I've wanting to share.
Shine On!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Frankly, It's a Hell of a Lot Easier Just Going With the Flow
Over the past couple of days I started a post about the timing of our awakening but didn't get time to write much. Now I'm not in the same place and it's hard to pick up the thread. So for what it's worth. Just trust that the timing for you is perfect. The process of awakening is actually very gradual but steady, at least that's been my experience. It's a continual progression of awakening and expanding of our understanding of the world around us, our internal paradigm shifts, the heightening of our sensitivities, and our growing awareness. That's the Cliff Notes version of what I was planning to say.
Today, and for the past two days, I've been on the west coast scouting out a new location. I'm very appreciative of my intuition because it's guided me to a very nice spot. Small city, natural beauty in abundance, and a hippy, artist, permaculture, local organic food minded culture. Yesterday I drove around in one direction and another getting a feel for the place. Walked around town and had a wonderful salad sitting in the sun at a sidewalk table. Feels like a good place for me!
I had a big laugh just before I headed out here. Initially, the urge to move arose out of a desire to avoid the unfolding crisis of the genocide/toxic poisoning from the Gulf oil spill and the dispersant spraying. (They are still in bad shape down around the Gulf. People are extremely ill and they are still spraying Corexit everywhere. Big changes in the gulf currents and the appearance of some nasty bacteria not killed by the chemicals. So it's not over, btw) Anyway, I suddenly understood that rather then fleeing a crisis, I was moving towards an impending crisis in order to be there to respond. My intuition was laughing our loud. I've no idea what crisis may be coming, but I'm sure I'll recognizing it when it happens, ten respond accordingly. It's what we all do.
Gotta say, it's a hell of a lot easier way to live following my heart and intuitive voice, than the old way of worrying about each and every detail and trying to force things to progress at the pace I "thought" was right. Is this the right place? Well if it feels good, then it is. Is this the right time to move? The logistics and timing - when the house I find is available, truck rental availability, movers scheduling..... - it will all work out such that I arrive at the perfect time. Delays will either present themselves such that the move is delayed. Or it will all fall together rapidly if that's in the highest good for me and everyone else. I'm finally understanding that I don't have to work anywhere near as hard as I used to. Gosh, maybe I finally understand "going with the flow" after all these years! Better late then never, as they say. It's a whole lot simpler and enjoyable to live day to day trusting that everything is working out perfectly, however it unfolds, then worrying and doubting each detail. So what if the people living in this old paradigm think I'm nuts, it's y life, not theirs. And besides, perhaps they'll clue in as they see that things are just working out well using this methodology of trusting intuition.
I had to go through the horrid body scanner at the airport. At 5:00 am too :( When I saw it looming ahead of me, I asked for higher protection. I didn't vaporize in the process. Then the next morning, this arrived in my email inbox: How to opt out of TSA's naked body scanners at the airport. How timely! Now I'm ready for my return flight :D I'm opting out and doing it publicly. Now way do am I going to a private room with some TSA minion. It's an opportunity to educate others about their rights. I'll let you know how it turn out.
My plan is to look at rental houses today. We'll see if i follow that plan. There's a house I found on Craig's list. Looks great from the photos. Available after November 15th. The owner just called me, very nice man. They're doing some work on it right now and it won't be ready to show until next week after I'm gone. He asked if I was willing to keep it as an option despite this, which I am. It's in a neighborhood I like, just on the edge of the downtown center and not far from a large, gorgeous lake. He gave me the address and so I could drive by, but asked me not to bother the contractors, which I'll of course honor. I've got a feeling I could convince him to show me the inside anyway. Somehow, even without having driven by yet, if feels like the right house. I'm not really feeling the need now to look at other houses, strange as this may seem. I'll head over for my drive by, then go from there. Starting to look like a very interesting day, to say the least!
The new Web Bot report came out last night. Funny, the last one I started, but never finished reading. However, I read this one through even though it kept me up very late, just about all night by east coast time. Not that it matters because my inner clock has been on haywire time lately anyway. The report pretty much confirms my sense about multiple economic/weather/earth change/false flag incidents cascading in short order. Clif High noted that it's hard to interpret the data with so much occurring almost simultaneously. I also see that out internal sensitivities have heightened to the point that we already feel what's coming and don't need someone else to give us detailed predictions. Way I figure, I've gotten this far in life, road the rough rapids, scaled mountains that appeared before me overnight, leaped across great chasms, and even got to lie on the beach a few times listening to the ocean waves crash and sea gulls sing. I'm still here doing just fine. Life has prepared me well to deal with what transpires and I'll be able to respond accordingly to whatever unfolds. In my reality, the greedy, corrupt, inhumans who like to think they control everything and everyone, are due their due. All the old crap has got to fall apart anyway before we can create systems that are good for everyone and for our beautiful Gaia, so bring the chaos on. I'm ready.
There's one timing issue for me in all this. I don't want to move across country without my daughter coming with me. It's not in her immediate plans, at least not at present. I'm just going to hold the intent that we'll be together when we need to be. Sounds like everything may be radically altered starting in about three weeks time.
Today, it's a beautiful day out. The deciduous trees are in fall colors, the evergreens are tall and radiant in the sunlight. I'm heading out for a day of adventures! I send love and Light to each of you reading these words. ♥♥♥
PS - I did take time to proof read this so sorry for any typos. I trust you'll get the gist.
Today, and for the past two days, I've been on the west coast scouting out a new location. I'm very appreciative of my intuition because it's guided me to a very nice spot. Small city, natural beauty in abundance, and a hippy, artist, permaculture, local organic food minded culture. Yesterday I drove around in one direction and another getting a feel for the place. Walked around town and had a wonderful salad sitting in the sun at a sidewalk table. Feels like a good place for me!
I had a big laugh just before I headed out here. Initially, the urge to move arose out of a desire to avoid the unfolding crisis of the genocide/toxic poisoning from the Gulf oil spill and the dispersant spraying. (They are still in bad shape down around the Gulf. People are extremely ill and they are still spraying Corexit everywhere. Big changes in the gulf currents and the appearance of some nasty bacteria not killed by the chemicals. So it's not over, btw) Anyway, I suddenly understood that rather then fleeing a crisis, I was moving towards an impending crisis in order to be there to respond. My intuition was laughing our loud. I've no idea what crisis may be coming, but I'm sure I'll recognizing it when it happens, ten respond accordingly. It's what we all do.
Gotta say, it's a hell of a lot easier way to live following my heart and intuitive voice, than the old way of worrying about each and every detail and trying to force things to progress at the pace I "thought" was right. Is this the right place? Well if it feels good, then it is. Is this the right time to move? The logistics and timing - when the house I find is available, truck rental availability, movers scheduling..... - it will all work out such that I arrive at the perfect time. Delays will either present themselves such that the move is delayed. Or it will all fall together rapidly if that's in the highest good for me and everyone else. I'm finally understanding that I don't have to work anywhere near as hard as I used to. Gosh, maybe I finally understand "going with the flow" after all these years! Better late then never, as they say. It's a whole lot simpler and enjoyable to live day to day trusting that everything is working out perfectly, however it unfolds, then worrying and doubting each detail. So what if the people living in this old paradigm think I'm nuts, it's y life, not theirs. And besides, perhaps they'll clue in as they see that things are just working out well using this methodology of trusting intuition.
I had to go through the horrid body scanner at the airport. At 5:00 am too :( When I saw it looming ahead of me, I asked for higher protection. I didn't vaporize in the process. Then the next morning, this arrived in my email inbox: How to opt out of TSA's naked body scanners at the airport. How timely! Now I'm ready for my return flight :D I'm opting out and doing it publicly. Now way do am I going to a private room with some TSA minion. It's an opportunity to educate others about their rights. I'll let you know how it turn out.
My plan is to look at rental houses today. We'll see if i follow that plan. There's a house I found on Craig's list. Looks great from the photos. Available after November 15th. The owner just called me, very nice man. They're doing some work on it right now and it won't be ready to show until next week after I'm gone. He asked if I was willing to keep it as an option despite this, which I am. It's in a neighborhood I like, just on the edge of the downtown center and not far from a large, gorgeous lake. He gave me the address and so I could drive by, but asked me not to bother the contractors, which I'll of course honor. I've got a feeling I could convince him to show me the inside anyway. Somehow, even without having driven by yet, if feels like the right house. I'm not really feeling the need now to look at other houses, strange as this may seem. I'll head over for my drive by, then go from there. Starting to look like a very interesting day, to say the least!
The new Web Bot report came out last night. Funny, the last one I started, but never finished reading. However, I read this one through even though it kept me up very late, just about all night by east coast time. Not that it matters because my inner clock has been on haywire time lately anyway. The report pretty much confirms my sense about multiple economic/weather/earth change/false flag incidents cascading in short order. Clif High noted that it's hard to interpret the data with so much occurring almost simultaneously. I also see that out internal sensitivities have heightened to the point that we already feel what's coming and don't need someone else to give us detailed predictions. Way I figure, I've gotten this far in life, road the rough rapids, scaled mountains that appeared before me overnight, leaped across great chasms, and even got to lie on the beach a few times listening to the ocean waves crash and sea gulls sing. I'm still here doing just fine. Life has prepared me well to deal with what transpires and I'll be able to respond accordingly to whatever unfolds. In my reality, the greedy, corrupt, inhumans who like to think they control everything and everyone, are due their due. All the old crap has got to fall apart anyway before we can create systems that are good for everyone and for our beautiful Gaia, so bring the chaos on. I'm ready.
There's one timing issue for me in all this. I don't want to move across country without my daughter coming with me. It's not in her immediate plans, at least not at present. I'm just going to hold the intent that we'll be together when we need to be. Sounds like everything may be radically altered starting in about three weeks time.
Today, it's a beautiful day out. The deciduous trees are in fall colors, the evergreens are tall and radiant in the sunlight. I'm heading out for a day of adventures! I send love and Light to each of you reading these words. ♥♥♥
PS - I did take time to proof read this so sorry for any typos. I trust you'll get the gist.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Trusting All Is In Perfect Order No Matter the Energy Around Us
The energy coming in has been intense and very erratic lately. I recall that No Eyes explained in Phoenix Rising, that the energy coming into the planet would double each year, starting in 1987 when the Ascension process began, and continuing each year for twenty-five years through 2012. Gives a good picture of what we're in now, and what we've adjusted to over the past twenty-three years.
This may sound familiar to you. Last week I found myself sleeping deeply for ten hours (?!!) on a number of nights. Then the past few days the energy went the other way. Awake all night till 5:3o am Monday. No nap and up till after midnight Tuesday, and still up for an hour with a cup of decaf tea at 3:33. Yesterday I woke up wide awake at 4:30 and dragged through the day exhausted, yet not able to even take a nap, and I love a good nap. I'm working to avoid desperation setting in as I look through sleep deprived eyes at the lengthy to do list I have before me for this move. I headed for bed early last night, asking for divine intervention, and thankfully, most thankfully slept through the night.
I received a strong message to write more about how we approach what might be coming in the near future. Do I know what's to transpire,? No. Some hunches that it might be multiple events in rapid succession. In truth, I don't think anyone has been privy to what will unfold, regardless of their intuitive sensitivities. That's the way it's meant to be. What is most important now is to let go of the need to know. We have all the resources we really need within us, huge resourcefulness, and we have our perfect Divine Spirits.
Earlier today I was thinking back on when I first started waking up and recognizing that we were nearing the most intense phase of this Great Shift. Though I tried not to let fear well up inside, I have to be honest and say that I had a lot of fear. What was going to happen? What could I do to prepare? What would I need to store and how much? ..... I did follow the guidance I received and stored a fair amount of food. I learned how to grow vegetables (I'm still learning this), bought garden tools, and stocked heirloom vegetable seeds. Gradually I built up a small shelf of resource books on living self-sustainably. Generally just doing my best to make myself as independent and sustainable as possible within my financial circumstance. Over time, I've come to trust that one way or another, my needs will be met, because they always are. even when I'm not sure where what I need is coming from, my needs are always met.
Yesterday I ran into a challenge that affects whether I have the resources to make this move to the northwest. At first it was a hard blow. In the past, I would have responded by dropping down into deep disappointment. But I didn't do that this time. Instead, I was able to quickly move to the space of accepting that Spirit knows the perfect timing for me to relocate. I trust that I will be placed where I'm needed, at the time my energy and presence is needed there. Boy, does it feel good to be able to respond in this way. Many years of internal work to shift out of the programing from childhood that governed how I responded. So worth all the introspection. We make everything so difficult when we battle the flow. It's so much easier to accept the flow and ride with it.
And then a few moments ago, things shifted and the obstacle was removed. How cool is that? Though I can offer no proof, I've a strong sense that by staying in the place of trust, rather than filling up with the emotions of disappointment and despair, I created the opening for the universe to support me. Either that or it's the erratic energy flowing around us.
It's gotten much colder here in the evenings and so I made lentil soup last night. Such a nice comfort on a chilly evening. Here's my recipe. Easy and quick from start to finish. Now I've got to get back to my moving to do list!
6 servings
2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
1 med. onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups lentils, uncooked
8 cups water or vegetable stock, plus 3 - 4 additional cups water
1 - 2 vegetable bouillon cube (if water is used instead of stock)
2 small carrots, thickly sliced
2-3 ribs celery, chopped
3 med. red skin potatoes, cut into large cubes
2 bay leaves
1 tsp. crushed coriander
1/2 – 1 tsp. cumin
freshly ground pepper, to taste
salt, to taste
2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
2-4 ounces fresh spinach (chopped if large leaves)
Pick over the lentils and rinse in a colander.
In a large soup pot, saute the chopped onion and garlic in the vegetable oil until soft and translucent. Add the lentils, 8 cups water or stock, celery, carrots, and potatoes. Bring to a simmer. Add the bay leaves, coriander, cumin, salt and fresh ground pepper. Simmer, stirring occasionally and adding additional water as necessary, until the lentils and potatoes are tender, about 15 to 20 minutes.
Check the seasonings, adding more cumin and coriander as needed. Stir in the vinegar. To serve, place a small handful of spinach leaves in each bowl before ladling in the hot soup. The heat from the soup will wilt the spinach leaves.
This may sound familiar to you. Last week I found myself sleeping deeply for ten hours (?!!) on a number of nights. Then the past few days the energy went the other way. Awake all night till 5:3o am Monday. No nap and up till after midnight Tuesday, and still up for an hour with a cup of decaf tea at 3:33. Yesterday I woke up wide awake at 4:30 and dragged through the day exhausted, yet not able to even take a nap, and I love a good nap. I'm working to avoid desperation setting in as I look through sleep deprived eyes at the lengthy to do list I have before me for this move. I headed for bed early last night, asking for divine intervention, and thankfully, most thankfully slept through the night.
I received a strong message to write more about how we approach what might be coming in the near future. Do I know what's to transpire,? No. Some hunches that it might be multiple events in rapid succession. In truth, I don't think anyone has been privy to what will unfold, regardless of their intuitive sensitivities. That's the way it's meant to be. What is most important now is to let go of the need to know. We have all the resources we really need within us, huge resourcefulness, and we have our perfect Divine Spirits.
Earlier today I was thinking back on when I first started waking up and recognizing that we were nearing the most intense phase of this Great Shift. Though I tried not to let fear well up inside, I have to be honest and say that I had a lot of fear. What was going to happen? What could I do to prepare? What would I need to store and how much? ..... I did follow the guidance I received and stored a fair amount of food. I learned how to grow vegetables (I'm still learning this), bought garden tools, and stocked heirloom vegetable seeds. Gradually I built up a small shelf of resource books on living self-sustainably. Generally just doing my best to make myself as independent and sustainable as possible within my financial circumstance. Over time, I've come to trust that one way or another, my needs will be met, because they always are. even when I'm not sure where what I need is coming from, my needs are always met.
Yesterday I ran into a challenge that affects whether I have the resources to make this move to the northwest. At first it was a hard blow. In the past, I would have responded by dropping down into deep disappointment. But I didn't do that this time. Instead, I was able to quickly move to the space of accepting that Spirit knows the perfect timing for me to relocate. I trust that I will be placed where I'm needed, at the time my energy and presence is needed there. Boy, does it feel good to be able to respond in this way. Many years of internal work to shift out of the programing from childhood that governed how I responded. So worth all the introspection. We make everything so difficult when we battle the flow. It's so much easier to accept the flow and ride with it.
And then a few moments ago, things shifted and the obstacle was removed. How cool is that? Though I can offer no proof, I've a strong sense that by staying in the place of trust, rather than filling up with the emotions of disappointment and despair, I created the opening for the universe to support me. Either that or it's the erratic energy flowing around us.
It's gotten much colder here in the evenings and so I made lentil soup last night. Such a nice comfort on a chilly evening. Here's my recipe. Easy and quick from start to finish. Now I've got to get back to my moving to do list!
Chilly Day Lentil Soup
6 servings
2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
1 med. onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups lentils, uncooked
8 cups water or vegetable stock, plus 3 - 4 additional cups water
1 - 2 vegetable bouillon cube (if water is used instead of stock)
2 small carrots, thickly sliced
2-3 ribs celery, chopped
3 med. red skin potatoes, cut into large cubes
2 bay leaves
1 tsp. crushed coriander
1/2 – 1 tsp. cumin
freshly ground pepper, to taste
salt, to taste
2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
2-4 ounces fresh spinach (chopped if large leaves)
Pick over the lentils and rinse in a colander.
In a large soup pot, saute the chopped onion and garlic in the vegetable oil until soft and translucent. Add the lentils, 8 cups water or stock, celery, carrots, and potatoes. Bring to a simmer. Add the bay leaves, coriander, cumin, salt and fresh ground pepper. Simmer, stirring occasionally and adding additional water as necessary, until the lentils and potatoes are tender, about 15 to 20 minutes.
Check the seasonings, adding more cumin and coriander as needed. Stir in the vinegar. To serve, place a small handful of spinach leaves in each bowl before ladling in the hot soup. The heat from the soup will wilt the spinach leaves.
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